Fourier Functions ================= Conventions ----------- In the following, and in the code, :math:`u` always refer to the axis before the (i)ft, while :math:`v` always refers to the axis after the (i)ft. Generally, in the code/functions here, `ft` is said to move data from `t` or `time` domain to `f` or `freq` domain (whether or not this corresponds to the units employed) -- and *vice versa* for `ift`. (Also note the lowercase `ift` and `ft`, with single `f`, which specifically refers to the routines in this library.) What's The Point? ----------------- The algorithms of use the numpy `fft` routines, but include extra decoration that allows the user to jump seamlessly between the frequency and time domain as many times as needed while keeping track of the axes, and also applying any linear (*i.e.* time- or frequency- dependent) phase shifts that are needed to reflect changes in the axes. Thus, for example, in magnetic resonance, you can apply a timing correction simply by correcting the time axis before the FT, rather than calculating and applying a frequency-dependent phase shift. Additionally, the routines (**1**) include some amount of control for aliasing, and allow (by using :func:`set_ft_prop ` to set ``'start_time'`` or ``'start_freq'``) (**2**) sinc interpolation onto a new axis (also see :func:`register_axis `), or (**3**) selection of the aliased image of the stationary signal at any time/frequency outside the range of the current axis. (i)ft Algorithm Outline ----------------------- #. Use the `FT` property to check that I'm not trying to ft frequency-domain data or to ift time domain data. To start with the data is marked as “neither” by having `FT` set to `None`, and the first operation marks it as time- or frequency-domain data by setting `FT` to `False` or `True`, respectively. #. Identify whether the :math:`u` or :math:`v` domain is the original “source” of the signal, and which is derived from the source. By default assume that the source is not aliased. In this way, I can automatically mark whether an axis is assumed to be “safe” (i.e. “not aliased”) or not. This is relevant when performing time- (frequency-)shifts that are not integral multiples of :math:`\Delta u` (:math:`\Delta v`). #. Get the previous :math:`u`-axis and change the units of the axis appropriately, *i.e.* s→(cyc/s), (cyc/s)→s. #. Determine the padded length of the new axis. If keyword argument `pad` is simply set to `True`, round up to the nearest power of 2, otherwise set it to `pad`. #. Use :math:`\Delta u` and the padded length to calculate (only) the initial :math:`v`-axis, which starts at 0. Then calculate: #. Any full-SW aliasing that’s needed to get the :math:`v`-axis that I want. #. The (sub-SW) post-transform-shift needed to get the :math:`v`-axis I want (based on `FT_start_v`). This is broken down into: #. An integral “post-transform-shift” that will be applied *after* the transform. #. A “post-transform-shift discrepancy” (between 0 and 1), which will be applied as a :math:`u`-dependent phase shift *before* the transform. - If I apply a traditional shift (*i.e.*, like `fftshift`), mark as `FT_[v]_not_aliased` (where *[v]* is time or frequency), *i.e.* “safe,” since the :math:`v`-domain is balanced about 0. - The code to run the traditional shift is copied from the numpy `fftshift` routine, so should function in the same way. #. If there is a post-transform-shift discrepancy, deal with it before I start to mess with the :math:`u`-axis: #. check that the :math:`u`-axis is “safe” #. apply the post-transform-shift discrepancy as a linear phase shift along :math:`u`. #. Zero-fill before any pre-transform-shifting, since zeros should be placed at large positive frequencies; :math:`u` needs to be re-calculated here based on original starting :math:`u` and :math:`\Delta u`. #. Since :math:`u` doesn't necessarily start at 0, calculate the pre-transform-shift that's needed to make it start at 0. Then, apply the integral part of the pre-transform-shift, and store the pre-transform-shift discrepancy, which will be applied as a phase shift along :math:`v`. - Note that the negative frequencies to the right of the largest positive frequencies. #. Perform the FFT and replace the axis with the initial :math:`v`. #. Apply the post-transform-shift: #. Apply the (previously stored) integral part of the post-transform-shift. #. Apply the (previously stored) full-SW aliasing. #. If the data has experienced a non-integral :math:`v`-shift (*i.e.* non-zero post-transform-shift discrepancy) using the linear phase shift along :math:`u` above, change the :math:`v`-axis to reflect this. #. Adjust the normalization of the data (this depends on whether we are doing `.ft()` or `.ift()`). - As of now, the ft\ :math:`\Rightarrow`\ ift is not invertible, because I have defined them as an integral over the exponential only; I might later consider dividing the ft by the record length (:math:`T`) to return the original units. #. If there was any pre-transform-shift discrepancy, apply it as a phase-shift along the :math:`v`-axis.