pyspecdata package



pyspecdata.axis_class module

class pyspecdata.axis_class.axis_collection(dimlabels)

Bases: object

A collection of axis objects.

Designed so that an instance of axis_collection is an attribute of nddata called axes, which behaves like a dictionary whose keys are the dimlabels of the nddata object, and whose values are axis objects.

Used to make sure that no axis names or aliases are duplicated.

You can add axes to the collection in any of the following ways, where example_nddata is an nddata instance. (Remember that all nddata instances have an attribute axes of type axis_collection).

building a new axis

example_nddata.axes[‘t2’] = ax_[0:1.2:100j] or example_nddata.axes[‘t2’] = ax_[0:1.2:0.01] (uses the same notation as numpy r_[…])

this takes the place of labels or setaxis in old versions of pyspecdata.

associating an existing axis

example_nddata.axes += existing_axis existing_axis must have a name or alias that matches one of example_nddata.dimlabels.


This is the same dimlabels attribute as the instance of the parent class.




Stores a list of all the names and aliases used by the axis objects that are contained in the collection, as well as the axes for any conjugate domains. since these need to be unique.

This is simply ChainMap(ax1.references,ax2.references,…,etc.)



rename(oldname, newname)

Rename an axis. If oldname is the preferred name of the axis, also go into dimlabels, and change the name (since dimlabels is the same list used by the nddata that contains the collection, it will update the dimlabel there as well)

class pyspecdata.axis_class.nddata_axis(*args)

Bases: object

The axis that gives the list of coordinates along a particular dimension.


There is no actual code here – this is a proposal for the new axis class

Internally uses the minimum number of variables to store information about the axis.

Also includes information about the chosen location (alias) in infinitely periodic domains. This is analogous to the concept of using fftshift in matlab or traditional numpy, but more general.

The nddata_axis has overloading routines to deal with the following operations like a standard numpy array (example_axis below is an instance of nddata_axis)

>>> retval = example_axis[1]

returns the second value along the axis

>>> retval = example_axis[0:20:5]

returns every fifth value from zero up to, but not including, 20

nddata-like slicing
>>> retval = example_axis[(0,5.5)]

returns everything where the values of the axis coordinates are between 0 and 5.5 (inclusive)

>>> retval = example_axis[(0,None)]

returns everything where the values of the axis coordinates are 0 (inclusive) or above

>>> retval = example_axis * b


>>> retval = b * example_axis
if b is a numpy array

will return another numpy array

if b is an nddata

will return another nddata – note that this replaces the previous use of fromaxis.

addition + subtraction + division

same rules as multiplication

argument of a function
>>> retval = exp(example_axis)

(or sin, cos, etc.) returns another axis object. Note that this just amounts to setting the transf_func attribute, below.

If self.multiplier is set to a complex number, specialized routines are always used (e.g. exp can be calculated more efficiently, etc.)

interpolation (@)
>>> retval = b @ example_axis

Here, b must be an nddata, and example_axis must have a name matching one of the dimension labels of b.

retval will consist of b interpolated onto the new axis.

Note that while @ is typically used for matrix multiplication, it is NOT here.


the length of the axis




Step size multiplying the base array. For a non-uniform array, if possible, divide by the smallest step size, then multiply by a number that will convert the resulting floats to integers.




determines the starting value of the axis: >>> self.start+self.dx*r_[0:self.size]




Names for this dimension that this axis is used to label, in order of preference. The first name is the “preferred” name, and all subsequent names are “aliases”. For example, you might want to have a nicely named \(B_0\) (stored as $B_0$ or a sympy variable) to describe your axis


list of strings or sympy variables


The keys correspond to a list of allowed transformations. Currently these are (future plans for (I)LT, (I)NUS, (I)Wavelet)

  • 'FT'

  • 'IFT'

These are the names of transformations that have previously been applied (or can be applied, though the list doesn’t need to be comprehensive in that case) to the nddata object that the nddata_axis is being used to label. I... must always stand for “inverse”; on application of a transformation, the new axis object that is generated must have a domains attribute with the opposite (I removed or added) transformation listed.

The values are axis objects that label the data in the conjugate domains (after the transformation has been applied).

For example, on application of the nddata nddata.ft() method, the data will be labeled with an axis that has a domains attribute with a key containing IFT. The value of that key will point to the axis object of the data before transformation, and will be used in the even of a call to nddata.ift().

This makes the get_ft_props and set_ft_props of older versions of nddata obsolete.




this is only used in the event that the axis is subjected to arithmetic involving a complex number it changes the way that the axis acts as an argument to various functions (especially exp)


complex, default None


this and following attributes pertain only to non-uniform (non-linear) axes a function that is applied to a uniformly spaced axis to achieve non-uniform spacing (for example, an axis with log10 spacing). If this is set, the axis is constructed as

>>> self.transf_func(self.start+self.dx*r_[0:self.size])

function or (default) None


if this attribute exists, it must be an array of length self.size and determines the axis values as follows: self.offset+self.dx*cumsum(self.uneven_steps)


int or float (default non-existent)


if self.uneven_steps exists, this stores the value of cumsum(self.uneven_steps)

property references

returns OrderedDict of all names and aliases such that keys all point to the current instance (self)

the idea is that this should be placed in a ChainMap object to be used by the axis_collection class that contains the axis.


returns the axis as a standard numpy array

pyspecdata.core module

Provides the core components of pyspecdata. Currently, this is a very large file that we will slowly break down into separate modules or packages.

The classes nddata, nddata_hdf, ndshape, the function plot(), and the class fitdata are the core components of the N-Dimensional processing routines. Start by familiarizing yourself with those.

The figlist is the base class for “Figure lists.” Figure lists allows you to organize plots and text and to refer to plots by name, rather than number. They are designed so that same code can be used seamlessly from within ipython, jupyter, a python script, or a python environment within latex (JMF can also distribute latex code for this – nice python based installer is planned). The user does not initialize the figlist class directly, but rather initializes figlist_var. At the end of this file, there is a snippet of code that sets figlist_var to choice that’s appropriate for the working environment (i.e., python, latex environment, *etc.)

There are many helper and utility functions that need to be sorted an documented by JMF, and can be ignored. These are somewhat wide-ranging in nature. For example, box_muller() is a helper function (based on numerical recipes) used by nddata.add_noise(), while h5 functions are helper functions for using pytables in a fashion that will hopefull be intuitive to those familiar with SQL, etc.

pyspecdata.core.apply_oom(average_oom, numbers, prev_label='')

scale numbers by the order of magnitude average_oom and change the name of the units by adding the appropriate SI prefix

  • average_oom (int or float) – the average order of magnitude to use

  • numbers (np.ndarray) – The numbers to be scaled by average_oom. The np.array is modified in-place.

  • prev_label (str) – a string representing the units


new_label – prev_label is prefixed by the appropriate SI prefix

Return type:


pyspecdata.core.concat(datalist, dimname, chop=False)

concatenate multiple datasets together along a new dimension.

  • datalist (list of nddata) – the data you want to concatenate – they must have the same ndshape!

  • dimname (str) – name of the new dimension


determine the average order of magnitude – for prefixing units


data_to_test (ndarray) – a numpy array (e.g. the result of a .getaxis( call


average_oom – the average order of magnitude, rounded to the nearest multiple of 3

Return type:


class pyspecdata.core.fitdata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nddata

Inherits from an nddata and enables curve fitting through use of a sympy expression.

The user creates a fitdata class object from an existing nddata class object, and on this fitdata object can define the functional_form() of the curve it would like to fit to the data of the original nddata. This functional form must be provided as a sympy expression, with one of its variables matching the name of the dimension that the user would like to fit to. The user provides fit coefficients using fit_coeff() and obtains output using fit() and eval().

If you haven’t done this before, create a jupyter notebook (not checked in, just for your own playing around) with: ` import sympy as s s.init_printing() ` you can then use s.symbols( to create symbols/variables that allow you to build the mathematical expression for your fitting function


Not up to date

bootstrap(points, swap_out=0.36787944117144233, minbounds={}, maxbounds={})

Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


give the covariance for the different symbols

eval(taxis, set_what=None, set_to=None)

calculate the fit function along the axis taxis.

  • taxis (ndarray, int) –

    if ndarray:

    the new axis coordinates along which we want to calculate the fit.

    if int:

    number of evenly spaced points along the t-axis along the fit

  • set_what ('str', optional) – forcibly sets a specific symbol

  • set_to (double, optional) – the specific value (int) you are assigning the symbol you included


self – the fit function evaluated along the axis coordinates that were passed

Return type:


fit(set_what=None, set_to=None, force_analytical=False)

actually run the fit

fitfunc(p, x)

This is the function that does the actual fitting, and takes a properly ordered list of parameters as well as an np.ndarray for the x axis.

property function_string

A property of the fitdata class which stores a string output of the functional form of the desired fit expression provided in func:functional_form in LaTeX format

property functional_form

A property of the fitdata class which is set by the user, takes as input a sympy expression of the desired fit expression

gen_indices(this_set, set_to)

pass this this_set and this_set_to parameters, and it will return: indices,values,mask indices –> gives the indices that are forced values –> the values they are forced to mask –> p[mask] are actually active in the fit


old code that I am preserving here – provide the guess for our parameters; by default, based on pseudoinverse


show the latex string for the function, with all the symbols substituted by their values

linear(*args, **kwargs)

return the linear-form function, either smoothly along the fit function, or on the raw data, depending on whether or not the taxis argument is given can take optional arguments and pass them on to eval


give the fit value of a particular symbol, or a dictionary of all values.


name (str (optional)) – name of the symbol. If no name is passed, then output returns a dictionary of the resulting values.


retval – Either a dictionary of all the values, or the value itself.

Return type:

dict or float

parameter_derivatives(xvals, set=None, set_to=None)

return a matrix containing derivatives of the parameters, can set dict set, or keys set, vals set_to

pinv(*args, **kwargs)
rename(previous, new)
residual(p, x, y, sigma)

just the residual (error) function


sets parameters to guess/estimated value to compare fit.


dict_of_values (dict) – dictionary of values set to parameters in fit equation. Allows for the setting of multiple variables depending on what’s defined in this dictionary. The keys of the dictionary must be sympy symbols


self – The modified nddata

Return type:



a debugging function, to easily plot the initial guess


tests if something is sympy (based on the module name)

pyspecdata.core.lrecordarray(*x, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.core.lsafe(*string, **kwargs)

replacement for normal lsafe – no escaping

pyspecdata.core.make_bar_graph_indices(mystructarray, list_of_text_fields, recursion_depth=0, spacing=0.1)

This is a recursive function that is used as part of textlabel_bargraph; it does NOT work without the sorting given at the beginning of that function

pyspecdata.core.mydiff(data, axis=-1)

this will replace np.diff with a version that has the same number of indices, with the last being the copy of the first

class pyspecdata.core.nddata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This is the detailed API reference. For an introduction on how to use ND-Data, see the Main ND-Data Documentation.

property C

shortcut for copy

btw, what we are doing is analogous to a ruby function with functioname!() modify result, and we can use the “out” keyword in numpy.


(new idea) This should just set a flag that says “Do not allow this data to be substituted in place,” so that if something goes to edit the data in place, it instead first makes a copy.

also here, see Definition of shallow and deep copy

(older idea) We should offer “N”, which generates something like a copy, but which is sets the equivalent of “nopop”. For example, currently, you need to do something like d.C.argmax('t2'), which is very inefficient, since it copies the whole np.array. So, instead, we should do d.N.argmax('t2'), which tells argmax and all other functions not to overwrite “self” but to return a new object. This would cause things like “run_nopop” to become obsolete.


Add Gaussian (box-muller) noise to the data.


intensity (double OR function) – If a double, gives the standard deviation of the noise. If a function, used to calculate the standard deviation of the noise from the data: e.g. lambda x: max(abs(x))/10.


This is a fundamental method used by all of the arithmetic operations. It uses the dimension labels of self (the current instance) and arg (an nddata passed to this method) to generate two corresponding output nddatas that I refer to here, respectively, as A and B. A and B have dimensions that are “aligned” – that is, they are identical except for singleton dimensions (note that numpy automatically tiles singleton dimensions). Regardless of how the dimensions of and (the underlying numpy data) were ordered, and are now ordered identically, where dimensions with the same label (.dimlabel) correspond to the same numpy index. This allows you do do math.

Note that, currently, both A and B are given a full set of axis labels, even for singleton dimensions. This is because we’re assuming you’re going to do math with them, and that the singleton dimensions will be expanded.


arg (nddata or np.ndarray) – The nddata that you want to align to self. If arg is an np.ndarray, it will try to match dimensions to self based on the length of the dimension. Note: currently there is an issue where this will only really work for 1D data, since it first makes an nddata instance based on arg, which apparently collapses multi-D data to 1D data.


  • A (nddata) – realigned version of self

  • B (nddata) – realigned version of arg (the argument)

along(dimname, rename_redundant=None)

Specifies the dimension for the next matrix multiplication (represents the rows/columns).

  • dimname (str) –

    The next time matrix multiplication is called, ‘dimname’ will be summed over. That is, dimname will become the columns position if this is the first matrix.

    If along is not called for the second matrix, dimname will also take the position of rows for that matrix!

  • rename_redundant (tuple of str or (default) None) –

    If you are multiplying two different matrices, then it is only sensible that before the multiplication, you should identify the dimension representing the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left matrix with different names.

    However sometimes (e.g. constructing projection matrices) you may want to start with two matrices where both the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left have the same name. If so, you will want to rename the column space of the resulting matrix – then you pass rename_redundant=('orig name','new name')

property angle

Return the angle component of the data.

This has error, which is calculated even if there is no error in the original data – in the latter case, a uniform error of 1 is assumed. (This is desirable since phase is a tricky beast!)

argmax(*args, **kwargs)

find the max along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value


raw_index (bool) – return the raw (np.ndarray) numerical index, rather than the corresponding axis value Note that the result returned is still, however, an nddata (rather than numpy np.ndarray) object.

argmin(*axes, **kwargs)

If .argmin(‘axisname’) find the min along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value. If .argmin(): return a dictionary giving the coordinates of the overall minimum point.


raw_index (bool) – Return the raw (np.ndarray) numerical index, rather than the corresponding axis value. Note that the result returned is still, however, an nddata (rather than numpy np.ndarray) object.


returns a 1-D axis for further manipulation


return the size (length) of an axis, by name


axis (str) – name of the axis whos length you are interested in


Return the index number for the axis with the name “axis”

This is used by many other methods. As a simple example, self.:func:axlen`(axis) (the axis length) returns ``np.shape([self.axn(axis)]`


axis (str) – name of the axis

cdf(normalized=True, max_bins=500)

calculate the Cumulative Distribution Function for the data along axis_name

only for 1D data right now


  • A new nddata object with an axis labeled values, and data

  • corresponding to the CDF.

chunk(axisin, *otherargs)

“Chunking” is defined here to be the opposite of taking a direct product, increasing the number of dimensions by the inverse of the process by which taking a direct product decreases the number of dimensions. This function chunks axisin into multiple new axes arguments.:

axesout – gives the names of the output axes shapesout – optional – if not given, it assumes equal length – if given, one of the values can be -1, which is assumed length

When there are axes, it assumes that the axes of the new dimensions are nested – e.g., it will chunk a dimension with axis: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] into dimensions with axes: [0,1,2,3,4], [1,6]


Deal with this efficiently when we move to new-style axes

chunk_auto(axis_name, which_field=None, dimname=None)

assuming that axis “axis_name” is currently labeled with a structured np.array, choose one field (“which_field”) of that structured np.array to generate a new dimension Note that for now, by definition, no error is allowed on the axes. However, once I upgrade to using structured arrays to handle axis and data errors, I will want to deal with that appropriately here.

circshift(axis, amount)
contiguous(lambdafunc, axis=None, return_idx=False)

Return contiguous blocks that satisfy the condition given by lambdafunc

this function returns the start and stop positions along the axis for the contiguous blocks for which lambdafunc returns true Currently only supported for 1D data


adapted from

stackexchange post

  • lambdafunc (types.FunctionType) – If only one argument (lambdafunc) is given, then lambdafunc is a function that accepts a copy of the current nddata object (self) as the argument. If two arguments are given, the second is axis, and lambdafunc has two arguments, self and the value of axis.

  • axis ({None,str}) – the name of the axis along which you want to find contiguous blocks


retval – An \(N\times 2\) matrix, where the \(N\) rows correspond to pairs of axis label that give ranges over which lambdafunc evaluates to True. These are ordered according to descending range width.

Return type:



sum_for_contiguous = abs(forplot).mean('t1')"test contiguous")
forplot = sum_for_contiguous.copy().set_error(None)
fl.plot(forplot,alpha = 0.25,linewidth = 3)
print("this is what the max looks like",0.5*sum_for_contiguous.\
print(sum_for_contiguous > 0.5*sum_for_contiguous.\
retval = sum_for_contiguous.contiguous(quarter_of_max,'t2')
print("contiguous range / 1e6:",retval/1e6)
for j in range(retval.shape[0]):
    a,b = retval[j,:]
contour(labels=True, **kwargs)

Contour plot – kwargs are passed to the matplotlib contour function.

See docstring of figlist_var.image() for an example


Whether or not the levels should be labeled. Defaults to True



convolve(axisname, filterwidth, convfunc='gaussian', enforce_causality=True)

Perform a convolution.

  • axisname (str) – apply the convolution along axisname

  • filterwidth (double) – width of the convolution function (the units of this value are specified in the same domain as that in which the data exists when you call this function on said data)

  • convfunc (function) – A function that takes two arguments – the first are the axis coordinates and the second is filterwidth (see filterwidth). Default is a normalized Gaussian of FWHM (\(\lambda\)) filterwidth For example if you want a complex Lorentzian with filterwidth controlled by the rate \(R\), i.e. \(\frac{-1}{-i 2 \pi f - R}\) then convfunc = lambda f,R: -1./(-1j*2*pi*f-R)

  • enforce_causality (boolean (default true)) –

    make sure that the ift of the filter doesn’t get aliased to high time values.

    ”Causal” data here means data derived as the FT of time-domain data that starts at time zero – like an FID – for which real and abs parts are Hermite transform pairs.

    enforce_causality should be True for frequency-domain data whose corresponding time-domain data has a startpoint at or near zero, with no negative time values – like data derived from the FT of an IFT. In contrast, for example, if you have frequency-domain data that is entirely real (like a power spectral density) then you want to set enforce_causality to False.

    It is ignored if you call a convolution on time-domain data.


Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


Copy all properties (see get_prop()) from another nddata object – note that these include properties pertaining the the FT status of various dimensions.


calculate covariance matrix for a 2D experiment


along_dim (str) – the “observations” dimension of the data set (as opposed to the variable)

cropped_log(subplot_axes=None, magnitude=4)

For the purposes of plotting, this generates a copy where I take the log, spanning “magnitude” orders of magnitude. This is designed to be called as abs(instance).cropped_log(), so it doesn’t make a copy

diff(thisaxis, backwards=False)
div_units(arg1, arg2=None)

divide units of the data (or axis) by the units that are given, and return the multiplier as a number.

If the result is not dimensionless, an error will be generated.

e.g. call as d.div_units(“axisname”,”s”) to divide the axis units by seconds

or d.div_units(“s”) to divide the data units by seconds.

In other words, if you pass “a” and the units of your data are in “b”, then this returns x, such that (x a)/(b) = 1.

e.g. to convert a variable from seconds to the units of axisname, do var_s/d.div_units(“axisname”,”s”)


This will perform a dot product or a matrix multiplication. If one dimension in arg matches that in self, it will dot along that dimension (take a matrix multiplication where that dimension represents the columns of self and the rows of arg)

Note that if you have your dimensions named “rows” and “columns”, this will be very confusing, but if you have your dimensions named in terms of the vector basis they are defined/live in, this makes sense.

If there are zero or no matching dimensions, then use along() to specify the dimensions for matrix multiplication / dot product.

eval_poly(c, axis, inplace=False, npts=None)

Take c output (array of polynomial coefficents in ascending order) from polyfit(), and apply it along axis axis


c (ndarray) – polynomial coefficients in ascending polynomial order

extend(axis, extent, fill_with=0, tolerance=1e-05)

Extend the (domain of the) dataset and fill with a pre-set value.

The coordinates associated with axis must be uniformly ascending with spacing \(dx\). The function will extend self by adding a point every \(dx\) until the axis includes the point extent. Fill the newly created datapoints with fill_with.

  • axis (str) – name of the axis to extend

  • extent (double) –

    Extend the axis coordinates of axis out to this value.

    The value of extent must be less the smallest (most negative) axis coordinate or greater than the largest (most positive) axis coordinate.

  • fill_with (double) – fill the new data points with this value (defaults to 0)

  • tolerance (double) – when checking for ascending axis labels, etc., values/differences must match to within tolerance (assumed to represent the actual precision, given various errors, etc.)

extend_for_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, skew_amount, verbose=False)

this is propto_axis helper function for .fourier.shear

fld(dict_in, noscalar=False)

flatten dictionary – return list

fourier_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, by_amount, zero_fill=False, start_in_conj=False)

the fourier shear method – see .shear() documentation

fromaxis(*args, **kwargs)

Generate an nddata object from one of the axis labels.

Can be used in one of several ways:

  • self.fromaxis('axisname'): Returns an nddata where consists of the given axis values.

  • self.fromaxis('axisname',inputfunc): use axisname as the input for inputfunc, and load the result into

  • self.fromaxis(inputsymbolic): Evaluate inputsymbolic and load the result into

  • axisname (str | list) – The axis (or list of axes) to that is used as the argument of inputfunc or the function represented by inputsymbolic. If this is the only argument, it cannot be a list.

  • inputsymbolic (sympy.Expr) – A sympy expression whose only symbols are the names of axes. It is preferred, though not required, that this is passed without an axisname argument – the axis names are then inferred from the symbolic expression.

  • inputfunc (function) – A function (typically a lambda function) that taxes the values of the axis given by axisname as input.

  • overwrite (bool) – Defaults to False. If set to True, it overwrites self with retval.

  • as_array (bool) – Defaults to False. If set to True, retval is a properly dimensioned numpy ndarray rather than an nddata.


retval – An expression calculated from the axis(es) given by axisname or inferred from inputsymbolic.

Return type:

nddata | ndarray

ft(axes, tolerance=1e-05, cosine=False, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs a Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(\tilde{s}(f)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} s(t) e^{-i 2 \pi f t} dt\)

pre-FT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(t=0\) to the first index

post-FT, we assume that the data has previously been IFT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard fftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) – pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2.

  • automix (double) – automix can be set to the approximate frequency value. This is useful for the specific case where the data has been captured on a sampling scope, and it’s severely aliased over.

  • cosine (boolean) – yields a sum of the fft and ifft, for a cosine transform

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

ft_clear_startpoints(axis, t=None, f=None, nearest=None)

Clears memory of where the origins in the time and frequency domain are. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • t (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – keyword arguments t and f can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) using the string ‘current’ to leave the current setting alone (3) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint and (4) None, which will be changed to ‘current’ when the other is set to a number or ‘reset’ if both are set to None.

  • t – see t

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

ft_new_startpoint(axis, which_domain, value=None, nearest=False)

Clears (or resets) memory of where the origins of the domain is. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • which_domain ("t" or "f") – time-like or frequency-like domain (can be either t,ν, or cm,cm⁻¹ or u,B₀, etc.)

  • value (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint, allowing the (I)FT to decide from scratch

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.


Return a string that lists the FT domain for the given axes.

\(u\) refers to the original domain (typically time) and \(v\) refers to the FT’d domain (typically frequency) If no axes are passed as arguments, it does this for all axes.

ftshift(axis, value)

FT-based shift. Currently only works in time domain.

This was previously made obsolete, but is now a demo of how to use the ft properties. It is not the most efficient way to do this.


this returns the covariance matrix of the data


get a copy of the errors either

set_error(‘axisname’,error_for_axis) or set_error(error_for_data)

get_ft_prop(axis, propname=None)

Gets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if no propname is given, this just sets the FT property, which tells if a dimension is frequency or time domain


return arbitrary ND-data properties (typically acquisition parameters etc.) by name (propname)

In order to allow ND-data to store acquisition parameters and other info that accompanies the data, but might not be structured in a gridded format, nddata instances always have a other_info dictionary attribute, which stores these properties by name.

If the property doesn’t exist, this returns None.


propname (str) –

Name of the property that you’re want returned. If this is left out or set to “None” (not given), the names of the available properties are returned. If no exact match is found, and propname contains a . or * or [, it’s assumed to be a regular expression. If several such matches are found, the error message is informative.


have it recursively search dictionaries (e.g. bruker acq)


  • The value of the property (can by any type) or None if the property

  • doesn’t exist.

get_range(dimname, start, stop)

get raw indices that can be used to generate a slice for the start and (non-inclusive) stop

Uses the same code as the standard slicing format (the ‘range’ option of parseslices)

  • dimname (str) – name of the dimension

  • start (float) – the coordinate for the start of the range

  • stop (float) – the coordinate for the stop of the range


  • start (int) – the index corresponding to the start of the range

  • stop (int) – the index corresponding to the stop of the range

hdf5_write(h5path, directory='.')

Write the nddata to an HDF5 file.

h5path is the name of the file followed by the node path where you want to put it – it does not include the directory where the file lives. The directory can be passed to the directory argument.

You can use either find_file() or nddata_hdf5() to read the data, as shown below. When reading this, please note that HDF5 files store multiple datasets, and each is named (here, the name is test_data).

from pyspecdata import *
a = nddata(r_[0:5:10j], 'x')'test_data')
except Exception:
    print("file already exists, not creating again -- delete the
    file or node if wanted")
# read the file by the "raw method"
b = nddata_hdf5('example.h5/test_data',
print("found data:",b)
# or use the find file method
c = find_file('example.h5', exp_type='Sam',
print("found data:",c)
  • h5path (str) – The name of the file followed by the node path where you want to put it – it does not include the directory where the file lives. (Because HDF5 files contain an internal directory-like group structure.)

  • directory (str) – the directory where the HDF5 file lives.


This function attempts to choose “human-readable” units for axes or y-values of the data. (Terminology stolen from “human readable” file sizes when running shell commands.) This means that it looks at the axis or at the y-values and converts e.g. seconds to milliseconds where appropriate, also multiplying or dividing the data in an appropriate way.

ift(axes, n=False, tolerance=1e-05, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs an inverse Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(s(t)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} \tilde{s}(f) e^{i 2 \pi f t} df\)

pre-IFT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(f=0\) to the first index

post-IFT, we assume that the data has previously been FT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard ifftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) –

    pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2. It uses the start_time ft property to determine the start of the axis. To do this, it assumes that it is a stationary signal (convolved with infinite comb function). The value of start_time can differ from by a non-integral multiple of \(\Delta t\), though the routine will check whether or not it is safe to do this.

    ..note ::

    In the code, this is controlled by p2_post (the integral \(\Delta t\) and p2_post_discrepancy – the non-integral.

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

property imag

Return the imag component of the data

indices(axis_name, values)

Return a string of indeces that most closely match the axis labels corresponding to values. Filter them to make sure they are unique.

inhomog_coords(direct_dim, indirect_dim, tolerance=1e-05, method='linear', plot_name=None, fl=None, debug_kwargs={})

Apply the “inhomogeneity transform,” which rotates the data by \(45^{\circ}\), and then mirrors the portion with \(t_2<0\) in order to transform from a \((t_1,t_2)\) coordinate system to a \((t_{inh},t_{homog})\) coordinate system.

  • direct_dim (str) – Label of the direct dimension (typically \(t_2\))

  • indirect_dim (str) – Label of the indirect dimension (typically \(t_1\))

  • method ('linear', 'fourier') – The interpolation method used to rotate the data and to mirror the data. Note currently, both use a fourier-based mirroring method.

  • plot_name (str) – the base name for the plots that are generated

  • fl (figlist_var) –

  • debug_kwargs (dict) –

    with keys:


    if False, doesn’t correct for the overlap error that occurs during mirroring

integrate(thisaxis, backwards=False, cumulative=False)

Performs an integration – which is similar to a sum, except that it takes the axis into account, i.e., it performs: \(\int f(x) dx\) rather than \(\sum_i f(x_i)\)

Gaussian quadrature, etc, is planned for a future version.

  • thisaxis – The dimension that you want to integrate along

  • cumulative (boolean (default False)) – Perform a cumulative integral (analogous to a cumulative sum) – e.g. for ESR.

  • backwards (boolean (default False)) – for cumulative integration – perform the integration backwards

interp(axis, axisvalues, past_bounds=None, return_func=False, **kwargs)

interpolate data values given axis values


return_func (boolean) – defaults to False. If True, it returns a function that accepts axis values and returns a data value.

invinterp(axis, values, **kwargs)

interpolate axis values given data values


like numpy item – returns a number when zero-dimensional


label the dimensions, given in listofstrings with the axis labels given in listofaxes – listofaxes must be a numpy np.array; you can pass either a dictionary or a axis name (string)/axis label (numpy np.array) pair


provide “zeros_like” and “ones_like” functionality


value (float) – 1 is “ones_like” 0 is “zeros_like”, etc.

linear_shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt, zero_fill=True)

the linear shear – see self.shear for documentation


add any dimensions to self that are not present in other

matrices_3d(also1d=False, invert=False, max_dimsize=1024, downsample_self=False)

returns X,Y,Z,x_axis,y_axis matrices X,Y,Z, are suitable for a variety of mesh plotting, etc, routines x_axis and y_axis are the x and y axes


use the mayavi surf function, assuming that we’ve already loaded mlab during initialization

mean(*args, **kwargs)

Take the mean and (optionally) set the error to the standard deviation

  • std (bool) – whether or not to return the standard deviation as an error

  • stderr (bool) – whether or not to return the standard error as an error


take the mean over all dimensions not in the list


perform the weighted mean along axisname (use \(\sigma\) from \(\sigma = `self.get_error() do generate :math:`1/\sigma\) weights) for now, it clears the error of self, though it would be easy to calculate the new error, since everything is linear

unlike other functions, this creates working objects that are themselves nddata objects this strategy is easier than coding out the raw numpy math, but probably less efficient

meshplot(stride=None, alpha=1.0, onlycolor=False, light=None, rotation=None, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, ax=None, invert=False, **kwargs)

takes both rotation and light as elevation, azimuth only use the light kwarg to generate a black and white shading display

mkd(*arg, **kwargs)

make dictionary format


args: .name(newname) –> Name the object (for storage, etc) .name() –> Return the name

nnls(dimname_list, newaxis_dict, kernel_func, l=0, default_cut=0.001, store_uncompressed_kernel=False)

Perform regularized non-negative least-squares “fit” on self.

Capable of solving for solution in 1 or 2 dimensions.

We seek to minimize \(Q = \| Ax - b \|_2 + \|\lambda x\|_2\) in order to obtain solution vector \(x\) subject to non-negativity constraint given input matrix \(A\), the kernel, and input vector \(b\), the data.

The first term assesses agreement between the fit \(Ax\) and the data \(b\), and the second term accounts for noise with the regularization parameter \(\lambda\) according to Tikhonov regularization.

To perform regularized minimization in 1 dimension, provide :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, :function:`kernel_func`, and regularization parameter l. One may set l to a :double: of the regularization parameter of choice (found, for instance, through L-curve analysis) or set l to :str:`BRD` to enable automatic selection of a regularization parameter via the BRD algorithm - namely that described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 but adapted for 1D case (DOI:10.1109/78.995059).

To perform regularized minimization in 2 dimensions, set l to :str:`BRD` and provide a tuple of parameters :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, and :function:`kernel_func`. Algorithm described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 is performed which determines optimal \(\lambda\) for the data (DOI:10.1109/78.995059). Note that setting l to a :double: for a regularization parameter is supported in this 2 dimensional should an appropriate parameter be known.

See: Wikipedia page on NNLS, Wikipedia page on Tikhonov regularization

  • dimname_list (str or tuple) –

    Name of the “data” dimension that is to be replaced by a distribution (the “fit” dimension); e.g. if you are regularizing a set of functions \(\exp(-\tau*R_1)\), then this is \(\tau\)

    If you are performing 2D regularization, then this is a tuple (pair) of 2 names

  • newaxis_dict (dict or (tuple of) nddata) –

    a dictionary whose key is the name of the “fit” dimension (\(R_1\) in the example above) and whose value is an np.array with the new axis labels.


    this can be a 1D nddata – if it has an axis, the axis will be used to create the fit axis; if it has no axis, the data will be used


    if dimname_list is a tuple of 2 dimensions indicating a 2D ILT, this should also be a tuple of 2 nddata, representing the two axes

  • kernel_func (function or tuple of functions) –

    a function giving the kernel for the regularization. The first argument is the “data” variable and the second argument is the “fit” variable (in the example above, this would be something like lambda x,y: exp(-x*y))

    For 2D, this must be a tuple or dictionary of functions – the kernel is the product of the two.

  • l (double (default 0) or str) – the regularization parameter \(lambda\) – if this is set to 0, the algorithm reverts to standard nnls. If this is set to :str:`BRD`, then automatic parameter selection is executed according to the BRD algorithm, either in 1-dimension or 2-dimensions depending on presence of tuple synax (i.e., specifying more than 1 dimension).


The regularized result. For future use, both the kernel (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_kernel”) and the residual (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_residual”) are stored as properties of the nddata. The regularized dimension is always last (innermost).

If the tuple syntax is used to input 2 dimensions and :str:`BRD` is specified, then the individual, uncompressed kernels \(K_{1}\) and \(K_{2}\) are returned as properties of the nddata “K1” and “K2” respectively. The number of singular values used to compressed each kernel is returned in properties of the nddata called, respectively, “s1” and “s2”.

Return type:


normalize(axis, first_figure=None)
oldtimey(alpha=0.5, ax=None, linewidth=None, sclinewidth=20.0, light=True, rotation=None, invert=False, **kwargs)
pcolor(fig=None, cmap='viridis', shading='nearest', ax1=None, ax2=None, ax=None, scale_independently=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, human_units=True, force_balanced_cmap=False, handle_axis_sharing=True, mappable_list=None)

generate a pcolormesh and label it with the axis coordinate available from the nddata

  • fig (matplotlib figure object) –

  • cmap (str (default 'viridis')) – cmap to pass to matplotlib pcolormesh

  • shading (str (default 'nearest')) – the type of shading to pass to matplotlib pcolormesh

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – where do you want the left plot to go?

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – where do you want the right plot to go?

  • ax (matplotlib axes object) – if passed, this is just used for ax1

  • scale_independently (boolean (default False)) – Do you want each plot to be scaled independently? (If false, the colorbar will have the same limits for all plots)

  • handle_axis_sharing (boolean (default True)) – Typically, you want the axes to scale together when you zoom – e.g. especially when you are plotting a real and imaginary together. So, this defaults to true to do that. But sometimes, you want to get fancy and, e.g. bind the sharing of many plots together because matplotlib doesn’t let you call sharex/sharey more than once, you need then to tell it not to handle the axis sharing, and to it yourself outside this routine.

  • mappable_list (list, default []) –

    used to scale multiple plots along the same color axis. Used to make all 3x2 plots under a uniform color scale.

    List of QuadMesh objects returned by this function.


mappable_list – list of field values for scaling color axis, used to make all 3x2 plots under a uniform color scale

Return type:


phdiff(axis, return_error=True)

calculate the phase gradient (units: cyc/Δx) along axis, setting the error appropriately

For example, if axis corresponds to a time axis, the result will have units of frequency (cyc/s=Hz).

plot_labels(labels, fmt=None, **kwargs_passed)

this only works for one axis now

polyfit(axis, order=1, force_y_intercept=None)

polynomial fitting routine – return the coefficients and the fit .. note:

previously, this returned the fit data as a second argument called formult– you very infrequently want it to be in the same size as the data, though; to duplicate the old behavior, just add the line formult = mydata.eval_poly(c,'axisname').

See also


  • axis (str) – name of the axis that you want to fit along (not sure if this is currently tested for multi-dimensional data, but the idea should be that multiple fits would be returned.)

  • order (int) – the order of the polynomial to be fit

  • force_y_intercept (double or None) – force the y intercept to a particular value (e.g. 0)


c – a standard numpy np.array containing the coefficients (in ascending polynomial order)

Return type:


random_mask(axisname, threshold=0.36787944117144233, inversion=False)

generate a random mask with about ‘threshold’ of the points thrown out

property real

Return the real component of the data

register_axis(arg, nearest=None)

Interpolate the data so that the given axes are in register with a set of specified values. Does not change the spacing of the axis labels.

It finds the axis label position that is closest to the values given in arg, then interpolates (Fourier/sinc method) the data onto a new, slightly shifted, axis that passes exactly through the value given. To do this, it uses .ft_clear_startpoints() and uses .set_ft_prop() to override the “not aliased” flag.

  • arg (dict (key,value = str,double)) – A list of the dimensions that you want to place in register, and the values you want them registered to.

  • nearest (bool, optional) – Passed through to ft_clear_startpoints

rename(previous, new)
reorder(*axes, **kwargs)

Reorder the dimensions the first arguments are a list of dimensions

  • *axes (str) – Accept any number of arguments that gives the dimensions, in the order that you want thee.

  • first (bool) – (default True) Put this list of dimensions first, while False puts them last (where they then come in the order given).


run a standard numpy function on the nddata:,'axisname') will run function func (e.g. a lambda function) along axis named ‘axisname’ will run function func on the data

in general: if the result of func reduces a dimension size to 1, the ‘axisname’ dimension will be “popped” (it will not exist in the result) – if this is not what you want, use run_nopop

run_avg(thisaxisname, decimation=20, centered=False)

a simple running average

run_nopop(func, axis)
secsy_transform(direct_dim, indirect_dim, has_indirect=True, method='fourier', truncate=True)

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time.

As opposed to secsy_transform_manual, this calls on on skew, rather than directly manipulating the phase of the function, which can lead to aliasing.

  • has_indirect (bool) –

    (This option is largely specific to data loaded by acert_hdf5)

    Does the data actually have an indirect dimension? If not, assume that there is a constant echo time, that can be retrieved with .get_prop('te').

  • truncate (bool) – If this is set, register_axis <pyspecdata.axis_manipulation.register_axis> to \(t_{direct}=0\), and then throw out the data for which \(t_{direct}<0\).

  • method (str) – The shear method (linear or fourier).

secsy_transform_manual(direct_dim, indirect_dim, has_indirect=True, truncate=False)

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time. As opposed to secsy_transform, this directlly manipulates the phase of the function, rather than calling on skew.

  • has_indirect (bool) –

    (This option is largely specific to data loaded by acert_hdf5)

    Does the data actually have an indirect dimension? If not, assume that there is a constant echo time, that can be retrieved with .get_prop('te').

  • truncate (bool) – If this is set, register_axis <pyspecdata.axis_manipulation.register_axis> to \(t_{direct}=0\), and then throw out the data for which \(t_{direct}<0\).


set the errors: either

set_error(‘axisname’,error_for_axis) or set_error(error_for_data)

error_for_data can be a scalar, in which case, all the data errors are set to error_for_data


several options below – enumerate them in the documentation

set_ft_initial(axis, which_domain='t', shift=True)

set the current domain as the ‘initial’ domain, the following three respects:

  • Assume that the data is not aliased, since aliasing typically only happens as the result of an FT

  • Label the FT property initial_domain as “time-like” or “frequency-like”, which is used in rendering the axes when plotting.

  • Say whether or not we will want the FT to be shifted so that it’s center is at zero, or not.

    • More generally, this is achieved by setting the FT “start points” used to determine the windows on the periodic functions.


shift (True) – When you (i)ft away from this domain, shift

set_ft_prop(axis, propname=None, value=True)

Sets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if propname is a boolean, and value is True (the default), it’s assumed that propname is actually None, and that value is set to the propname argument (this allows us to set the FT property more easily)


set the plot color associated with this dataset to the next one in the global color cycle

Note that if you want to set the color cycle to something that’s not the matplotlib default cycle, you can modify pyspecdata.core.default_cycler in your script.


set a ‘property’ of the nddata This is where you can put all unstructured information (e.g. experimental parameters, etc)


Set data inside the current instance to that of the other instance.

Goes through the list of attributes specified in copy, and assigns them to the element of the current instance.

This is to be used:

  • for constructing classes that inherit nddata with additional methods.

  • for overwriting the current data with the result of a slicing operation


set or alter the value of the coordinate axis

Can be used in one of several ways:

  • self.setaxis('axisname', values): just sets the values

  • self.setaxis('axisname', '#'): just

    number the axis in numerically increasing order, with integers, (e.g. if you have smooshed it from a couple other dimensions.)

  • self.fromaxis('axisname',inputfunc): take the existing function,

    apply inputfunc, and replace

  • self.fromaxis(inputsymbolic): Evaluate inputsymbolic and load

    the result into the axes, appropriately

property shape
shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt, zero_fill=True, start_in_conj=False, method='linear')

Shear the data \(s\):

\(s(x',y,z) = s(x+ay,y,z)\)

where \(x\) is the altered_axis and \(y\) is the propto_axis. (Actually typically 2D, but \(z\) included just to illustrate other dimensions that aren’t involved)

  • method ({'fourier','linear'}) –


    Use the Fourier shift theorem (i.e., sinc interpolation). A shear is equivalent to the following in the conjugate domain:

    ..math: tilde{s}(f_x,f’_y,z) = tilde{s}(f_x,f_y-af_x,f_z)

    Because of this, the algorithm also automatically extend`s the data in `f_y axis. Equivalently, it increases the resolution (decreases the interval between points) in the propto_axis dimension. This prevents aliasing in the conjugate domain, which will corrupt the data w.r.t. successive transformations. It does this whether or not zero_fill is set (zero_fill only controls filling in the “current” dimension)


    Use simple linear interpolation.

  • altered_axis (str) – The coordinate for which data is altered, i.e. ..math: x such that ..math: f(x+ay,y).

  • by_amount (double) – The amount of the shear (..math: a in the previous)

  • propto_axis (str) – The shift along the altered_axis dimension is proportional to the shift along propto_axis. The position of data relative to the propto_axis is not changed. Note that by the shift theorem, in the frequency domain, an equivalent magnitude, opposite sign, shear is applied with the propto_axis and altered_axis dimensions flipped.

  • start_in_conj ({False, True}, optional) –

    Defaults to False

    For efficiency, one can replace a double (I)FT call followed by a shear call with a single shear call where start_in_conj is set.

    self before the call is given in the conjugate domain (i.e., \(f\) vs. \(t\)) along both dimensions from the one that’s desired. This means: (1) self after the function call transformed into the conjugate domain from that before the call and (2) by_amount, altered_axis, and propto_axis all refer to the shear in the conjugate domain that the data is in at the end of the function call.

smoosh(dimstocollapse, dimname=0, noaxis=False)

Collapse (smoosh) multiple dimensions into one dimension.

  • dimstocollapse (list of strings) – the dimensions you want to collapse to one result dimension

  • dimname (None, string, integer (default 0)) –

    if dimname is:

    • None: create a new (direct product) name,

    • a number: an index to the dimstocollapse list. The resulting

      smooshed dimension will be named dimstocollapse[dimname]. Because the default is the number 0, the new dimname will be the first dimname given in the list.

    • a string: the name of the resulting smooshed dimension (can be

      part of the dimstocollapse list or not)

  • noaxis (bool) – if set, then just skip calculating the axis for the new dimension, which otherwise is typically a complicated record array


  • self (nddata) – the dimensions dimstocollapse are smooshed into a single dimension, whose name is determined by dimname. The axis for the resulting, smooshed dimension is a structured np.array consisting of two fields that give the labels along the original axes.

  • ..todo:: – when we transition to axes that are stored using a slice/linspace-like format, allow for smooshing to determine a new axes that is standard (not a structured np.array) and that increases linearly.

sort(axisname, reverse=False)

For 1D data, returns a lambda function to generate a Cubic Spline.


s_multiplier (float) – If this is specified, then use a smoothing BSpline, and set “s” in scipy to the len(data)*s_multiplier


nddata_lambda – Takes one argument, which is an array corresponding to the axis coordinates, and returns an nddata.

Return type:

lambda function


squeeze singleton dimensions


return_dropped (bool (default False)) – return a list of the dimensions that were dropped as a second argument


  • self

  • return_dropped (list) – (optional, only if return_dropped is True)


calculate the sum along axes, also transforming error as needed

svd(todim, fromdim)

Singular value decomposition. Original matrix is unmodified.


Because we are planning to upgrade with axis objects, FT properties, axis errors, etc, are not transferred here. If you are using it when this note is still around, be sure to .copy_props(

Also, error, units, are not currently propagated, but could be relatively easily!


>>> U, Sigma, Vh = thisinstance.svd()

then U, Sigma, and Vh are nddata such that result in

>>> result = U @ Sigma @ Vh

will be the same as thisinstance. Note that this relies on the fact that nddata matrix multiplication doesn’t care about the ordering of the dimensions (see :method:``). The vector space that contains the singular values is called ‘SV’ (see more below).

  • fromdim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the columns of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD. (The matrix transforms from the vector space labeled by fromdim and into the vector space labeled by todim).

  • todim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the rows of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD.


  • U (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘todim’ × ‘SV’, where the dimension ‘SV’ is the vector space of the singular values.

  • Sigma (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’. Only non-zero

  • Vh (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’ × ‘fromdim’,

to_ppm(axis='t2', freq_param='SFO1', offset_param='OFFSET')

Function that converts from Hz to ppm using Bruker parameters

  • axis (str, 't2' default) – label of the dimension you want to convert from frequency to ppm

  • freq_param (str) – name of the acquisition parameter that stores the carrier frequency for this dimension

  • offset_param (str) – name of the processing parameter that stores the offset of the ppm reference (TMS, DSS, etc.)

  • todo:: (..) –

    Figure out what the units of PHC1 in Topspin are (degrees per what??), and apply those as well.

    make this part of an inherited bruker class

unitify_axis(axis_name, is_axis=True)

this just generates an axis label with appropriate units


remove a ‘property’

want_to_prospa_decim_correct = False
waterfall(alpha=0.3, ax=None, rotation=None, color='b', edgecolor='k')
class pyspecdata.core.nddata_hdf5(pathstring, directory='.', mode='r')

Bases: nddata

class pyspecdata.core.ndshape(*args)

Bases: ndshape_base

A class for describing the shape and dimension names of nddata objects.

A main goal of this class is to allow easy generation (allocation) of new arrays – see alloc().

alloc(dtype='complex128', labels=False, format=0)

Use the shape object to allocate an empty nddata object.

  • labels – Needs documentation

  • format (0, 1, or None) – What goes in the allocated array. None uses numpy empty.


If you want to create new empty array that’s 10x3 with dimensions “x” and “y”:

>>> result = ndshape([10,3],['x','y']).alloc(format=None)

You can also do things like creating a new array based on the size of an existing array (create a new array without dimension x, but with new dimension z)

>>> myshape = ndshape(mydata)
>>> myshape.pop('x')
>>> myshape + (10,'z')
>>> result = myshape.alloc(format=None)
pyspecdata.core.plot(*args, **kwargs)

The base plotting function that wraps around matplotlib to do a couple convenient things.

  • label_format_string (str) – If supplied, it formats the values of the other dimension to turn them into a label string.

  • human_units (bool) –

class pyspecdata.core.testclass

Bases: object

pyspecdata.core.textlabel_bargraph(mystructarray, othersort=None, spacing=0.1, ax=None, tickfontsize=8)

pyspecdata.datadir module

Allows the user to run the same code on different machines, even though the location of the raw spectral data might change.

This is controlled by the ~/.pyspecdata or ~/_pyspecdata config file.

class pyspecdata.datadir.MyConfig

Bases: object

Provides an easy interface to the pyspecdata configuration file. Only one instance pyspec_config should be created – this instance is used by the other functions in this module.


The dictionary that stores the current settings – keep these in a dictionary, which should be faster than reading from environ, or from a file.

get_setting(this_key, environ=None, default=None, section='General')

Get a settings from the “General” group. If the file does not exist, or the option is not set, then set the option, creating the file as needed. The option is determined in the following order:

  • The value in the config_vars dictionary.

  • The value of the environment variable named environ.

  • The value stored in the configuration file at ~/.pyspecdata (~/_pyspecdata on Windows).

  • The value given by the default argument. If default is None, then return None.

  • this_key (str) – The name of the settings that we want to retrieve.

  • environ (str) – If the value corresponding to this_key is not present in the self.config_vars dictionary, look for an environment variable called environ that stores the value of this_key. If this is not set, it’s set from the config file or the default argument.

  • default (str) –

    If the value for this_key is not in self.config_vars, not in the environment variable called environ, and not in the config file, set it to this value, and ask for user response to confirm. Then, set the config file value, the environment, and the self.config_vars value to the result.

    For platform compatibility, leading period characters are converted to self.hide_start, and ‘/’ are converted to os.path.sep.

  • section (str) – Look in this section of the config file.

Return type:

The value corresponding to this_key.


This filename prefix denotes a configuration file on the OS.

set_setting(this_section, this_key, this_value)

set this_key to this_value inside section this_section, creating it if necessary

class pyspecdata.datadir.cached_searcher

Bases: object

search_for(exp_type, specific_remote=None)
pyspecdata.datadir.getDATADIR(*args, **kwargs)

Used to find a directory containing data in a way that works seamlessly across different computers (and operating systems).

This is not intended as a user-level function use find_file() or search_filename() (especially with the unique parameter set to true) instead!

Supports the case where data is processed both on a laboratory computer and (e.g. after transferring via ssh or a syncing client) on a user’s laptop. While it will return a default directory without any arguments, it is typically used with the keyword argument exp_type, described below.

Note that the most common way to use this mechanism is to set up your directories using the pyspecdata_register_dir shell command – see register_directory().

It returns the directory ending in a trailing (back)slash.

It is determined by a call to MyConfig.get_setting with the setting name data_directory and the environment variable set to PYTHON_DATA_DIR.


exp_type (str) –

A string identifying the name of a subdirectory where the data is stored. It can contain slashes. Typically, this gives the path relative to a google drive, rclone, dropbox, etc, repository. To make code portable, exp_type should not contain a full path or or portions of the path that are specific to the computer/user.

If the directory has note been used before, all the directories listed in the user’s _pyspecdata or .pyspecdata config file will be searched recursively up to 2 levels deep.

It searches for exp_type in this order:

  • Look in the ExpTypes section of the config file.
    • Note that by using this, you can store data in locations other

      than your main data directory. For example, consider the following section of the ~/.pyspecdata config file: ` [ExpTypes] alternate_base = /opt/other_data alternate_type_one = %(alternate_base)s/type_one ` which would find data with exp_type alternate_type_one in /opt/other_data/type_one.

  • use os.walk to search for a directory with this name

    inside the directory identified by experimental_data. excluding things that start with ‘.’, ‘_’ or containing ‘.hfssresults’, always choosing the thing that’s highest up in the tree. If it doesn’t find a directory inside experimental_data, it will search inside all the directories already listed in ExpTypes. Currently, in both attempts, it will only walk 2 levels deep (since NMR directories can be rather complex, and otherwise it would take forever).


Returns the notebook directory. If arguments are passed, it returns the directory underneath the notebook directory, ending in a trailing (back)slash

It is determined by a call to MyConfig.get_setting with the environment variable set to PYTHON_NOTEBOOK_DIR and default ~/notebook.

pyspecdata.datadir.log_fname(logname, fname, dirname, exp_type)

logs the file name either used or missing into a csv file.

Also, by setting the err flag to True, you can generate an error message that will guide you on how to selectively copy down this data from a remote source (google drive, etc.), e.g.:

``Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 21, in <module>


File “”, line 6630,

in __init__ check_only=True, directory=directory)

File “”, line 1041,

in h5nodebypath +errmsg)

AttributeError: You’re checking for a node in a file (200110_pulse_2.h5)

that does not exist

I can’t find 200110_pulse_2.h5 in C:Usersjohnfexp_datatest_equip, so

I’m going to search for t in your rclone remotes

checking remote g_syr: You should be able to retrieve this file with: rclone copy -v –include ‘200110_pulse_2.h5’ g_syr:exp_data/test_equip C:\Users\johnf\exp_data\test_equip``


A convenience function for getting a data directory you’re going to write data to.

Provides the full path to the directory corresponding to exp_type.

If this is the first time you’re trying to write to that exp_type, it will create the directory


The shell command pyspecdata_register_dir WHICHDIR will register the directory WHICHDIR (substitute with the name of a directory on your computer) so that it can be automatically discovered by find_file() or search_filename() after executing this shell command you can use the exp_type argument of those commands where you only give the lowest level subdirectory (or the final couple subdirectories) that contains your data. If the exp_type that you are trying to access has a slash in it, you should register the top-most directory. (For example, if you want UV_Vis/Liam, then register the directory that provides UV_Vis).


this feature was installed on 9/24/20: you need to re-run in order to get this command to work for the first time if you installed pyspecdata before that date.

pyspecdata.dict_utils module

pyspecdata.dict_utils.make_ndarray(array_to_conv, name_forprint='unknown')
pyspecdata.dict_utils.unmake_ndarray(array_to_conv, name_forprint='unknown')

Convert this item to an np.ndarray

pyspecdata.figlist module

Contains the figure list class

The figure list gives us three things:

  • Automatically handle the display and scaling of nddata units.

  • Refer to plots by name, rather than number (matplotlib has a mechanism for this, which we ignore)

  • A “basename” allowing us to generate multiple sets of plots for different datasets – e.g. 5 plots with 5 names plotted for 3 different datasets and labeled by 3 different basenames to give 15 plots total

  • Ability to run the same code from the command line or from within a python environment inside latex. * this is achieved by choosing figlist (default gui) and figlistl

    (inherits from figlist – renders to latex – the method is changed)

    • potential planned future ability to handle html

  • Ability to handle mayavi plots and matplotlib plots (switch to glumpy, etc.?) * potential planned future ability to handle gnuplot


Currently the “items” that the list tracks correspond to either plot formatting directives (see figlist.setprops()), text, or figures.

We should scrap most elements of the current implementation of figlist and rebuild it

  • currently the figlist is set up to use a context block. We will not only keep this, but also make it so the individual axes. Syntax (following a fl = figlist_var() should look like this: with fl['my plot name'] as p: and contents of the block would then be p.plot(...), etc.

  • define an “organization” function of the figlist block. This allows us to use standard matplotlib commands to set up and organize the axes, using standard matplotlib commands (twinx, subplot, etc.)

  • figlist will still have a “next” function, but its purpose will be to simply: * grab the current axis using matplotlib gca() (assuming the id of

    the axis isn’t yet assigned to an existing figlist_axis – see below)

    • otherwise, if the name argument to “next” has not yet been called, call matplotlib’s figure(), followed by subplot(111), then do the previous bullet point

    • the next function is only intended to be called explicitly from within the organization function

  • figlist will consist simply of a list of figlist_axis objects (a new object type), which have the following attributes: * type – indicating the type of object:

    • axis (default)

    • text (raw latex (or html))

    • H1 (first level header – translates to latex section)

    • H2 (second level…)

    • the name of the plot

    • a matplotlib or mayavi axes object

    • the units associated with the axes

    • a collection.OrderedDict giving the nddata that are associated with the plot, by name. * If these do not have a name, they will be automatically

      assigned a name.

      • The name should be used by the new “plot” method to generate the “label” for the legend, and can be subsequently used to quickly replace data – e.g. in a Qt application.

    • a dictionary giving any arguments to the pyspecdata.core.plot (or countour, waterfall, etc) function

    • the title – by default the name of the plot – can be a setter

    • the result of the id(…) function, called on the axes object –> this can be used to determine if the axes has been used yet

    • do not use check_units – the plot method (or contour, waterfall, etc.) will only add the nddata objects to the OrderedDict, add the arguments to the argument dictionary, then exit * In the event that more than one plot method is called, the name

      of the underlying nddaata should be changed

    • a boolean legend_suppress attribute

    • a boolean legend_internal attribute (to place the legend internally, rather than outside the axis)

    • a show method that is called by the figlistl show method. This will determine the appropriate units and use them to determine the units and scale of the axes, and then go through and call pyspecdata.core.plot on each dataset (in matplotlib, this should be done with a formatting statement rather than by manipulating the axes themselves) and finally call autolegend, unless the legend is supressed

  • The “plottype” (currently an argument to the plot function) should be an attribute of the axis object

class pyspecdata.figlist.figlist(*arg, **kwargs)

Bases: object


A basename that can be changed to generate different sets of figures with different basenames. For example, this is useful if you are looping over different sets of data, and generating the same set of figures for each set of data (which would correspond to a basename).




A list of the figure names




A dictionary containing the figurelist and the figure numbers or objects that they correspond to. Keys of this dictionary must be elements of figurelist.




Maintains various properties for each element in figurelist. Keys of this dictionary must be elements of figurelist.



DCCT(this_nddata, **kwargs)
check_units(testdata, x_index, y_index)
generate_ticks(plotdata, axes, rescale, z_norm=None, y_rescale=1, text_scale=0.05, follow_surface=False, lensoffset=0.005, line_width=0.001, tube_radius=0.001, fine_grid=False)

generate 3d ticks and grid for mayavi

header(number_above, input_string)
image(A, **kwargs)

Called as fl.image() where fl is the figlist_var object

Note that this code just wraps the figlist properties, and the heavy lifting is done by the image( function. Together, the effect is as follows:

  • check_units converts to human-readable units, and makes sure they match the units already used in the plot.

  • if A has more than two dimensions, the final dimension in A.dimlabels is used as the column dimension, and a direct-product of all non-column dimensions (a Kronecker product, such that the innermost index comes the latest in the list A.dimlabels) is used as the row dimension. A white/black line is drawn after the innermost index used to create the direct product is finished iterating.

  • If A consists of complex data, then an HSV plot (misnomer, actually an HV plot) is used: - convert to polar form: \(z=\rho \exp(i \phi)\) - \(\phi\) determines the color (Hue)

    • Color wheel is cyclical, like \(\exp(i \phi)\)

    • red is taken as \(\phi=0\), purely real and positive

    • green-blue is \(pi\) radians out of phase with red and therefore negative real

    • \(\rho\) determines the intensity (value) - Depending on whether or not black is set (either as a

      keyword argument, or, the background will be black with high \(\rho\) values “lit up” (intended for screen plotting) or the background will be white with the high \(\rho\) values “colored in” (intended for printing)

  • If the data type (dtype) of the data in A is real (typically achieved by calling abs(A) or A.runcopy(real)), then A is plotted with a colormap and corresponding colorbar.

  • If no title has been given, it’s set to the name of the current plot in the figurelist


nddata or numpy array


If A is a numpy array, then this gives the values along the x axis (columns). Defaults to the size of the array. Not used if A is nddata.


Optional[double] or Optional[scalar]


If A is a numpy array, then this gives the values along the y axis (columns). Defaults to the size of the array. Not used if A is nddata.


Optional[double] or Optional[scalar]


Since it’s designed to represent matrices, an image plot by defaults is “transposed” relative to all other plots. If you want the first dimension on the x-axis (e.g., if you are plotting a contour plot on top of an image), then set x_first to True.




Determines the size of the white/black line drawn Defaults to 1




the Axis object where the plot should go.


matplotlib Axes

all remaning

are passed through to matplotlib imshow


upper and lower are passed to matplotlib. Flip is for 2D nmr, and flips the data manually.


{‘upper’, ‘lower’, ‘flip’}

.. code-block:: python

from pyspecdata import * fl = figlist_var()

t = r_[-1:1:300j] x = nddata(t,[-1],[‘x’]).labels(‘x’,t) y = nddata(t,[-1],[‘y’]).labels(‘y’,t)

z = x**2 + 2*y**2 print “dimlabels of z:”,z.dimlabels‘image with contours’) fl.image(z,x_first = True) # x_first is needed to align # with the contour plot z.contour(colors = ‘w’,alpha = 0.75)‘simple plot’) # just to show that x is the same # here as well fl.plot(z[‘y’:(0,0.01)])‘compare_image_contour_150911.pdf’)

label_point(data, axis, value, thislabel, show_point=True, xscale=1, **new_kwargs)

only works for 1D data: assume you’ve passed a single-point nddata, and label it

xscale gives the unit scaling


Improve the unit scaling, so that this would also work.

Allow it to include a format string that would use the value.

show_point (bool) – Defaults to True. Actually generate a point (circle), vs. just the label.

marked_text(marker, input_text='', sep='\n')

Creates a named marker where we can place text. If marker has been used, goes back and places text there.

mesh(plotdata, Z_normalization=None, equal_scale=True, lensoffset=0.001, show_contours=False, grey_surf=False, **kwargs)
next(input_name, legend=False, boundaries=None, twinx=None, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Switch to the figure given by input_name, which is used not only as a string-based name for the figure, but also as a default title and as a base name for resulting figure files.

In the future, we actually want this to track the appropriate axis object!

  • legend (bool) – If this is set, a legend is created outside the figure.

  • twinx ({0,1}) –


    plots on an overlayed axis (the matplotlib twinx) whose y axis is labeled on the right when you set this for the first time, you can also set a color kwarg that controls the coloring of the right axis.


    used to switch back to the left (default) axis

  • boundariesneed to add description

  • kwargs (dict) – Any other keyword arguments are passed to the matplotlib (mayavi) figure() function that’s used to switch (create) figures.


This is for adding a paragraph break between figures when generating latex (or html?). By design, it does nothing when note in tex


Performs plot decorations that are typically desired for a manual phasing plot. This assumes that the y-axis is given in units of half-cycles ($pi$ radians).

plot(*args, **kwargs)
  • linestyle ({':','--','.','etc.'}) – the style of the line

  • plottype ({'semilogy','semilogx','loglog'}) – Select a logarithmic plotting style.

  • nosemilog (True) – Typically, if you supply a log-spaced axis, a semilogx plot will be automatically selected. This overrides that behavior. Defaults to False.

plot_weighted(phdiff, arb_scaling=3)

plot weighted data as a scatter plot


use the plot on the top of the “stack” (see push_marker) as the current plot


save the current plot to a “stack” so we can return to it with “pop_marker”

show(*args, **kwargs)
twinx(autopad=False, orig=False, color=None)

No argument sets to true if it’s not already set

pyspecdata.fl_dummy module

provides object fl_dummy that can take the place of a figure list, but doesn’t do anything.

fl=fl_dummy is a better default than fl=None, because it doesn’t require any conditionals


alias of fl_dummy_class

class pyspecdata.fl_dummy.fl_dummy_class

Bases: object


pyspecdata.fornotebook module

This provides figlistl, the Latex figure list. Any other functions here are helper functions for the class. figlist is generally not chosen manually, but figlist_var will be assigned to figlistl when python code is embedded in a python environment inside latex.

pyspecdata.fornotebook.calcdistance(freq, optdistance)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.calcfield(elfreq, elratio=28.113, nmrelratio=1.5167)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.calcfielddata(freq, substance, spec='')
pyspecdata.fornotebook.cpmgs(exp, number, tau=None, alpha=None, alphaselect=None, first=False)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.cpmgseries(filename, plotlabel, tau=None, alpha=None, alphaselect=None)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.dict_to_txt(mydict, file='data.txt')
pyspecdata.fornotebook.ernstangle(pulsetime=None, pulsetip=None, Tr=None, T1=None)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.esr_saturation(file, powerseries, smoothing=0.2, threshold=0.8, figname=None, hn23adjustment=1.0, show_avg=False)

alias of figlistl

pyspecdata.fornotebook.figlisterr(figurelist, *args, **kwargs)
class pyspecdata.fornotebook.figlistl(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: figlist


This is for adding a paragraph break between figures when generating latex (or html?). By design, it does nothing when note in tex

show(string, line_spacing=True, **kwargs)

latexify the series of figures, where “string” gives the base file name


line_spacing (bool) – if false, suppress empty lines between output

pyspecdata.fornotebook.lplot(fname, width=0.33, figure=False, dpi=72, grid=False, alsosave=None, gensvg=False, print_string=None, centered=False, equal_aspect=False, autopad=True, bytextwidth=None, showbox=True, boundaries=True, genpng=False, mlab=False, fig=None, verbose=False)

used with python.sty instead of savefig

by default, if width is less than 1, it’s interpreted as bytextwidth = True (i.e. width given as a fraction of the linewidth) if it’s greater than, the width is interpreted in inches.

pyspecdata.fornotebook.lplotfigures(figurelist, string, **kwargs)

obsolete, use the class!

pyspecdata.fornotebook.lrecordarray(recordlist, columnformat=True, smoosh=True, multi=True, resizebox=False, showpipe=True, return_only=False, format='%0.3f', std_sf=2, scientific_notation=True)

generate latex representation of a structured array if set to True, resizebox will automatically scale down the table so it fits on the page (but it will also scale up a small table to fit the width of the page) resizebox can also be a fractional number, so that it is resized to a fraction of the page

pyspecdata.fornotebook.lrecordarray_broken(recordlist, rows=30, numwide=5)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.ordplot(x, y, labels, formatstring)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.qcalc(freq1, freq2)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.save_data(inputdata={}, file='data.txt')
pyspecdata.fornotebook.save_variable(variable, content, disp=True, file='data.txt')

return latex formatted strings –> ultimately, have this actually check to see if the individual strings are math or not, rather than just assuming that they are. Do this simply by seeing whether or not the thing starts with a full word (more than two characters) or not.

pyspecdata.fornotebook.show_matrix(B, plot_name, first_figure=None)
pyspecdata.fornotebook.standard_noise_comparison(name, path='franck_cnsi/nmr/', data_subdir='reference_data', expnos=[3])

pyspecdata.general_functions module

These are general functions that need to be accessible to everything inside pyspecdata.core. I can’t just put these inside pyspecdata.core, because that would lead to cyclic imports, and e.g. submodules of pyspecdata can’t find them.

exception pyspecdata.general_functions.CustomError(*value, **kwargs)

Bases: Exception


works with matplotlib to generate a plot appropriate for positive and negative from here: how-to-get-current-plots-clim-in-matplotlib

pyspecdata.general_functions.box_muller(length, return_complex=True)

algorithm to generate normally distributed noise

pyspecdata.general_functions.check_ascending_axis(u, tolerance=1e-07, additional_message=[], allow_descending=False)

Check that the array u is ascending and equally spaced, and return the spacing, du. This is a common check needed for FT functions, shears, etc.

  • tolerance (double) – The relative variation in du that is allowed. Defaults to 1e-7.

  • additional_message (str) – So that the user can easily figure out where the assertion error is coming from, supply some extra text for the respective message.


du – the spacing between the elements of u

Return type:


pyspecdata.general_functions.complex_str(arg, fancy_format=False, format_code='%.4g')

render a complex string – leaving out imaginary if it’s real


Use pint to determine the prefactor of the string-formatted unit thisstr.

This function is obsolete: instead, use div_units() which is the preferred method of handling unit multipliers.


thisstr (str) – units that the prefactor is being determined for


The prefactor of the fed units floored to a multiple of 3

Return type:


pyspecdata.general_functions.dp(number, decimalplaces=2, scientific=False, max_front=3)

format out to a certain decimal places, potentially in scientific notation

  • decimalplaces (int (optional, default 3)) – number of decimal places

  • scientific (boolean (optional, default False)) – use scientific notation

  • max_front (int (optional, default 3)) – at most this many places in front of the decimal before switching automatically to scientific notation.

pyspecdata.general_functions.fa(input, dtype='complex128')
pyspecdata.general_functions.init_logging(level=10, stdout_level=20, filename='pyspecdata.%d.log', fileno=0)

Initialize a decent logging setup to log to ~/pyspecdata.log (and ~/pyspecdata.XX.log if that’s taken).

By default, everything above “debug” is logged to a file, while everything above “info” is printed to stdout.

Do NOT log if run from within a notebook (it’s fair to assume that you will run first before embedding)

pyspecdata.general_functions.lsafe(*string, **kwargs)

Output properly escaped for latex

pyspecdata.general_functions.lsafen(*string, **kwargs)

see lsafe, but with an added double newline

pyspecdata.general_functions.myfilter(x, center=250000.0, sigma=100000.0)
pyspecdata.general_functions.pinvr(C, alpha)
pyspecdata.general_functions.process_kwargs(listoftuples, kwargs, pass_through=False, as_attr=False)

This function allows dynamically processed (i.e. function definitions with **kwargs) kwargs (keyword arguments) to be dealt with in a fashion more like standard kwargs. The defaults set in listoftuples are used to process kwargs, which are then returned as a set of values (that are set to defaults as needed).

Note that having kwargs as an explicit argument avoids errors where the user forgets to pass the kwargs.

  • kwargs (**dictionary) – The keyword arguments that you want to process.

  • listoftuples (list of tuple pairs) – Tuple pairs, consisting of ('param_name',param_value), that give the default values for the various parameters.

  • pass_through (bool) – Defaults to False. If it’s true, then it’s OK not to process all the kwargs here. In that case, the used kwargs are popped out of the dictionary, and you are expected to pass the unprocessed values (in the dictionary after the call) on to subsequent processing. Importantly, you should always end with a pass_through`=`False call of this function, or by passing **kwargs to a standard function in the standard way. Otherwise it’s possible for the user to pass kwargs that are never processed!

  • as_attr (bool, object) – Defaults to False. If not False, it must be an object whose attributes are set to the value of the respective kwargs.

  • return (tuple) – It’s expected that the output is assigned to variables with the exact same names as the string in the first half of the tuples, in the exact same order. These parameters will then be set to the appropriate values.


see redim_F_to_C


the following creates a C array, reversing the apparent order of dimensions, while preserving the order in memory


reformat scientific notation in a nice latex format – used in both pdf and jupyter notebooks

pyspecdata.general_functions.render_matrix(arg, format_code='%.4g')

return latex string representing 2D matrix


returns contiguous chunks where the condition is true but, see the “contiguous” method, which is more OO

pyspecdata.generate_fake_data module

pyspecdata.generate_fake_data.fake_data(expression, axis_coords, signal_pathway, direct='t2', SD_sigma=[0.05, 0.003], SD_amp=[1, 5], scale=100, fake_data_noise_std=1.0, fl=<class 'pyspecdata.fl_dummy.fl_dummy_class'>)

Generate fake data subject to noise and frequency variation.

This includes a variation of the resonance frequency. The user can adjust the scale and the timescale of the frequency variation, which is modeled by way of spectral density function that describes the random fluctuation of the resonance frequency. (To avoid confusion, note that this spectral density function does NOT control the noise voltage, which is given by a standard normal distribution of constant variation.)

  • expression (sympy expression) – Gives the functional form of the data.

  • axis_coords (OrderedDict) –

    Gives nddata objects providing all the axis coordinates. Very importantly, these must be listed in the loop nesting order (outside in) in which they occur in the pulse program, or the frequency drift will not be modeled correctly.

    To enable simulating echo-like data, you can specify a direct axis that starts at a negative number. If you do this, the beginning of the axis will be re-set to 0 before returning.

  • SD_sigma (list of floats) –

    Gives the Gaussian σ for the spectral density of the time-dependent variation of the resonance frequency. Typically, there are more than one gaussian terms used to create the spectral density.

    A small σ gives rise to slow fluctuations while a large σ gives rise to fast fluctuations. The units of σ are in cycles per scan.

  • SD_amp (list of floats) – Amplitudes associated with SD_sigma terms – must be the same length.

  • signal_pathway (dict) – Gives the signal pathway, with keys being phase cycling dimensions, and values being the corresponding Δp.

  • scale (float (default 100)) – amplitude of frequency variation

pyspecdata.generate_fake_data.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

The probability density function of the normal distribution, first derived by De Moivre and 200 years later by both Gauss and Laplace independently [2]_, is often called the bell curve because of its characteristic shape (see the example below).

The normal distributions occurs often in nature. For example, it describes the commonly occurring distribution of samples influenced by a large number of tiny, random disturbances, each with its own unique distribution [2]_.


New code should use the ~numpy.random.Generator.normal method of a ~numpy.random.Generator instance instead; please see the random-quick-start.

  • loc (float or array_like of floats) – Mean (“centre”) of the distribution.

  • scale (float or array_like of floats) – Standard deviation (spread or “width”) of the distribution. Must be non-negative.

  • size (int or tuple of ints, optional) – Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if loc and scale are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(loc, scale).size samples are drawn.


out – Drawn samples from the parameterized normal distribution.

Return type:

ndarray or scalar

See also


probability density function, distribution or cumulative density function, etc.


which should be used for new code.


The probability density for the Gaussian distribution is

\[p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{ 2 \pi \sigma^2 }} e^{ - \frac{ (x - \mu)^2 } {2 \sigma^2} },\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean and \(\sigma\) the standard deviation. The square of the standard deviation, \(\sigma^2\), is called the variance.

The function has its peak at the mean, and its “spread” increases with the standard deviation (the function reaches 0.607 times its maximum at \(x + \sigma\) and \(x - \sigma\) [2]_). This implies that normal is more likely to return samples lying close to the mean, rather than those far away.



Draw samples from the distribution:

>>> mu, sigma = 0, 0.1 # mean and standard deviation
>>> s = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 1000)

Verify the mean and the variance:

>>> abs(mu - np.mean(s))
0.0  # may vary
>>> abs(sigma - np.std(s, ddof=1))
0.1  # may vary

Display the histogram of the samples, along with the probability density function:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s, 30, density=True)
>>> plt.plot(bins, 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) *
...                np.exp( - (bins - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2) ),
...          linewidth=2, color='r')

Two-by-four array of samples from the normal distribution with mean 3 and standard deviation 2.5:

>>> np.random.normal(3, 2.5, size=(2, 4))
array([[-4.49401501,  4.00950034, -1.81814867,  7.29718677],   # random
       [ 0.39924804,  4.68456316,  4.99394529,  4.84057254]])  # random

pyspecdata.hdf_utils module

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.gensearch(labelname, format='%0.3f', value=None, precision=None)

obsolete – use h5gensearch

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5addrow(bottomnode, tablename, *args, **kwargs)

add a row to a table, creating it if necessary, but don’t add if the data matches the search condition indicated by match_row match_row can be either text or a dictionary – in the latter case it’s passed to h5searchstring

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5attachattributes(node, listofattributes, myvalues)
pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5child(thisnode, childname, clear=False, create=None)

grab the child, optionally clearing it and/or (by default) creating it

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5inlist(columnname, mylist)

returns rows where the column named columnname is in the value of mylist

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5join(firsttuple, secondtuple, additional_search='', select_fields=None, pop_fields=None)
pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5nodebypath(h5path, force=False, only_lowest=False, check_only=False, directory='.', mode='a')

return the node based on an absolute path, including the filename

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5remrows(bottomnode, tablename, searchstring)
pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5searchstring(*args, **kwargs)

generate robust search strings :parameter fieldname,value: search AROUND a certain value (overcomes some type conversion issues) optional arguments are the format specifier and the fractional precision: OR :parameter field_and_value_dictionary: generate a search string that matches one or more criteria

pyspecdata.hdf_utils.h5table(bottomnode, tablename, tabledata)

create the table, or if tabledata is None, just check if it exists

pyspecdata.ipy module

Provides the jupyter extension:

%load_ext pyspecdata.ipy

That allows for fancy representation nddata instances – i.e. you can type the name of an instance and hit shift-Enter, and a plot will appear rather than some text representation.

Also overrides plain text representation of numpy arrays with latex representation that we build ourselves or pull from sympy.

Also known as “generalized jupyter awesomeness” in only ~150 lines of code!

See [O’Reilly Book]( for minimal guidance if you’re interested.

class pyspecdata.ipy.mat_formatter(stuff)

Bases: object


This accepts an array, and outputs the sympy.latex representation of the matrix

zeros_re = re.compile('(?<![.0-9])0(?![.0-9])')

pyspecdata.latexscripts module

Provides the pdflatex_notebook_wrapper shell/dos command, which you run instead of your normal Latex command to build a lab notebook. The results of python environments are cached and only re-run if the code changes, even if the python environments are moved around. This makes the compilation of a Latex lab notebook extremely efficient.

pyspecdata.latexscripts.cache_output_if_needed(scriptnum_as_str, hashstring, showcode=False, show_error=True)

if needed, run the python script numbered by scriptnum_as_str that hashes to hashstring, and output the result to the cache ONLY

pyspecdata.latexscripts.cached_filename(hashstring, returndir=False)

this sets the format for where the cached file is stored we use the first two characters as directory names (so there are just 16 of them


based on an original tex or pdf name, determine the original basename (i.e., no extension), as well as one with the final word after the underscore removed


creates a template configuration directory


This looks for scripts/scriptsUsed.csv inside the notebook directory, and checks whether or not it should be run if a command line argument of “flush” is passed, it flushes that script number from the cache


convert the sha hash to a string


runs the python scripts after running latex also creates a copy of latex without the final portion under the underscore This prevents the viewer from hanging while it’s waiting for a refresh. This can be used in combination with wrapviewer() and latexmk by using a ~/.latexmkrc file that looks like this:

If you pass the --xelatex argument, xelatex is used instead of pdflatex (note that if you’re using latexmk, you need to add this in the latexmkrc file).

$pdflatex=q/pdflatex_notebook_wrapper %O -synctex=1 %S/;# calls this function
$pdf_previewer=q/pdflatex_notebook_view_wrapper/;# calls the wrapviewer function

see wraplatex

pyspecdata.lmfitdata module

pyspecdata.lmfitdata.dirac_delta_approx(x, epsilon=1e-06)
pyspecdata.lmfitdata.finite_difference_heaviside_derivative(x, k=0)
class pyspecdata.lmfitdata.lmfitdata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nddata

Inherits from an nddata and enables curve fitting through use of a sympy expression.

The user creates a lmfitdata class object from an existing nddata class object, and on this lmfitdata object can define the functional_form() of the curve it would like to fit to the data of the original nddata. This functional form must be provided as a sympy expression, with one of its variables matching the name of the dimension that the user would like to fit to.


Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


If we do something like fit a lorentzian or voigt lineshape, it makes more sense to define our fit function in the time domain, but to calculate the residuals and to evaluate in the frequency domain. Therefore, we define a function that accepts an nddata, and defines how the data is manipulated to move into the (e.g. frequency) residual domain.u

Use this as a decorator to identify that function.


Calculate the fit function along the axis taxis.


taxis (ndarray, int) –

if ndarray:

the new axis coordinates along which we want to calculate the fit.

if int:

number of evenly spaced points along the t-axis along the fit


self – the fit function evaluated along the axis coordinates that were passed

Return type:



actually run the fit

property function_string

A property of the myfitclass class which stores a string output of the functional form of the desired fit expression provided in func:functional_form in LaTeX format

property functional_form

A property of the myfitclass class which is set by the user, takes as input a sympy expression of the desired fit expression

gen_indices(this_set, set_to)

pass this this_set and this_set_to parameters, and it will return: indices,values,mask indices –> gives the indices that are forced values –> the values they are forced to mask –> p[mask] are actually active in the fit


Old code that we are preserving here – provide the guess for our parameters; by default, based on pseudoinverse

jacobian(pars, sigma=None)

cache the symbolic jacobian and/or use it to compute the numeric result

Note that, like residual, this is designed for use by lmfit, so that if you want to actually see the Jacobian, you need to pass something a bit more complicated, like this:

>>> jac = newfit.jacobian(newfit.fit_parameters).view(

which assumes that I have run the fit, and so have access to the fit parameters, and gives the complex view for complex data (since in a complex fit, we use view to treat real an imaginary parts the same)


show the latex string for the function, with all the symbols substituted by their values


give the fit value of a particular symbol, or a dictionary of all values.


name (str (optional)) – name of the symbol. If no name is passed, then output returns a dictionary of the resulting values.


retval – Either a dictionary of all the values, or the value itself

Return type:

dict or float


Use regularized Pseudo-inverse to (partly) solve: \(-residual = f(\mathbf{p}+\Delta \mathbf{p})-f(\mathbf{p}) \approx \nabla f(\mathbf{p}) \cdot \Delta \mathbf{p}\)

residual(pars, sigma=None)

calculate the residual OR if data is None, return fake data

set_guess(*args, **kwargs)

set both the guess and the bounds


guesses (dict of dicts) –

each dict has a keyword giving the parameter and a value that comprises a dict with guesses (value) and/or constraints (min/max)

Can be passed either as the only argument, or a kwarg called guesses, or as the kwargs themselves (i.e. .set_guesses(**guesses))

For example (the last case:)

>>> d.set_guess(
>>>     param1=dict(value=1.0, min=0, max=10),
>>>     param2=dict(value=2.0, min=0, max=10))


a debugging function, to easily plot the initial guess

property transformed_data

If we do something like fit a lorentzian or voigt lineshape, it makes more sense to define our fit function in the time domain, but to calculate the residuals and to evaluate in the frequency domain. Therefore, we define a function self.residual_transform that accepts an nddata, and defines how the data is manipulated to move into the (e.g. frequency) residual domain. (It’s easiest to do this by using the self.define_residual_transform decorator)


retval – just return the ndarray

Return type:


pyspecdata.mpl_utils module

pyspecdata.mpl_utils.addlabels(labelstring, x, y, labels)

obsolete – use plot_label_points

pyspecdata.mpl_utils.autolegend(*args, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.autopad_figure(pad=0.2, centered=False, figname='unknown')
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.colormap(points, colors, n=256)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.contour_plot(xvals, yvals, zvals, color='k', alpha=1.0, npts=300, **kwargs)

expand the axes. If an argument is passed, then it refers to the position relative to the current coordinates. Values can be: :0: set this side of the axis to 0 :None: leave this side of the axis alone :a double: rescale the distance from the center of the axis to this side by this number


expand the axes. If an argument is passed, then it refers to the position relative to the current coordinates. Values can be: :0: set this side of the axis to 0 :None: leave this side of the axis alone :a double: rescale the distance from the center of the axis to this side by this number


processes a figure list argument: typically, you want to have a figure_list keyword argument for every function, which is by default set to None, then call this on the argument – it always returns a figure list, creating a new one if required similarly, somewhere I have another guy that processes the output, so that if it’s set to None, it will by default dump and show the figure list, and not return a figure list in the output

pyspecdata.mpl_utils.figlistret(first_figure, figure_list, *args, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.gridandtick(ax, rotation=(0, 0), precision=(2, 2), labelstring=('', ''), gridcolor=array([0, 0, 0]), formatonly=False, fixed_y_locator=None, use_grid=True, spines=None, y=True)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.gridon(gridcolor=array([0, 0, 0]))
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.nextfigure(figurelist, name)

obsolete – now use class

pyspecdata.mpl_utils.othergridandtick(ax, rotation=(0, 0), precision=(2, 2), labelstring=('', ''), gridcolor=array([0, 0, 0]), y=True, x=True, spines=None)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.plot_color_counter(*args, **kwargs)

Try not to use this function any more – the version-to-version support for capturing and setting color cycles in matplotlib is very very bad. (And, the cycler object in newer versions of matplolib is confusing.) So, just import cycle from itertools, and use it to build a cycle that you directly call to set your properties.


previous description:

if passed an argument: make it so that the next line will have the properties given by the argument

if not passed an argument: just return the current plot properties,so that I can cycle back to it

pyspecdata.mpl_utils.plot_label_points(x, y, labels, **kwargs_passed)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.plot_updown(data, axis, color1, color2, symbol='', **kwargs)
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.spectrogram(waveform, f_start, f_stop, npoints_fdom=40, tdom_div=2)
class pyspecdata.mpl_utils.subplot_dim(firstdim, seconddim)

Bases: object

set(args, x='', g=True, y='', t='', a='')
pyspecdata.mpl_utils.text_on_plot(x, y, thistext, coord='axes', **kwargs)

pyspecdata.ndshape module

The ndshape class allows you to allocate arrays and determine the shape of existing arrays.

class pyspecdata.ndshape.ndshape_base(*args)

Bases: object

The base ndshape class, which doesn’t include an allocation method.


return the number for the axis with the name “axis”


returns shape with [not in self, len 1] + [overlapping dims between arg + self] + [not in arg] –> this is better accomplished by using sets as I do in the matchdims below


remove a dimension

rename(before, after)

rename a dimension

pyspecdata.nnls module

pyspecdata.nnls.nnls_regularized(A, b, l=0, maxiter=None)

Solve math:argmin_x || Ax - b ||_2^2 + lambda^2 ||x||_2^2 for x>=0. This is a wrapper for a FORTRAN non-negative least squares solver, with regularization (added by stacking $A$ on top an identity matrix times $lambda$ and $b$ on top of a matching array of zero.

  • A (ndarray) – Matrix A as shown above.

  • b (ndarray) – Right-hand side vector.

  • l (double (default 0)) – \(lambda\) – if this is set to 0, the algorithm reverts to standard nnls (rather than stacking on top of two zero matrices for no reason)

  • maxiter (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations, optional. Default is 3 * A.shape[1].


  • x (ndarray) – Solution vector.

  • rnorm (float) – The residual, || Ax-b ||_2.


The FORTRAN code was published in the book below. The algorithm is an active set method. It solves the KKT (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) conditions for the non-negative least squares problem.

This was adapted from the source distributed with scipy – see scipy for relevant licensing.


Lawson C., Hanson R.J., (1987) Solving Least Squares Problems, SIAM

pyspecdata.placeholder module

class pyspecdata.placeholder.CachedAttribute(method, name=None)

Bases: object

Computes attribute value and caches it in the instance. From the Python Cookbook (Denis Otkidach) This decorator allows you to create a property which can be computed once and accessed many times. Sort of like memoization.

class pyspecdata.placeholder.nddata_placeholder(_data_hook)

Bases: nddata

When you open a file with many datasets, and only want to load one, this is used to store a placeholder to the different datasets. Rather than passing the initialization any type of data, you simply pass it one argument: the “data hook”: a function that accepts a single argument (self), alters the dimlabels and axes as needed, and returns an ndarray containing the data.

You can attach only the necessary information to the placeholder, and then load it into a dictionary that can be explored by the user as they look for the right dataset.


pyspecdata.rec_utils module

utility functions to handle record/structured numpy arrays

pyspecdata.rec_utils.applyto_rec(myfunc, myarray, mylist)

apply myfunc to myarray with the intention of collapsing it to a smaller number of values

pyspecdata.rec_utils.decorate_rec(xxx_todo_changeme2, xxx_todo_changeme3, drop_rows=False)

Decorate the rows in A with information in B –> if names overlap, keep the np.ones in A b_ind and a_ind can be either a single key, or a list of keys; if more than one element in B matches that in A, include both options!!

pyspecdata.rec_utils.join_rec(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1)
pyspecdata.rec_utils.lambda_rec(myarray, myname, myfunction, *varargs)

make a new field “myname” which consists of “myfunction” evaluated with the fields given by “myargs” as arguments the new field is always placed after the last argument name if myname is in myargs, the original row is popped

pyspecdata.rec_utils.lookup_rec(A, B, indexpair)

look up information about A in table B (i.e. chemical by index, etc) indexpair is either the name of the index or – if it’s differently named – the pair of indices given in (A,B) respectively

This will just drop any fields in B that are also in A, and the output uses the first indexname

note that it it seems like the join_rec function above may be more efficient!!

pyspecdata.rec_utils.make_rec(*args, **kwargs)

input,names or a single argument, which is a dictionary strlen = 100 gives length of the strings (which need to be specified in record arrays) you can also specify (especially useful with the dictionary format) the list order = [str1,str2,…] which orders the output records with the field containing str1 first, then the field containing str2, then any remaining fields

pyspecdata.rec_utils.meanstd_rec(myarray, mylist, standard_error=False)

this is something like applyto_rec, except that it applies the mean and creates new rows for the “error,” where it puts the standard deviation

pyspecdata.rec_utils.newcol_rec(A, new_dtypes)

add new, np.empty (i.e. random numbers) fields to A, as given by new_dtypes –> note that there are deeply nested numpy functions to do this, but the options are confusing, and I think the way these work is efficient

pyspecdata.rec_utils.reorder_rec(myarray, listofnames, first=True)

pyspecdata.units module

Not yet implemented – a preliminary idea for how to handle actual unit conversion. (Currently, we only do s to Hz during FT and order of magnitude prefixes when plotting.)

class pyspecdata.units.units(*args)

Bases: object

Each instance of this object stores a numerical representation of a single set of units, and there are routines to set units by (i.e. parsing) strings to units and routines to convert units to an str representation.

At its core, the units are represented by three numpy structured arrays per instance: one for the coefficients in terms of base units, one for the order of magnitude used to determine any prefixes added to the base units, and one for any scaling factors needed to convert to base units.

An array of these structured arrays can be converted into a row vector with .view((float16,len(base_dtype.names))). “Base Units” here are the same as SI base units except that it uses g instead of kg (so we can do the prefixes correctly), and we have added rad.


Parses and loads a series of definitions for derived units.

It uses definition list to determine a derived dtype vector, which is larger than the base dtype vector.

Then, (not yet done), based on the dictionary that this generates, it will generate a matrix that converts from the derived dtype vector to the base dtype vector.

parse(in_str, verbose=True)

Take in_str and parse it as a unit or series of units, and set the units associated with the current instance to the result.

Addition, subtraction, and parentheses are not allowed, and we define a non-standard order of operations, as follows:

  1. \\mu (including a trailing space) and u are converted to the utf-8 equivalent (μ)

  2. ...^-0.125 any number is assumed to be part of the exponent, and only numbers are allowed.

  3. * multiplication

  4. a space also represents multiplication

  5. .../... comes after all other operations, as is typical for single-line text

  6. sqrt(...) comes “last” in the sense that we take care of everything both inside and outside the sqrt first, before applying the sqrt.

At this point, I use split to break up according to the order of operations, assign powers to each, and determine the prefix. However, I’m currently only using base units, and I will eventually want to use derived units as well.

str(number, using_unicode=False)

Give a string that prints number, which has the units given by the current instance of the class. Choose the simplest possible expression for the units.

When printing, we have a matrix that give all our “representation” units, and we use a pseudoinverse to give us the simplest possible expression of our units. (This is assuming that all derived units are defined in terms of powers greater than or equal to 1 of the base units, because powers of magnitude less than 1 would complicate things by allowing us to reduce the norm by spreading across several derived units – in that case, we might want to add a threshold before taking the pinv.)

Currently, I am only giving a method for printing in the base units.

Also, I will want to use number in order to adjust the prefix(es) of the units.

pyspecdata.version module

Module contents

exception pyspecdata.CustomError(*value, **kwargs)

Bases: Exception

pyspecdata.DCCT(this_nddata, fig=None, custom_scaling=False, bbox=[0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.8], gap=0.1, horiz_label_spacer=35, shareaxis=False, diagnostic=False, cmap=None, pass_frq_slice=False, scaling_factor=1, max_coh_jump={'ph1': 1, 'ph2': 2}, direct='t2', title=None, arrow_dx=30, arrow_dy=30, **kwargs)

DCCT plot.

  • this_nddata (nddata) – data being plotted

  • fig (figure) – size/type of figure to be plotted on

  • custom_scaling (boolean) – allows user to scale the intensity of data presented

  • bbox (matplotlib.girdspec.SubplotSpec) –

    contains the following: :bbox[0]: int

    Left hand side padding between the left side of the figure and the left side of the decorations.


    int Distance between the bottom of the figure and the bottom of the lowest axes object (in Figure coordinates)


    int Distance between the right most side of the axes objects and the left most side of the decorations (in Figure coordinates)


    int Distance from bottom of the bottom axes object to top of top axes object

  • bbox – If you specify a gridspec element, it will use this to generate a bbox, as above.

  • gap (float) – Figure coordinates Spacing between coherence transfer pathways

  • horiz_label_spacer (int) – Display coordinates Spacing between vertical lines that label the coherence pathways

  • shareaxis (boolean) – Subplots scale together, but currently, this means there must be tick labels on both top and bottom

  • diagnostic (boolean) – Option to additionally display diagnostic plots

  • cmap (str) – Color mapping if specified

  • pass_frq_slice (boolean) – If true will show the frequency sliced out with hatching

  • scaling_factor (float) – If using custom scaling this allows user to set the scaling factor

  • max_coh_jump (dict) – Maximum allowed transitions for each phase cycle

  • direct (str) – Name of direct axis

  • title (str) – Title for DCCT plot


  • ax_list (list) – list of axes objects generated in DCCT plot

  • transform_dict (dict) – dictionary containing the unique transforms generated in this function for scaled translations

pyspecdata.MM_along(self, dimname, rename_redundant=None)

Specifies the dimension for the next matrix multiplication (represents the rows/columns).

  • dimname (str) –

    The next time matrix multiplication is called, ‘dimname’ will be summed over. That is, dimname will become the columns position if this is the first matrix.

    If along is not called for the second matrix, dimname will also take the position of rows for that matrix!

  • rename_redundant (tuple of str or (default) None) –

    If you are multiplying two different matrices, then it is only sensible that before the multiplication, you should identify the dimension representing the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left matrix with different names.

    However sometimes (e.g. constructing projection matrices) you may want to start with two matrices where both the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left have the same name. If so, you will want to rename the column space of the resulting matrix – then you pass rename_redundant=('orig name','new name')

pyspecdata.MM_dot(self, arg)

This will perform a dot product or a matrix multiplication. If one dimension in arg matches that in self, it will dot along that dimension (take a matrix multiplication where that dimension represents the columns of self and the rows of arg)

Note that if you have your dimensions named “rows” and “columns”, this will be very confusing, but if you have your dimensions named in terms of the vector basis they are defined/live in, this makes sense.

If there are zero or no matching dimensions, then use along() to specify the dimensions for matrix multiplication / dot product.

pyspecdata.MM_matmul(self, arg)
pyspecdata.MM_nnls(self, dimname_list, newaxis_dict, kernel_func, l=0, default_cut=0.001, store_uncompressed_kernel=False)

Perform regularized non-negative least-squares “fit” on self.

Capable of solving for solution in 1 or 2 dimensions.

We seek to minimize \(Q = \| Ax - b \|_2 + \|\lambda x\|_2\) in order to obtain solution vector \(x\) subject to non-negativity constraint given input matrix \(A\), the kernel, and input vector \(b\), the data.

The first term assesses agreement between the fit \(Ax\) and the data \(b\), and the second term accounts for noise with the regularization parameter \(\lambda\) according to Tikhonov regularization.

To perform regularized minimization in 1 dimension, provide :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, :function:`kernel_func`, and regularization parameter l. One may set l to a :double: of the regularization parameter of choice (found, for instance, through L-curve analysis) or set l to :str:`BRD` to enable automatic selection of a regularization parameter via the BRD algorithm - namely that described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 but adapted for 1D case (DOI:10.1109/78.995059).

To perform regularized minimization in 2 dimensions, set l to :str:`BRD` and provide a tuple of parameters :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, and :function:`kernel_func`. Algorithm described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 is performed which determines optimal \(\lambda\) for the data (DOI:10.1109/78.995059). Note that setting l to a :double: for a regularization parameter is supported in this 2 dimensional should an appropriate parameter be known.

See: Wikipedia page on NNLS, Wikipedia page on Tikhonov regularization

  • dimname_list (str or tuple) –

    Name of the “data” dimension that is to be replaced by a distribution (the “fit” dimension); e.g. if you are regularizing a set of functions \(\exp(-\tau*R_1)\), then this is \(\tau\)

    If you are performing 2D regularization, then this is a tuple (pair) of 2 names

  • newaxis_dict (dict or (tuple of) nddata) –

    a dictionary whose key is the name of the “fit” dimension (\(R_1\) in the example above) and whose value is an np.array with the new axis labels.


    this can be a 1D nddata – if it has an axis, the axis will be used to create the fit axis; if it has no axis, the data will be used


    if dimname_list is a tuple of 2 dimensions indicating a 2D ILT, this should also be a tuple of 2 nddata, representing the two axes

  • kernel_func (function or tuple of functions) –

    a function giving the kernel for the regularization. The first argument is the “data” variable and the second argument is the “fit” variable (in the example above, this would be something like lambda x,y: exp(-x*y))

    For 2D, this must be a tuple or dictionary of functions – the kernel is the product of the two.

  • l (double (default 0) or str) – the regularization parameter \(lambda\) – if this is set to 0, the algorithm reverts to standard nnls. If this is set to :str:`BRD`, then automatic parameter selection is executed according to the BRD algorithm, either in 1-dimension or 2-dimensions depending on presence of tuple synax (i.e., specifying more than 1 dimension).


The regularized result. For future use, both the kernel (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_kernel”) and the residual (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_residual”) are stored as properties of the nddata. The regularized dimension is always last (innermost).

If the tuple syntax is used to input 2 dimensions and :str:`BRD` is specified, then the individual, uncompressed kernels \(K_{1}\) and \(K_{2}\) are returned as properties of the nddata “K1” and “K2” respectively. The number of singular values used to compressed each kernel is returned in properties of the nddata called, respectively, “s1” and “s2”.

Return type:


pyspecdata.MM_svd(self, todim, fromdim)

Singular value decomposition. Original matrix is unmodified.


Because we are planning to upgrade with axis objects, FT properties, axis errors, etc, are not transferred here. If you are using it when this note is still around, be sure to .copy_props(

Also, error, units, are not currently propagated, but could be relatively easily!


>>> U, Sigma, Vh = thisinstance.svd()

then U, Sigma, and Vh are nddata such that result in

>>> result = U @ Sigma @ Vh

will be the same as thisinstance. Note that this relies on the fact that nddata matrix multiplication doesn’t care about the ordering of the dimensions (see :method:``). The vector space that contains the singular values is called ‘SV’ (see more below).

  • fromdim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the columns of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD. (The matrix transforms from the vector space labeled by fromdim and into the vector space labeled by todim).

  • todim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the rows of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD.


  • U (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘todim’ × ‘SV’, where the dimension ‘SV’ is the vector space of the singular values.

  • Sigma (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’. Only non-zero

  • Vh (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’ × ‘fromdim’,


alias of Quantity

pyspecdata.apply_oom(average_oom, numbers, prev_label='')

scale numbers by the order of magnitude average_oom and change the name of the units by adding the appropriate SI prefix

  • average_oom (int or float) – the average order of magnitude to use

  • numbers (np.ndarray) – The numbers to be scaled by average_oom. The np.array is modified in-place.

  • prev_label (str) – a string representing the units


new_label – prev_label is prefixed by the appropriate SI prefix

Return type:


pyspecdata.autolegend(*args, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.autopad_figure(pad=0.2, centered=False, figname='unknown')

works with matplotlib to generate a plot appropriate for positive and negative from here: how-to-get-current-plots-clim-in-matplotlib

pyspecdata.box_muller(length, return_complex=True)

algorithm to generate normally distributed noise

pyspecdata.bruker_dir(search_string, exp_type)

A generator that returns a 3-tuple of dirname, expno, and dataset for a directory

pyspecdata.check_ascending_axis(u, tolerance=1e-07, additional_message=[], allow_descending=False)

Check that the array u is ascending and equally spaced, and return the spacing, du. This is a common check needed for FT functions, shears, etc.

  • tolerance (double) – The relative variation in du that is allowed. Defaults to 1e-7.

  • additional_message (str) – So that the user can easily figure out where the assertion error is coming from, supply some extra text for the respective message.


du – the spacing between the elements of u

Return type:


pyspecdata.complex_str(arg, fancy_format=False, format_code='%.4g')

render a complex string – leaving out imaginary if it’s real

pyspecdata.concat(datalist, dimname, chop=False)

concatenate multiple datasets together along a new dimension.

  • datalist (list of nddata) – the data you want to concatenate – they must have the same ndshape!

  • dimname (str) – name of the new dimension

pyspecdata.copy_maybe_none(input), **kwargs)
pyspecdata.deepcopy(x, memo=None, _nil=[])

Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.

See the module’s __doc__ string for more info.


determine the average order of magnitude – for prefixing units


data_to_test (ndarray) – a numpy array (e.g. the result of a .getaxis( call


average_oom – the average order of magnitude, rounded to the nearest multiple of 3

Return type:


pyspecdata.dp(number, decimalplaces=2, scientific=False, max_front=3)

format out to a certain decimal places, potentially in scientific notation

  • decimalplaces (int (optional, default 3)) – number of decimal places

  • scientific (boolean (optional, default False)) – use scientific notation

  • max_front (int (optional, default 3)) – at most this many places in front of the decimal before switching automatically to scientific notation.

pyspecdata.fa(input, dtype='complex128')
pyspecdata.fake_data(expression, axis_coords, signal_pathway, direct='t2', SD_sigma=[0.05, 0.003], SD_amp=[1, 5], scale=100, fake_data_noise_std=1.0, fl=<class 'pyspecdata.fl_dummy.fl_dummy_class'>)

Generate fake data subject to noise and frequency variation.

This includes a variation of the resonance frequency. The user can adjust the scale and the timescale of the frequency variation, which is modeled by way of spectral density function that describes the random fluctuation of the resonance frequency. (To avoid confusion, note that this spectral density function does NOT control the noise voltage, which is given by a standard normal distribution of constant variation.)

  • expression (sympy expression) – Gives the functional form of the data.

  • axis_coords (OrderedDict) –

    Gives nddata objects providing all the axis coordinates. Very importantly, these must be listed in the loop nesting order (outside in) in which they occur in the pulse program, or the frequency drift will not be modeled correctly.

    To enable simulating echo-like data, you can specify a direct axis that starts at a negative number. If you do this, the beginning of the axis will be re-set to 0 before returning.

  • SD_sigma (list of floats) –

    Gives the Gaussian σ for the spectral density of the time-dependent variation of the resonance frequency. Typically, there are more than one gaussian terms used to create the spectral density.

    A small σ gives rise to slow fluctuations while a large σ gives rise to fast fluctuations. The units of σ are in cycles per scan.

  • SD_amp (list of floats) – Amplitudes associated with SD_sigma terms – must be the same length.

  • signal_pathway (dict) – Gives the signal pathway, with keys being phase cycling dimensions, and values being the corresponding Δp.

  • scale (float (default 100)) – amplitude of frequency variation

class pyspecdata.figlist(*arg, **kwargs)

Bases: object


A basename that can be changed to generate different sets of figures with different basenames. For example, this is useful if you are looping over different sets of data, and generating the same set of figures for each set of data (which would correspond to a basename).




A list of the figure names




A dictionary containing the figurelist and the figure numbers or objects that they correspond to. Keys of this dictionary must be elements of figurelist.




Maintains various properties for each element in figurelist. Keys of this dictionary must be elements of figurelist.



DCCT(this_nddata, **kwargs)
check_units(testdata, x_index, y_index)
generate_ticks(plotdata, axes, rescale, z_norm=None, y_rescale=1, text_scale=0.05, follow_surface=False, lensoffset=0.005, line_width=0.001, tube_radius=0.001, fine_grid=False)

generate 3d ticks and grid for mayavi

header(number_above, input_string)
image(A, **kwargs)

Called as fl.image() where fl is the figlist_var object

Note that this code just wraps the figlist properties, and the heavy lifting is done by the image( function. Together, the effect is as follows:

  • check_units converts to human-readable units, and makes sure they match the units already used in the plot.

  • if A has more than two dimensions, the final dimension in A.dimlabels is used as the column dimension, and a direct-product of all non-column dimensions (a Kronecker product, such that the innermost index comes the latest in the list A.dimlabels) is used as the row dimension. A white/black line is drawn after the innermost index used to create the direct product is finished iterating.

  • If A consists of complex data, then an HSV plot (misnomer, actually an HV plot) is used: - convert to polar form: \(z=\rho \exp(i \phi)\) - \(\phi\) determines the color (Hue)

    • Color wheel is cyclical, like \(\exp(i \phi)\)

    • red is taken as \(\phi=0\), purely real and positive

    • green-blue is \(pi\) radians out of phase with red and therefore negative real

    • \(\rho\) determines the intensity (value) - Depending on whether or not black is set (either as a

      keyword argument, or, the background will be black with high \(\rho\) values “lit up” (intended for screen plotting) or the background will be white with the high \(\rho\) values “colored in” (intended for printing)

  • If the data type (dtype) of the data in A is real (typically achieved by calling abs(A) or A.runcopy(real)), then A is plotted with a colormap and corresponding colorbar.

  • If no title has been given, it’s set to the name of the current plot in the figurelist


nddata or numpy array


If A is a numpy array, then this gives the values along the x axis (columns). Defaults to the size of the array. Not used if A is nddata.


Optional[double] or Optional[scalar]


If A is a numpy array, then this gives the values along the y axis (columns). Defaults to the size of the array. Not used if A is nddata.


Optional[double] or Optional[scalar]


Since it’s designed to represent matrices, an image plot by defaults is “transposed” relative to all other plots. If you want the first dimension on the x-axis (e.g., if you are plotting a contour plot on top of an image), then set x_first to True.




Determines the size of the white/black line drawn Defaults to 1




the Axis object where the plot should go.


matplotlib Axes

all remaning

are passed through to matplotlib imshow


upper and lower are passed to matplotlib. Flip is for 2D nmr, and flips the data manually.


{‘upper’, ‘lower’, ‘flip’}

.. code-block:: python

from pyspecdata import * fl = figlist_var()

t = r_[-1:1:300j] x = nddata(t,[-1],[‘x’]).labels(‘x’,t) y = nddata(t,[-1],[‘y’]).labels(‘y’,t)

z = x**2 + 2*y**2 print “dimlabels of z:”,z.dimlabels‘image with contours’) fl.image(z,x_first = True) # x_first is needed to align # with the contour plot z.contour(colors = ‘w’,alpha = 0.75)‘simple plot’) # just to show that x is the same # here as well fl.plot(z[‘y’:(0,0.01)])‘compare_image_contour_150911.pdf’)

label_point(data, axis, value, thislabel, show_point=True, xscale=1, **new_kwargs)

only works for 1D data: assume you’ve passed a single-point nddata, and label it

xscale gives the unit scaling


Improve the unit scaling, so that this would also work.

Allow it to include a format string that would use the value.

show_point (bool) – Defaults to True. Actually generate a point (circle), vs. just the label.

marked_text(marker, input_text='', sep='\n')

Creates a named marker where we can place text. If marker has been used, goes back and places text there.

mesh(plotdata, Z_normalization=None, equal_scale=True, lensoffset=0.001, show_contours=False, grey_surf=False, **kwargs)
next(input_name, legend=False, boundaries=None, twinx=None, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs)

Switch to the figure given by input_name, which is used not only as a string-based name for the figure, but also as a default title and as a base name for resulting figure files.

In the future, we actually want this to track the appropriate axis object!

  • legend (bool) – If this is set, a legend is created outside the figure.

  • twinx ({0,1}) –


    plots on an overlayed axis (the matplotlib twinx) whose y axis is labeled on the right when you set this for the first time, you can also set a color kwarg that controls the coloring of the right axis.


    used to switch back to the left (default) axis

  • boundariesneed to add description

  • kwargs (dict) – Any other keyword arguments are passed to the matplotlib (mayavi) figure() function that’s used to switch (create) figures.


This is for adding a paragraph break between figures when generating latex (or html?). By design, it does nothing when note in tex


Performs plot decorations that are typically desired for a manual phasing plot. This assumes that the y-axis is given in units of half-cycles ($pi$ radians).

plot(*args, **kwargs)
  • linestyle ({':','--','.','etc.'}) – the style of the line

  • plottype ({'semilogy','semilogx','loglog'}) – Select a logarithmic plotting style.

  • nosemilog (True) – Typically, if you supply a log-spaced axis, a semilogx plot will be automatically selected. This overrides that behavior. Defaults to False.

plot_weighted(phdiff, arb_scaling=3)

plot weighted data as a scatter plot


use the plot on the top of the “stack” (see push_marker) as the current plot


save the current plot to a “stack” so we can return to it with “pop_marker”

show(*args, **kwargs)
twinx(autopad=False, orig=False, color=None)

No argument sets to true if it’s not already set


alias of figlist

pyspecdata.figlistret(first_figure, figure_list, *args, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.find_file(searchstring, exp_type=None, postproc=None, print_result=True, verbose=False, prefilter=None, expno=None, dimname='', return_acq=False, add_sizes=[], add_dims=[], use_sweep=None, indirect_dimlabels=None, lookup={}, return_list=False, **kwargs)

Find the file given by the regular expression searchstring inside the directory identified by exp_type, load the nddata object, and postprocess with the function postproc.

Used to find data in a way that works seamlessly across different computers (and operating systems). The basic scheme we assume is that:

  • Laboratory data is stored on the cloud (on something like Microsoft Teams or Google Drive, etc.)

  • The user wants to seamlessly access the data on their laptop.

The .pyspecdata config file stores all the info about where the data lives + is stored locally. You have basically two options:

  • Point the source directories for the different data folders (exp_type) to a synced folder on your laptop.

  • Recommended Point the source directories to a local directory on your computer, where local copies of files are stored, and then also set up one or more remotes using rclone (which is an open source cloud access tool). * pyspecdata can automatically search all your rclone remotes when

    you try to load a file. This is obviously slow.

    • After the auto-search, it adds a line to .pyspecdata so that it knows how to find that directory in the future.

    • It will tell you when it’s searching the remotes. If you know what you’re doing, we highly recommend pressing ctrl-C and then manually adding the appropriate line to RcloneRemotes. (Once you allow it to auto-search and add a line once, the format should be obvious.)

Supports the case where data is processed both on a laboratory computer and (e.g. after transferring via ssh or a syncing client) on a user’s laptop. While it will return a default directory without any arguments, it is typically used with the keyword argument exp_type, described below.

It looks at the top level of the directory first, and if that fails, starts to look recursively. Whenever it finds a file in the current directory, it will not return data from files in the directories underneath. (For a more thorough description, see getDATADIR()).

Note that all loaded files will be logged in the data_files.log file in the directory that you run your python scripts from (so that you can make sure they are properly synced to the cloud, etc.).

It calls load_indiv_file(), which finds the specific routine from inside one of the modules (sub-packages) associated with a particular file-type.

If it can’t find any files matching the criterion, it logs the missing file and throws an exception.

  • searchstring (str) –

    If you don’t know what a regular expression is, you probably want to wrap your filename with re.escape(, like this: re.escape(filename), and use that for your searchstring. (Where you have to import the re module.)

    If you know what a regular expression is, pass one here, and it will find any filenames that match.

  • exp_type (str) – Gives the name of a directory, known to be pyspecdata, that contains the file of interest. For a directory to be known to pyspecdata, it must be registered with the (terminal/shell/command prompt) command pyspecdata_register_dir or in a directory contained inside (underneath) such a directory.

  • expno (int) – For Bruker NMR and Prospa files, where the files are stored in numbered subdirectories, give the number of the subdirectory that you want. Currently, this parameter is needed to load Bruker and Kea files. If it finds multiple files that match the regular expression, it will try to load this experiment number from all the directories.

  • postproc (function, str, or None) –

    This function is fed the nddata data and the remaining keyword arguments (kwargs) as arguments. It’s assumed that each module for each different file type provides a dictionary called postproc_lookup (some are already available in pySpecData, but also, see the lookup argument, below).

    Note that we call this “postprocessing” here because it follows the data organization, etc., performed by the rest of the file in other contexts, however, we might call this “preprocessing”

    If postproc is a string, it looks up the string inside the postproc_lookup dictionary that’s appropriate for the file type.

    If postproc is “none”, then explicitly do not apply any type of postprocessing.

    If postproc is None, it checks to see if the any of the loading functions that were called set the postproc_type property – i.e. it checks the value of data.get_prop('postproc_type') – if this is set, it uses this as a key to pull the corresponding value from postproc_lookup. For example, if this is a bruker file, it sets postproc to the name of the pulse sequence.

    For instance, when the acert module loads an ACERT HDF5 file, it sets postproc_type to the value of (h5 root).experiment.description['class']. This, in turn, is used to choose the type of post-processing.


    passed to load_indiv_file()


    passed to load_indiv_file()


    passed to load_indiv_file()


    passed to load_indiv_file()


    passed to load_indiv_file()


    passed to load_indiv_file() lookup : dictionary with str:function pairs

    types of postprocessing to add to the postproc_lookup dictionary

class pyspecdata.fitdata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nddata

Inherits from an nddata and enables curve fitting through use of a sympy expression.

The user creates a fitdata class object from an existing nddata class object, and on this fitdata object can define the functional_form() of the curve it would like to fit to the data of the original nddata. This functional form must be provided as a sympy expression, with one of its variables matching the name of the dimension that the user would like to fit to. The user provides fit coefficients using fit_coeff() and obtains output using fit() and eval().

If you haven’t done this before, create a jupyter notebook (not checked in, just for your own playing around) with: ` import sympy as s s.init_printing() ` you can then use s.symbols( to create symbols/variables that allow you to build the mathematical expression for your fitting function


Not up to date

bootstrap(points, swap_out=0.36787944117144233, minbounds={}, maxbounds={})

Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


give the covariance for the different symbols

eval(taxis, set_what=None, set_to=None)

calculate the fit function along the axis taxis.

  • taxis (ndarray, int) –

    if ndarray:

    the new axis coordinates along which we want to calculate the fit.

    if int:

    number of evenly spaced points along the t-axis along the fit

  • set_what ('str', optional) – forcibly sets a specific symbol

  • set_to (double, optional) – the specific value (int) you are assigning the symbol you included


self – the fit function evaluated along the axis coordinates that were passed

Return type:


fit(set_what=None, set_to=None, force_analytical=False)

actually run the fit

fitfunc(p, x)

This is the function that does the actual fitting, and takes a properly ordered list of parameters as well as an np.ndarray for the x axis.

property function_string

A property of the fitdata class which stores a string output of the functional form of the desired fit expression provided in func:functional_form in LaTeX format

property functional_form

A property of the fitdata class which is set by the user, takes as input a sympy expression of the desired fit expression

gen_indices(this_set, set_to)

pass this this_set and this_set_to parameters, and it will return: indices,values,mask indices –> gives the indices that are forced values –> the values they are forced to mask –> p[mask] are actually active in the fit


old code that I am preserving here – provide the guess for our parameters; by default, based on pseudoinverse


show the latex string for the function, with all the symbols substituted by their values

linear(*args, **kwargs)

return the linear-form function, either smoothly along the fit function, or on the raw data, depending on whether or not the taxis argument is given can take optional arguments and pass them on to eval


give the fit value of a particular symbol, or a dictionary of all values.


name (str (optional)) – name of the symbol. If no name is passed, then output returns a dictionary of the resulting values.


retval – Either a dictionary of all the values, or the value itself.

Return type:

dict or float

parameter_derivatives(xvals, set=None, set_to=None)

return a matrix containing derivatives of the parameters, can set dict set, or keys set, vals set_to

pinv(*args, **kwargs)
rename(previous, new)
residual(p, x, y, sigma)

just the residual (error) function


sets parameters to guess/estimated value to compare fit.


dict_of_values (dict) – dictionary of values set to parameters in fit equation. Allows for the setting of multiple variables depending on what’s defined in this dictionary. The keys of the dictionary must be sympy symbols


self – The modified nddata

Return type:



a debugging function, to easily plot the initial guess


Phased out: leaving documentation so we can interpret and update old code

This is an auxiliary function that’s used to decode the experiment list.


args (list or tuple) –

can be in one of two formats :(dirname,[i,j,k,...N]): typically used, e.g. for

Bruker NMR experiments. i,j,...N are integer numbers referring to individual experiments that are stored in subdirectories of dirname (a string).


just return this list of experiments given by the strings exp_name1…`exp_nameN`.


identical to previous


identical to previous


identical to previous

(exp_name) or (exp_name,[]):

works for a single experiment

pyspecdata.getDATADIR(*args, **kwargs)

Used to find a directory containing data in a way that works seamlessly across different computers (and operating systems).

This is not intended as a user-level function use find_file() or search_filename() (especially with the unique parameter set to true) instead!

Supports the case where data is processed both on a laboratory computer and (e.g. after transferring via ssh or a syncing client) on a user’s laptop. While it will return a default directory without any arguments, it is typically used with the keyword argument exp_type, described below.

Note that the most common way to use this mechanism is to set up your directories using the pyspecdata_register_dir shell command – see register_directory().

It returns the directory ending in a trailing (back)slash.

It is determined by a call to MyConfig.get_setting with the setting name data_directory and the environment variable set to PYTHON_DATA_DIR.


exp_type (str) –

A string identifying the name of a subdirectory where the data is stored. It can contain slashes. Typically, this gives the path relative to a google drive, rclone, dropbox, etc, repository. To make code portable, exp_type should not contain a full path or or portions of the path that are specific to the computer/user.

If the directory has note been used before, all the directories listed in the user’s _pyspecdata or .pyspecdata config file will be searched recursively up to 2 levels deep.

It searches for exp_type in this order:

  • Look in the ExpTypes section of the config file.
    • Note that by using this, you can store data in locations other

      than your main data directory. For example, consider the following section of the ~/.pyspecdata config file: ` [ExpTypes] alternate_base = /opt/other_data alternate_type_one = %(alternate_base)s/type_one ` which would find data with exp_type alternate_type_one in /opt/other_data/type_one.

  • use os.walk to search for a directory with this name

    inside the directory identified by experimental_data. excluding things that start with ‘.’, ‘_’ or containing ‘.hfssresults’, always choosing the thing that’s highest up in the tree. If it doesn’t find a directory inside experimental_data, it will search inside all the directories already listed in ExpTypes. Currently, in both attempts, it will only walk 2 levels deep (since NMR directories can be rather complex, and otherwise it would take forever).

pyspecdata.gridandtick(ax, rotation=(0, 0), precision=(2, 2), labelstring=('', ''), gridcolor=array([0, 0, 0]), formatonly=False, fixed_y_locator=None, use_grid=True, spines=None, y=True)
pyspecdata.h5attachattributes(node, listofattributes, myvalues)
pyspecdata.h5child(thisnode, childname, clear=False, create=None)

grab the child, optionally clearing it and/or (by default) creating it

pyspecdata.h5nodebypath(h5path, force=False, only_lowest=False, check_only=False, directory='.', mode='a')

return the node based on an absolute path, including the filename

pyspecdata.h5table(bottomnode, tablename, tabledata)

create the table, or if tabledata is None, just check if it exists

pyspecdata.image(A, x=[], y=[], allow_nonuniform=True, **kwargs)

Please don’t call image directly anymore – use the image method of figurelist

pyspecdata.init_logging(level=10, stdout_level=20, filename='pyspecdata.%d.log', fileno=0)

Initialize a decent logging setup to log to ~/pyspecdata.log (and ~/pyspecdata.XX.log if that’s taken).

By default, everything above “debug” is logged to a file, while everything above “info” is printed to stdout.

Do NOT log if run from within a notebook (it’s fair to assume that you will run first before embedding)

class pyspecdata.interp1d(x, y, kind='linear', axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=None, fill_value=nan, assume_sorted=False)

Bases: _Interpolator1D

Interpolate a 1-D function.

x and y are arrays of values used to approximate some function f: y = f(x). This class returns a function whose call method uses interpolation to find the value of new points.

  • x ((npoints, ) array_like) – A 1-D array of real values.

  • y ((..., npoints, ...) array_like) – A N-D array of real values. The length of y along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of x. Use the axis parameter to select correct axis. Unlike other interpolators, the default interpolation axis is the last axis of y.

  • kind (str or int, optional) – Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. The string has to be one of ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘nearest-up’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’, ‘previous’, or ‘next’. ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’ and ‘cubic’ refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order; ‘previous’ and ‘next’ simply return the previous or next value of the point; ‘nearest-up’ and ‘nearest’ differ when interpolating half-integers (e.g. 0.5, 1.5) in that ‘nearest-up’ rounds up and ‘nearest’ rounds down. Default is ‘linear’.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis in the y array corresponding to the x-coordinate values. Unlike other interpolators, defaults to axis=-1.

  • copy (bool, optional) – If True, the class makes internal copies of x and y. If False, references to x and y are used. The default is to copy.

  • bounds_error (bool, optional) – If True, a ValueError is raised any time interpolation is attempted on a value outside of the range of x (where extrapolation is necessary). If False, out of bounds values are assigned fill_value. By default, an error is raised unless fill_value="extrapolate".

  • fill_value (array-like or (array-like, array_like) or "extrapolate", optional) –

    • if a ndarray (or float), this value will be used to fill in for requested points outside of the data range. If not provided, then the default is NaN. The array-like must broadcast properly to the dimensions of the non-interpolation axes.

    • If a two-element tuple, then the first element is used as a fill value for x_new < x[0] and the second element is used for x_new > x[-1]. Anything that is not a 2-element tuple (e.g., list or ndarray, regardless of shape) is taken to be a single array-like argument meant to be used for both bounds as below, above = fill_value, fill_value. Using a two-element tuple or ndarray requires bounds_error=False.

      New in version 0.17.0.

    • If “extrapolate”, then points outside the data range will be extrapolated.

      New in version 0.17.0.

  • assume_sorted (bool, optional) – If False, values of x can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, x has to be an array of monotonically increasing values.


See also

splrep, splev


An object-oriented wrapper of the FITPACK routines.


2-D interpolation


Calling interp1d with NaNs present in input values results in undefined behaviour.

Input values x and y must be convertible to float values like int or float.

If the values in x are not unique, the resulting behavior is undefined and specific to the choice of kind, i.e., changing kind will change the behavior for duplicates.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy import interpolate
>>> x = np.arange(0, 10)
>>> y = np.exp(-x/3.0)
>>> f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
>>> xnew = np.arange(0, 9, 0.1)
>>> ynew = f(xnew)   # use interpolation function returned by `interp1d`
>>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, ynew, '-')
property fill_value

The fill value.


tests if something is sympy (based on the module name)

class pyspecdata.lmfitdata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: nddata

Inherits from an nddata and enables curve fitting through use of a sympy expression.

The user creates a lmfitdata class object from an existing nddata class object, and on this lmfitdata object can define the functional_form() of the curve it would like to fit to the data of the original nddata. This functional form must be provided as a sympy expression, with one of its variables matching the name of the dimension that the user would like to fit to.


Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


If we do something like fit a lorentzian or voigt lineshape, it makes more sense to define our fit function in the time domain, but to calculate the residuals and to evaluate in the frequency domain. Therefore, we define a function that accepts an nddata, and defines how the data is manipulated to move into the (e.g. frequency) residual domain.u

Use this as a decorator to identify that function.


Calculate the fit function along the axis taxis.


taxis (ndarray, int) –

if ndarray:

the new axis coordinates along which we want to calculate the fit.

if int:

number of evenly spaced points along the t-axis along the fit


self – the fit function evaluated along the axis coordinates that were passed

Return type:



actually run the fit

property function_string

A property of the myfitclass class which stores a string output of the functional form of the desired fit expression provided in func:functional_form in LaTeX format

property functional_form

A property of the myfitclass class which is set by the user, takes as input a sympy expression of the desired fit expression

gen_indices(this_set, set_to)

pass this this_set and this_set_to parameters, and it will return: indices,values,mask indices –> gives the indices that are forced values –> the values they are forced to mask –> p[mask] are actually active in the fit


Old code that we are preserving here – provide the guess for our parameters; by default, based on pseudoinverse

jacobian(pars, sigma=None)

cache the symbolic jacobian and/or use it to compute the numeric result

Note that, like residual, this is designed for use by lmfit, so that if you want to actually see the Jacobian, you need to pass something a bit more complicated, like this:

>>> jac = newfit.jacobian(newfit.fit_parameters).view(

which assumes that I have run the fit, and so have access to the fit parameters, and gives the complex view for complex data (since in a complex fit, we use view to treat real an imaginary parts the same)


show the latex string for the function, with all the symbols substituted by their values


give the fit value of a particular symbol, or a dictionary of all values.


name (str (optional)) – name of the symbol. If no name is passed, then output returns a dictionary of the resulting values.


retval – Either a dictionary of all the values, or the value itself

Return type:

dict or float


Use regularized Pseudo-inverse to (partly) solve: \(-residual = f(\mathbf{p}+\Delta \mathbf{p})-f(\mathbf{p}) \approx \nabla f(\mathbf{p}) \cdot \Delta \mathbf{p}\)

residual(pars, sigma=None)

calculate the residual OR if data is None, return fake data

set_guess(*args, **kwargs)

set both the guess and the bounds


guesses (dict of dicts) –

each dict has a keyword giving the parameter and a value that comprises a dict with guesses (value) and/or constraints (min/max)

Can be passed either as the only argument, or a kwarg called guesses, or as the kwargs themselves (i.e. .set_guesses(**guesses))

For example (the last case:)

>>> d.set_guess(
>>>     param1=dict(value=1.0, min=0, max=10),
>>>     param2=dict(value=2.0, min=0, max=10))


a debugging function, to easily plot the initial guess

property transformed_data

If we do something like fit a lorentzian or voigt lineshape, it makes more sense to define our fit function in the time domain, but to calculate the residuals and to evaluate in the frequency domain. Therefore, we define a function self.residual_transform that accepts an nddata, and defines how the data is manipulated to move into the (e.g. frequency) residual domain. (It’s easiest to do this by using the self.define_residual_transform decorator)


retval – just return the ndarray

Return type:


pyspecdata.load_indiv_file(filename, dimname='', return_acq=False, add_sizes=[], add_dims=[], use_sweep=None, indirect_dimlabels=None, expno=None, exp_type=None, return_list=False)

Open the file given by filename, use file signature magic and/or filename extension(s) to identify the file type, and call the appropriate function to open it.

  • dimname (str) – When there is a single indirect dimension composed of several scans, call the indirect dimension dimname.

  • return_acq (DEPRECATED) –

  • add_sizes (list) – the sizes associated with the dimensions in add_dims

  • add_dims (list) – Can only be used with dimname. Break the dimension dimname into several dimensions, with the names given by the list add_dims and sizes given by add_sizes. If the product of the sizes is not the same as the original dimension given by dimname, retain it as the “outermost” (leftmost) dimension. pyspecdata.core.chunkoff() is used to do this, like so: data.chunkoff(dimname,add_dims,add_sizes)

  • indirect_dimlabels (str or None) – passed through to acert.load_pulse (names an indirect dimension when dimlabels isn’t provided)


the nddata containing the data, or else, None, indicating that this is part of a pair of files that should be skipped

Return type:

nddata or None

pyspecdata.log_fname(logname, fname, dirname, exp_type)

logs the file name either used or missing into a csv file.

Also, by setting the err flag to True, you can generate an error message that will guide you on how to selectively copy down this data from a remote source (google drive, etc.), e.g.:

``Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 21, in <module>


File “”, line 6630,

in __init__ check_only=True, directory=directory)

File “”, line 1041,

in h5nodebypath +errmsg)

AttributeError: You’re checking for a node in a file (200110_pulse_2.h5)

that does not exist

I can’t find 200110_pulse_2.h5 in C:Usersjohnfexp_datatest_equip, so

I’m going to search for t in your rclone remotes

checking remote g_syr: You should be able to retrieve this file with: rclone copy -v –include ‘200110_pulse_2.h5’ g_syr:exp_data/test_equip C:\Users\johnf\exp_data\test_equip``

pyspecdata.lrecordarray(*x, **kwargs)
pyspecdata.lsafe(*string, **kwargs)

replacement for normal lsafe – no escaping

pyspecdata.lsafen(*string, **kwargs)

see lsafe, but with an added double newline

pyspecdata.make_bar_graph_indices(mystructarray, list_of_text_fields, recursion_depth=0, spacing=0.1)

This is a recursive function that is used as part of textlabel_bargraph; it does NOT work without the sorting given at the beginning of that function

pyspecdata.make_ndarray(array_to_conv, name_forprint='unknown')
pyspecdata.make_rec(*args, **kwargs)

input,names or a single argument, which is a dictionary strlen = 100 gives length of the strings (which need to be specified in record arrays) you can also specify (especially useful with the dictionary format) the list order = [str1,str2,…] which orders the output records with the field containing str1 first, then the field containing str2, then any remaining fields

pyspecdata.mydiff(data, axis=-1)

this will replace np.diff with a version that has the same number of indices, with the last being the copy of the first

pyspecdata.myfilter(x, center=250000.0, sigma=100000.0)
pyspecdata.myplotfunc(*args: float | ArrayLike | str, scalex: bool = True, scaley: bool = True, data=None, **kwargs) list[Line2D]

Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers.

Call signatures:

plot([x], y, [fmt], *, data=None, **kwargs)
plot([x], y, [fmt], [x2], y2, [fmt2], ..., **kwargs)

The coordinates of the points or line nodes are given by x, y.

The optional parameter fmt is a convenient way for defining basic formatting like color, marker and linestyle. It’s a shortcut string notation described in the Notes section below.

>>> plot(x, y)        # plot x and y using default line style and color
>>> plot(x, y, 'bo')  # plot x and y using blue circle markers
>>> plot(y)           # plot y using x as index array 0..N-1
>>> plot(y, 'r+')     # ditto, but with red plusses

You can use .Line2D properties as keyword arguments for more control on the appearance. Line properties and fmt can be mixed. The following two calls yield identical results:

>>> plot(x, y, 'go--', linewidth=2, markersize=12)
>>> plot(x, y, color='green', marker='o', linestyle='dashed',
...      linewidth=2, markersize=12)

When conflicting with fmt, keyword arguments take precedence.

Plotting labelled data

There’s a convenient way for plotting objects with labelled data (i.e. data that can be accessed by index obj['y']). Instead of giving the data in x and y, you can provide the object in the data parameter and just give the labels for x and y:

>>> plot('xlabel', 'ylabel', data=obj)

All indexable objects are supported. This could e.g. be a dict, a pandas.DataFrame or a structured numpy array.

Plotting multiple sets of data

There are various ways to plot multiple sets of data.

  • The most straight forward way is just to call plot multiple times. Example:

    >>> plot(x1, y1, 'bo')
    >>> plot(x2, y2, 'go')
  • If x and/or y are 2D arrays a separate data set will be drawn for every column. If both x and y are 2D, they must have the same shape. If only one of them is 2D with shape (N, m) the other must have length N and will be used for every data set m.


    >>> x = [1, 2, 3]
    >>> y = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
    >>> plot(x, y)

    is equivalent to:

    >>> for col in range(y.shape[1]):
    ...     plot(x, y[:, col])
  • The third way is to specify multiple sets of [x], y, [fmt] groups:

    >>> plot(x1, y1, 'g^', x2, y2, 'g-')

    In this case, any additional keyword argument applies to all datasets. Also, this syntax cannot be combined with the data parameter.

By default, each line is assigned a different style specified by a ‘style cycle’. The fmt and line property parameters are only necessary if you want explicit deviations from these defaults. Alternatively, you can also change the style cycle using :rc:`axes.prop_cycle`.

  • x (array-like or scalar) –

    The horizontal / vertical coordinates of the data points. x values are optional and default to range(len(y)).

    Commonly, these parameters are 1D arrays.

    They can also be scalars, or two-dimensional (in that case, the columns represent separate data sets).

    These arguments cannot be passed as keywords.

  • y (array-like or scalar) –

    The horizontal / vertical coordinates of the data points. x values are optional and default to range(len(y)).

    Commonly, these parameters are 1D arrays.

    They can also be scalars, or two-dimensional (in that case, the columns represent separate data sets).

    These arguments cannot be passed as keywords.

  • fmt (str, optional) –

    A format string, e.g. ‘ro’ for red circles. See the Notes section for a full description of the format strings.

    Format strings are just an abbreviation for quickly setting basic line properties. All of these and more can also be controlled by keyword arguments.

    This argument cannot be passed as keyword.

  • data (indexable object, optional) –

    An object with labelled data. If given, provide the label names to plot in x and y.


    Technically there’s a slight ambiguity in calls where the second label is a valid fmt. plot('n', 'o', data=obj) could be plt(x, y) or plt(y, fmt). In such cases, the former interpretation is chosen, but a warning is issued. You may suppress the warning by adding an empty format string plot('n', 'o', '', data=obj).

  • scalex (bool, default: True) – These parameters determine if the view limits are adapted to the data limits. The values are passed on to ~.axes.Axes.autoscale_view.

  • scaley (bool, default: True) – These parameters determine if the view limits are adapted to the data limits. The values are passed on to ~.axes.Axes.autoscale_view.

  • **kwargs (~matplotlib.lines.Line2D properties, optional) –

    kwargs are used to specify properties like a line label (for auto legends), linewidth, antialiasing, marker face color. Example:

    >>> plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], 'go-', label='line 1', linewidth=2)
    >>> plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9], 'rs', label='line 2')

    If you specify multiple lines with one plot call, the kwargs apply to all those lines. In case the label object is iterable, each element is used as labels for each set of data.

    Here is a list of available .Line2D properties:

    Properties: agg_filter: a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array and two offsets from the bottom left corner of the image alpha: scalar or None animated: bool antialiased or aa: bool clip_box: ~matplotlib.transforms.BboxBase or None clip_on: bool clip_path: Patch or (Path, Transform) or None color or c: color dash_capstyle: .CapStyle or {‘butt’, ‘projecting’, ‘round’} dash_joinstyle: .JoinStyle or {‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’} dashes: sequence of floats (on/off ink in points) or (None, None) data: (2, N) array or two 1D arrays drawstyle or ds: {‘default’, ‘steps’, ‘steps-pre’, ‘steps-mid’, ‘steps-post’}, default: ‘default’ figure: ~matplotlib.figure.Figure fillstyle: {‘full’, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘bottom’, ‘top’, ‘none’} gapcolor: color or None gid: str in_layout: bool label: object linestyle or ls: {‘-’, ‘–’, ‘-.’, ‘:’, ‘’, (offset, on-off-seq), …} linewidth or lw: float marker: marker style string, ~.path.Path or ~.markers.MarkerStyle markeredgecolor or mec: color markeredgewidth or mew: float markerfacecolor or mfc: color markerfacecoloralt or mfcalt: color markersize or ms: float markevery: None or int or (int, int) or slice or list[int] or float or (float, float) or list[bool] mouseover: bool path_effects: list of .AbstractPathEffect picker: float or callable[[Artist, Event], tuple[bool, dict]] pickradius: float rasterized: bool sketch_params: (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float) snap: bool or None solid_capstyle: .CapStyle or {‘butt’, ‘projecting’, ‘round’} solid_joinstyle: .JoinStyle or {‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’} transform: unknown url: str visible: bool xdata: 1D array ydata: 1D array zorder: float


A list of lines representing the plotted data.

Return type:

list of .Line2D

See also


XY scatter plot with markers of varying size and/or color ( sometimes also called bubble chart).


Format Strings

A format string consists of a part for color, marker and line:

fmt = '[marker][line][color]'

Each of them is optional. If not provided, the value from the style cycle is used. Exception: If line is given, but no marker, the data will be a line without markers.

Other combinations such as [color][marker][line] are also supported, but note that their parsing may be ambiguous.





point marker


pixel marker


circle marker


triangle_down marker


triangle_up marker


triangle_left marker


triangle_right marker


tri_down marker


tri_up marker


tri_left marker


tri_right marker


octagon marker


square marker


pentagon marker


plus (filled) marker


star marker


hexagon1 marker


hexagon2 marker


plus marker


x marker


x (filled) marker


diamond marker


thin_diamond marker


vline marker


hline marker

Line Styles




solid line style


dashed line style


dash-dot line style


dotted line style

Example format strings:

'b'    # blue markers with default shape
'or'   # red circles
'-g'   # green solid line
'--'   # dashed line with default color
'^k:'  # black triangle_up markers connected by a dotted line


The supported color abbreviations are the single letter codes



















and the 'CN' colors that index into the default property cycle.

If the color is the only part of the format string, you can additionally use any matplotlib.colors spec, e.g. full names ('green') or hex strings ('#008000').

class pyspecdata.nddata(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This is the detailed API reference. For an introduction on how to use ND-Data, see the Main ND-Data Documentation.

property C

shortcut for copy

btw, what we are doing is analogous to a ruby function with functioname!() modify result, and we can use the “out” keyword in numpy.


(new idea) This should just set a flag that says “Do not allow this data to be substituted in place,” so that if something goes to edit the data in place, it instead first makes a copy.

also here, see Definition of shallow and deep copy

(older idea) We should offer “N”, which generates something like a copy, but which is sets the equivalent of “nopop”. For example, currently, you need to do something like d.C.argmax('t2'), which is very inefficient, since it copies the whole np.array. So, instead, we should do d.N.argmax('t2'), which tells argmax and all other functions not to overwrite “self” but to return a new object. This would cause things like “run_nopop” to become obsolete.


Add Gaussian (box-muller) noise to the data.


intensity (double OR function) – If a double, gives the standard deviation of the noise. If a function, used to calculate the standard deviation of the noise from the data: e.g. lambda x: max(abs(x))/10.


This is a fundamental method used by all of the arithmetic operations. It uses the dimension labels of self (the current instance) and arg (an nddata passed to this method) to generate two corresponding output nddatas that I refer to here, respectively, as A and B. A and B have dimensions that are “aligned” – that is, they are identical except for singleton dimensions (note that numpy automatically tiles singleton dimensions). Regardless of how the dimensions of and (the underlying numpy data) were ordered, and are now ordered identically, where dimensions with the same label (.dimlabel) correspond to the same numpy index. This allows you do do math.

Note that, currently, both A and B are given a full set of axis labels, even for singleton dimensions. This is because we’re assuming you’re going to do math with them, and that the singleton dimensions will be expanded.


arg (nddata or np.ndarray) – The nddata that you want to align to self. If arg is an np.ndarray, it will try to match dimensions to self based on the length of the dimension. Note: currently there is an issue where this will only really work for 1D data, since it first makes an nddata instance based on arg, which apparently collapses multi-D data to 1D data.


  • A (nddata) – realigned version of self

  • B (nddata) – realigned version of arg (the argument)

along(dimname, rename_redundant=None)

Specifies the dimension for the next matrix multiplication (represents the rows/columns).

  • dimname (str) –

    The next time matrix multiplication is called, ‘dimname’ will be summed over. That is, dimname will become the columns position if this is the first matrix.

    If along is not called for the second matrix, dimname will also take the position of rows for that matrix!

  • rename_redundant (tuple of str or (default) None) –

    If you are multiplying two different matrices, then it is only sensible that before the multiplication, you should identify the dimension representing the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left matrix with different names.

    However sometimes (e.g. constructing projection matrices) you may want to start with two matrices where both the row space of the right matrix and the column space of the left have the same name. If so, you will want to rename the column space of the resulting matrix – then you pass rename_redundant=('orig name','new name')

property angle

Return the angle component of the data.

This has error, which is calculated even if there is no error in the original data – in the latter case, a uniform error of 1 is assumed. (This is desirable since phase is a tricky beast!)

argmax(*args, **kwargs)

find the max along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value


raw_index (bool) – return the raw (np.ndarray) numerical index, rather than the corresponding axis value Note that the result returned is still, however, an nddata (rather than numpy np.ndarray) object.

argmin(*axes, **kwargs)

If .argmin(‘axisname’) find the min along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value. If .argmin(): return a dictionary giving the coordinates of the overall minimum point.


raw_index (bool) – Return the raw (np.ndarray) numerical index, rather than the corresponding axis value. Note that the result returned is still, however, an nddata (rather than numpy np.ndarray) object.


returns a 1-D axis for further manipulation


return the size (length) of an axis, by name


axis (str) – name of the axis whos length you are interested in


Return the index number for the axis with the name “axis”

This is used by many other methods. As a simple example, self.:func:axlen`(axis) (the axis length) returns ``np.shape([self.axn(axis)]`


axis (str) – name of the axis

cdf(normalized=True, max_bins=500)

calculate the Cumulative Distribution Function for the data along axis_name

only for 1D data right now


  • A new nddata object with an axis labeled values, and data

  • corresponding to the CDF.

chunk(axisin, *otherargs)

“Chunking” is defined here to be the opposite of taking a direct product, increasing the number of dimensions by the inverse of the process by which taking a direct product decreases the number of dimensions. This function chunks axisin into multiple new axes arguments.:

axesout – gives the names of the output axes shapesout – optional – if not given, it assumes equal length – if given, one of the values can be -1, which is assumed length

When there are axes, it assumes that the axes of the new dimensions are nested – e.g., it will chunk a dimension with axis: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] into dimensions with axes: [0,1,2,3,4], [1,6]


Deal with this efficiently when we move to new-style axes

chunk_auto(axis_name, which_field=None, dimname=None)

assuming that axis “axis_name” is currently labeled with a structured np.array, choose one field (“which_field”) of that structured np.array to generate a new dimension Note that for now, by definition, no error is allowed on the axes. However, once I upgrade to using structured arrays to handle axis and data errors, I will want to deal with that appropriately here.

circshift(axis, amount)
contiguous(lambdafunc, axis=None, return_idx=False)

Return contiguous blocks that satisfy the condition given by lambdafunc

this function returns the start and stop positions along the axis for the contiguous blocks for which lambdafunc returns true Currently only supported for 1D data


adapted from

stackexchange post

  • lambdafunc (types.FunctionType) – If only one argument (lambdafunc) is given, then lambdafunc is a function that accepts a copy of the current nddata object (self) as the argument. If two arguments are given, the second is axis, and lambdafunc has two arguments, self and the value of axis.

  • axis ({None,str}) – the name of the axis along which you want to find contiguous blocks


retval – An \(N\times 2\) matrix, where the \(N\) rows correspond to pairs of axis label that give ranges over which lambdafunc evaluates to True. These are ordered according to descending range width.

Return type:



sum_for_contiguous = abs(forplot).mean('t1')"test contiguous")
forplot = sum_for_contiguous.copy().set_error(None)
fl.plot(forplot,alpha = 0.25,linewidth = 3)
print("this is what the max looks like",0.5*sum_for_contiguous.\
print(sum_for_contiguous > 0.5*sum_for_contiguous.\
retval = sum_for_contiguous.contiguous(quarter_of_max,'t2')
print("contiguous range / 1e6:",retval/1e6)
for j in range(retval.shape[0]):
    a,b = retval[j,:]
contour(labels=True, **kwargs)

Contour plot – kwargs are passed to the matplotlib contour function.

See docstring of figlist_var.image() for an example


Whether or not the levels should be labeled. Defaults to True



convolve(axisname, filterwidth, convfunc='gaussian', enforce_causality=True)

Perform a convolution.

  • axisname (str) – apply the convolution along axisname

  • filterwidth (double) – width of the convolution function (the units of this value are specified in the same domain as that in which the data exists when you call this function on said data)

  • convfunc (function) – A function that takes two arguments – the first are the axis coordinates and the second is filterwidth (see filterwidth). Default is a normalized Gaussian of FWHM (\(\lambda\)) filterwidth For example if you want a complex Lorentzian with filterwidth controlled by the rate \(R\), i.e. \(\frac{-1}{-i 2 \pi f - R}\) then convfunc = lambda f,R: -1./(-1j*2*pi*f-R)

  • enforce_causality (boolean (default true)) –

    make sure that the ift of the filter doesn’t get aliased to high time values.

    ”Causal” data here means data derived as the FT of time-domain data that starts at time zero – like an FID – for which real and abs parts are Hermite transform pairs.

    enforce_causality should be True for frequency-domain data whose corresponding time-domain data has a startpoint at or near zero, with no negative time values – like data derived from the FT of an IFT. In contrast, for example, if you have frequency-domain data that is entirely real (like a power spectral density) then you want to set enforce_causality to False.

    It is ignored if you call a convolution on time-domain data.


Return a full copy of this instance.

Because methods typically change the data in place, you might want to use this frequently.


data (boolean) –

Default to True. False doesn’t copy the data – this is for internal use, e.g. when you want to copy all the metadata and perform a calculation on the data.

The code for this also provides the definitive list of the nddata metadata.


Copy all properties (see get_prop()) from another nddata object – note that these include properties pertaining the the FT status of various dimensions.


calculate covariance matrix for a 2D experiment


along_dim (str) – the “observations” dimension of the data set (as opposed to the variable)

cropped_log(subplot_axes=None, magnitude=4)

For the purposes of plotting, this generates a copy where I take the log, spanning “magnitude” orders of magnitude. This is designed to be called as abs(instance).cropped_log(), so it doesn’t make a copy

diff(thisaxis, backwards=False)
div_units(arg1, arg2=None)

divide units of the data (or axis) by the units that are given, and return the multiplier as a number.

If the result is not dimensionless, an error will be generated.

e.g. call as d.div_units(“axisname”,”s”) to divide the axis units by seconds

or d.div_units(“s”) to divide the data units by seconds.

In other words, if you pass “a” and the units of your data are in “b”, then this returns x, such that (x a)/(b) = 1.

e.g. to convert a variable from seconds to the units of axisname, do var_s/d.div_units(“axisname”,”s”)


This will perform a dot product or a matrix multiplication. If one dimension in arg matches that in self, it will dot along that dimension (take a matrix multiplication where that dimension represents the columns of self and the rows of arg)

Note that if you have your dimensions named “rows” and “columns”, this will be very confusing, but if you have your dimensions named in terms of the vector basis they are defined/live in, this makes sense.

If there are zero or no matching dimensions, then use along() to specify the dimensions for matrix multiplication / dot product.

eval_poly(c, axis, inplace=False, npts=None)

Take c output (array of polynomial coefficents in ascending order) from polyfit(), and apply it along axis axis


c (ndarray) – polynomial coefficients in ascending polynomial order

extend(axis, extent, fill_with=0, tolerance=1e-05)

Extend the (domain of the) dataset and fill with a pre-set value.

The coordinates associated with axis must be uniformly ascending with spacing \(dx\). The function will extend self by adding a point every \(dx\) until the axis includes the point extent. Fill the newly created datapoints with fill_with.

  • axis (str) – name of the axis to extend

  • extent (double) –

    Extend the axis coordinates of axis out to this value.

    The value of extent must be less the smallest (most negative) axis coordinate or greater than the largest (most positive) axis coordinate.

  • fill_with (double) – fill the new data points with this value (defaults to 0)

  • tolerance (double) – when checking for ascending axis labels, etc., values/differences must match to within tolerance (assumed to represent the actual precision, given various errors, etc.)

extend_for_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, skew_amount, verbose=False)

this is propto_axis helper function for .fourier.shear

fld(dict_in, noscalar=False)

flatten dictionary – return list

fourier_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, by_amount, zero_fill=False, start_in_conj=False)

the fourier shear method – see .shear() documentation

fromaxis(*args, **kwargs)

Generate an nddata object from one of the axis labels.

Can be used in one of several ways:

  • self.fromaxis('axisname'): Returns an nddata where consists of the given axis values.

  • self.fromaxis('axisname',inputfunc): use axisname as the input for inputfunc, and load the result into

  • self.fromaxis(inputsymbolic): Evaluate inputsymbolic and load the result into

  • axisname (str | list) – The axis (or list of axes) to that is used as the argument of inputfunc or the function represented by inputsymbolic. If this is the only argument, it cannot be a list.

  • inputsymbolic (sympy.Expr) – A sympy expression whose only symbols are the names of axes. It is preferred, though not required, that this is passed without an axisname argument – the axis names are then inferred from the symbolic expression.

  • inputfunc (function) – A function (typically a lambda function) that taxes the values of the axis given by axisname as input.

  • overwrite (bool) – Defaults to False. If set to True, it overwrites self with retval.

  • as_array (bool) – Defaults to False. If set to True, retval is a properly dimensioned numpy ndarray rather than an nddata.


retval – An expression calculated from the axis(es) given by axisname or inferred from inputsymbolic.

Return type:

nddata | ndarray

ft(axes, tolerance=1e-05, cosine=False, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs a Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(\tilde{s}(f)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} s(t) e^{-i 2 \pi f t} dt\)

pre-FT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(t=0\) to the first index

post-FT, we assume that the data has previously been IFT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard fftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) – pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2.

  • automix (double) – automix can be set to the approximate frequency value. This is useful for the specific case where the data has been captured on a sampling scope, and it’s severely aliased over.

  • cosine (boolean) – yields a sum of the fft and ifft, for a cosine transform

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

ft_clear_startpoints(axis, t=None, f=None, nearest=None)

Clears memory of where the origins in the time and frequency domain are. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • t (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – keyword arguments t and f can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) using the string ‘current’ to leave the current setting alone (3) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint and (4) None, which will be changed to ‘current’ when the other is set to a number or ‘reset’ if both are set to None.

  • t – see t

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

ft_new_startpoint(axis, which_domain, value=None, nearest=False)

Clears (or resets) memory of where the origins of the domain is. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • which_domain ("t" or "f") – time-like or frequency-like domain (can be either t,ν, or cm,cm⁻¹ or u,B₀, etc.)

  • value (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint, allowing the (I)FT to decide from scratch

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.


Return a string that lists the FT domain for the given axes.

\(u\) refers to the original domain (typically time) and \(v\) refers to the FT’d domain (typically frequency) If no axes are passed as arguments, it does this for all axes.

ftshift(axis, value)

FT-based shift. Currently only works in time domain.

This was previously made obsolete, but is now a demo of how to use the ft properties. It is not the most efficient way to do this.


this returns the covariance matrix of the data


get a copy of the errors either

set_error(‘axisname’,error_for_axis) or set_error(error_for_data)

get_ft_prop(axis, propname=None)

Gets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if no propname is given, this just sets the FT property, which tells if a dimension is frequency or time domain


return arbitrary ND-data properties (typically acquisition parameters etc.) by name (propname)

In order to allow ND-data to store acquisition parameters and other info that accompanies the data, but might not be structured in a gridded format, nddata instances always have a other_info dictionary attribute, which stores these properties by name.

If the property doesn’t exist, this returns None.


propname (str) –

Name of the property that you’re want returned. If this is left out or set to “None” (not given), the names of the available properties are returned. If no exact match is found, and propname contains a . or * or [, it’s assumed to be a regular expression. If several such matches are found, the error message is informative.


have it recursively search dictionaries (e.g. bruker acq)


  • The value of the property (can by any type) or None if the property

  • doesn’t exist.

get_range(dimname, start, stop)

get raw indices that can be used to generate a slice for the start and (non-inclusive) stop

Uses the same code as the standard slicing format (the ‘range’ option of parseslices)

  • dimname (str) – name of the dimension

  • start (float) – the coordinate for the start of the range

  • stop (float) – the coordinate for the stop of the range


  • start (int) – the index corresponding to the start of the range

  • stop (int) – the index corresponding to the stop of the range

hdf5_write(h5path, directory='.')

Write the nddata to an HDF5 file.

h5path is the name of the file followed by the node path where you want to put it – it does not include the directory where the file lives. The directory can be passed to the directory argument.

You can use either find_file() or nddata_hdf5() to read the data, as shown below. When reading this, please note that HDF5 files store multiple datasets, and each is named (here, the name is test_data).

from pyspecdata import *
a = nddata(r_[0:5:10j], 'x')'test_data')
except Exception:
    print("file already exists, not creating again -- delete the
    file or node if wanted")
# read the file by the "raw method"
b = nddata_hdf5('example.h5/test_data',
print("found data:",b)
# or use the find file method
c = find_file('example.h5', exp_type='Sam',
print("found data:",c)
  • h5path (str) – The name of the file followed by the node path where you want to put it – it does not include the directory where the file lives. (Because HDF5 files contain an internal directory-like group structure.)

  • directory (str) – the directory where the HDF5 file lives.


This function attempts to choose “human-readable” units for axes or y-values of the data. (Terminology stolen from “human readable” file sizes when running shell commands.) This means that it looks at the axis or at the y-values and converts e.g. seconds to milliseconds where appropriate, also multiplying or dividing the data in an appropriate way.

ift(axes, n=False, tolerance=1e-05, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs an inverse Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(s(t)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} \tilde{s}(f) e^{i 2 \pi f t} df\)

pre-IFT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(f=0\) to the first index

post-IFT, we assume that the data has previously been FT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard ifftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) –

    pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2. It uses the start_time ft property to determine the start of the axis. To do this, it assumes that it is a stationary signal (convolved with infinite comb function). The value of start_time can differ from by a non-integral multiple of \(\Delta t\), though the routine will check whether or not it is safe to do this.

    ..note ::

    In the code, this is controlled by p2_post (the integral \(\Delta t\) and p2_post_discrepancy – the non-integral.

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

property imag

Return the imag component of the data

indices(axis_name, values)

Return a string of indeces that most closely match the axis labels corresponding to values. Filter them to make sure they are unique.

inhomog_coords(direct_dim, indirect_dim, tolerance=1e-05, method='linear', plot_name=None, fl=None, debug_kwargs={})

Apply the “inhomogeneity transform,” which rotates the data by \(45^{\circ}\), and then mirrors the portion with \(t_2<0\) in order to transform from a \((t_1,t_2)\) coordinate system to a \((t_{inh},t_{homog})\) coordinate system.

  • direct_dim (str) – Label of the direct dimension (typically \(t_2\))

  • indirect_dim (str) – Label of the indirect dimension (typically \(t_1\))

  • method ('linear', 'fourier') – The interpolation method used to rotate the data and to mirror the data. Note currently, both use a fourier-based mirroring method.

  • plot_name (str) – the base name for the plots that are generated

  • fl (figlist_var) –

  • debug_kwargs (dict) –

    with keys:


    if False, doesn’t correct for the overlap error that occurs during mirroring

integrate(thisaxis, backwards=False, cumulative=False)

Performs an integration – which is similar to a sum, except that it takes the axis into account, i.e., it performs: \(\int f(x) dx\) rather than \(\sum_i f(x_i)\)

Gaussian quadrature, etc, is planned for a future version.

  • thisaxis – The dimension that you want to integrate along

  • cumulative (boolean (default False)) – Perform a cumulative integral (analogous to a cumulative sum) – e.g. for ESR.

  • backwards (boolean (default False)) – for cumulative integration – perform the integration backwards

interp(axis, axisvalues, past_bounds=None, return_func=False, **kwargs)

interpolate data values given axis values


return_func (boolean) – defaults to False. If True, it returns a function that accepts axis values and returns a data value.

invinterp(axis, values, **kwargs)

interpolate axis values given data values


like numpy item – returns a number when zero-dimensional


label the dimensions, given in listofstrings with the axis labels given in listofaxes – listofaxes must be a numpy np.array; you can pass either a dictionary or a axis name (string)/axis label (numpy np.array) pair


provide “zeros_like” and “ones_like” functionality


value (float) – 1 is “ones_like” 0 is “zeros_like”, etc.

linear_shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt, zero_fill=True)

the linear shear – see self.shear for documentation


add any dimensions to self that are not present in other

matrices_3d(also1d=False, invert=False, max_dimsize=1024, downsample_self=False)

returns X,Y,Z,x_axis,y_axis matrices X,Y,Z, are suitable for a variety of mesh plotting, etc, routines x_axis and y_axis are the x and y axes


use the mayavi surf function, assuming that we’ve already loaded mlab during initialization

mean(*args, **kwargs)

Take the mean and (optionally) set the error to the standard deviation

  • std (bool) – whether or not to return the standard deviation as an error

  • stderr (bool) – whether or not to return the standard error as an error


take the mean over all dimensions not in the list


perform the weighted mean along axisname (use \(\sigma\) from \(\sigma = `self.get_error() do generate :math:`1/\sigma\) weights) for now, it clears the error of self, though it would be easy to calculate the new error, since everything is linear

unlike other functions, this creates working objects that are themselves nddata objects this strategy is easier than coding out the raw numpy math, but probably less efficient

meshplot(stride=None, alpha=1.0, onlycolor=False, light=None, rotation=None, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, ax=None, invert=False, **kwargs)

takes both rotation and light as elevation, azimuth only use the light kwarg to generate a black and white shading display

mkd(*arg, **kwargs)

make dictionary format


args: .name(newname) –> Name the object (for storage, etc) .name() –> Return the name

nnls(dimname_list, newaxis_dict, kernel_func, l=0, default_cut=0.001, store_uncompressed_kernel=False)

Perform regularized non-negative least-squares “fit” on self.

Capable of solving for solution in 1 or 2 dimensions.

We seek to minimize \(Q = \| Ax - b \|_2 + \|\lambda x\|_2\) in order to obtain solution vector \(x\) subject to non-negativity constraint given input matrix \(A\), the kernel, and input vector \(b\), the data.

The first term assesses agreement between the fit \(Ax\) and the data \(b\), and the second term accounts for noise with the regularization parameter \(\lambda\) according to Tikhonov regularization.

To perform regularized minimization in 1 dimension, provide :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, :function:`kernel_func`, and regularization parameter l. One may set l to a :double: of the regularization parameter of choice (found, for instance, through L-curve analysis) or set l to :str:`BRD` to enable automatic selection of a regularization parameter via the BRD algorithm - namely that described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 but adapted for 1D case (DOI:10.1109/78.995059).

To perform regularized minimization in 2 dimensions, set l to :str:`BRD` and provide a tuple of parameters :str:`dimname_list`, :nddata:`newaxis_dict`, and :function:`kernel_func`. Algorithm described in Venkataramanan et al. 2002 is performed which determines optimal \(\lambda\) for the data (DOI:10.1109/78.995059). Note that setting l to a :double: for a regularization parameter is supported in this 2 dimensional should an appropriate parameter be known.

See: Wikipedia page on NNLS, Wikipedia page on Tikhonov regularization

  • dimname_list (str or tuple) –

    Name of the “data” dimension that is to be replaced by a distribution (the “fit” dimension); e.g. if you are regularizing a set of functions \(\exp(-\tau*R_1)\), then this is \(\tau\)

    If you are performing 2D regularization, then this is a tuple (pair) of 2 names

  • newaxis_dict (dict or (tuple of) nddata) –

    a dictionary whose key is the name of the “fit” dimension (\(R_1\) in the example above) and whose value is an np.array with the new axis labels.


    this can be a 1D nddata – if it has an axis, the axis will be used to create the fit axis; if it has no axis, the data will be used


    if dimname_list is a tuple of 2 dimensions indicating a 2D ILT, this should also be a tuple of 2 nddata, representing the two axes

  • kernel_func (function or tuple of functions) –

    a function giving the kernel for the regularization. The first argument is the “data” variable and the second argument is the “fit” variable (in the example above, this would be something like lambda x,y: exp(-x*y))

    For 2D, this must be a tuple or dictionary of functions – the kernel is the product of the two.

  • l (double (default 0) or str) – the regularization parameter \(lambda\) – if this is set to 0, the algorithm reverts to standard nnls. If this is set to :str:`BRD`, then automatic parameter selection is executed according to the BRD algorithm, either in 1-dimension or 2-dimensions depending on presence of tuple synax (i.e., specifying more than 1 dimension).


The regularized result. For future use, both the kernel (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_kernel”) and the residual (as an nddata, in a property called “nnls_residual”) are stored as properties of the nddata. The regularized dimension is always last (innermost).

If the tuple syntax is used to input 2 dimensions and :str:`BRD` is specified, then the individual, uncompressed kernels \(K_{1}\) and \(K_{2}\) are returned as properties of the nddata “K1” and “K2” respectively. The number of singular values used to compressed each kernel is returned in properties of the nddata called, respectively, “s1” and “s2”.

Return type:


normalize(axis, first_figure=None)
oldtimey(alpha=0.5, ax=None, linewidth=None, sclinewidth=20.0, light=True, rotation=None, invert=False, **kwargs)
pcolor(fig=None, cmap='viridis', shading='nearest', ax1=None, ax2=None, ax=None, scale_independently=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, human_units=True, force_balanced_cmap=False, handle_axis_sharing=True, mappable_list=None)

generate a pcolormesh and label it with the axis coordinate available from the nddata

  • fig (matplotlib figure object) –

  • cmap (str (default 'viridis')) – cmap to pass to matplotlib pcolormesh

  • shading (str (default 'nearest')) – the type of shading to pass to matplotlib pcolormesh

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – where do you want the left plot to go?

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – where do you want the right plot to go?

  • ax (matplotlib axes object) – if passed, this is just used for ax1

  • scale_independently (boolean (default False)) – Do you want each plot to be scaled independently? (If false, the colorbar will have the same limits for all plots)

  • handle_axis_sharing (boolean (default True)) – Typically, you want the axes to scale together when you zoom – e.g. especially when you are plotting a real and imaginary together. So, this defaults to true to do that. But sometimes, you want to get fancy and, e.g. bind the sharing of many plots together because matplotlib doesn’t let you call sharex/sharey more than once, you need then to tell it not to handle the axis sharing, and to it yourself outside this routine.

  • mappable_list (list, default []) –

    used to scale multiple plots along the same color axis. Used to make all 3x2 plots under a uniform color scale.

    List of QuadMesh objects returned by this function.


mappable_list – list of field values for scaling color axis, used to make all 3x2 plots under a uniform color scale

Return type:


phdiff(axis, return_error=True)

calculate the phase gradient (units: cyc/Δx) along axis, setting the error appropriately

For example, if axis corresponds to a time axis, the result will have units of frequency (cyc/s=Hz).

plot_labels(labels, fmt=None, **kwargs_passed)

this only works for one axis now

polyfit(axis, order=1, force_y_intercept=None)

polynomial fitting routine – return the coefficients and the fit .. note:

previously, this returned the fit data as a second argument called formult– you very infrequently want it to be in the same size as the data, though; to duplicate the old behavior, just add the line formult = mydata.eval_poly(c,'axisname').

See also


  • axis (str) – name of the axis that you want to fit along (not sure if this is currently tested for multi-dimensional data, but the idea should be that multiple fits would be returned.)

  • order (int) – the order of the polynomial to be fit

  • force_y_intercept (double or None) – force the y intercept to a particular value (e.g. 0)


c – a standard numpy np.array containing the coefficients (in ascending polynomial order)

Return type:


random_mask(axisname, threshold=0.36787944117144233, inversion=False)

generate a random mask with about ‘threshold’ of the points thrown out

property real

Return the real component of the data

register_axis(arg, nearest=None)

Interpolate the data so that the given axes are in register with a set of specified values. Does not change the spacing of the axis labels.

It finds the axis label position that is closest to the values given in arg, then interpolates (Fourier/sinc method) the data onto a new, slightly shifted, axis that passes exactly through the value given. To do this, it uses .ft_clear_startpoints() and uses .set_ft_prop() to override the “not aliased” flag.

  • arg (dict (key,value = str,double)) – A list of the dimensions that you want to place in register, and the values you want them registered to.

  • nearest (bool, optional) – Passed through to ft_clear_startpoints

rename(previous, new)
reorder(*axes, **kwargs)

Reorder the dimensions the first arguments are a list of dimensions

  • *axes (str) – Accept any number of arguments that gives the dimensions, in the order that you want thee.

  • first (bool) – (default True) Put this list of dimensions first, while False puts them last (where they then come in the order given).


run a standard numpy function on the nddata:,'axisname') will run function func (e.g. a lambda function) along axis named ‘axisname’ will run function func on the data

in general: if the result of func reduces a dimension size to 1, the ‘axisname’ dimension will be “popped” (it will not exist in the result) – if this is not what you want, use run_nopop

run_avg(thisaxisname, decimation=20, centered=False)

a simple running average

run_nopop(func, axis)
secsy_transform(direct_dim, indirect_dim, has_indirect=True, method='fourier', truncate=True)

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time.

As opposed to secsy_transform_manual, this calls on on skew, rather than directly manipulating the phase of the function, which can lead to aliasing.

  • has_indirect (bool) –

    (This option is largely specific to data loaded by acert_hdf5)

    Does the data actually have an indirect dimension? If not, assume that there is a constant echo time, that can be retrieved with .get_prop('te').

  • truncate (bool) – If this is set, register_axis <pyspecdata.axis_manipulation.register_axis> to \(t_{direct}=0\), and then throw out the data for which \(t_{direct}<0\).

  • method (str) – The shear method (linear or fourier).

secsy_transform_manual(direct_dim, indirect_dim, has_indirect=True, truncate=False)

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time. As opposed to secsy_transform, this directlly manipulates the phase of the function, rather than calling on skew.

  • has_indirect (bool) –

    (This option is largely specific to data loaded by acert_hdf5)

    Does the data actually have an indirect dimension? If not, assume that there is a constant echo time, that can be retrieved with .get_prop('te').

  • truncate (bool) – If this is set, register_axis <pyspecdata.axis_manipulation.register_axis> to \(t_{direct}=0\), and then throw out the data for which \(t_{direct}<0\).


set the errors: either

set_error(‘axisname’,error_for_axis) or set_error(error_for_data)

error_for_data can be a scalar, in which case, all the data errors are set to error_for_data


several options below – enumerate them in the documentation

set_ft_initial(axis, which_domain='t', shift=True)

set the current domain as the ‘initial’ domain, the following three respects:

  • Assume that the data is not aliased, since aliasing typically only happens as the result of an FT

  • Label the FT property initial_domain as “time-like” or “frequency-like”, which is used in rendering the axes when plotting.

  • Say whether or not we will want the FT to be shifted so that it’s center is at zero, or not.

    • More generally, this is achieved by setting the FT “start points” used to determine the windows on the periodic functions.


shift (True) – When you (i)ft away from this domain, shift

set_ft_prop(axis, propname=None, value=True)

Sets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if propname is a boolean, and value is True (the default), it’s assumed that propname is actually None, and that value is set to the propname argument (this allows us to set the FT property more easily)


set the plot color associated with this dataset to the next one in the global color cycle

Note that if you want to set the color cycle to something that’s not the matplotlib default cycle, you can modify pyspecdata.core.default_cycler in your script.


set a ‘property’ of the nddata This is where you can put all unstructured information (e.g. experimental parameters, etc)


Set data inside the current instance to that of the other instance.

Goes through the list of attributes specified in copy, and assigns them to the element of the current instance.

This is to be used:

  • for constructing classes that inherit nddata with additional methods.

  • for overwriting the current data with the result of a slicing operation


set or alter the value of the coordinate axis

Can be used in one of several ways:

  • self.setaxis('axisname', values): just sets the values

  • self.setaxis('axisname', '#'): just

    number the axis in numerically increasing order, with integers, (e.g. if you have smooshed it from a couple other dimensions.)

  • self.fromaxis('axisname',inputfunc): take the existing function,

    apply inputfunc, and replace

  • self.fromaxis(inputsymbolic): Evaluate inputsymbolic and load

    the result into the axes, appropriately

property shape
shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt, zero_fill=True, start_in_conj=False, method='linear')

Shear the data \(s\):

\(s(x',y,z) = s(x+ay,y,z)\)

where \(x\) is the altered_axis and \(y\) is the propto_axis. (Actually typically 2D, but \(z\) included just to illustrate other dimensions that aren’t involved)

  • method ({'fourier','linear'}) –


    Use the Fourier shift theorem (i.e., sinc interpolation). A shear is equivalent to the following in the conjugate domain:

    ..math: tilde{s}(f_x,f’_y,z) = tilde{s}(f_x,f_y-af_x,f_z)

    Because of this, the algorithm also automatically extend`s the data in `f_y axis. Equivalently, it increases the resolution (decreases the interval between points) in the propto_axis dimension. This prevents aliasing in the conjugate domain, which will corrupt the data w.r.t. successive transformations. It does this whether or not zero_fill is set (zero_fill only controls filling in the “current” dimension)


    Use simple linear interpolation.

  • altered_axis (str) – The coordinate for which data is altered, i.e. ..math: x such that ..math: f(x+ay,y).

  • by_amount (double) – The amount of the shear (..math: a in the previous)

  • propto_axis (str) – The shift along the altered_axis dimension is proportional to the shift along propto_axis. The position of data relative to the propto_axis is not changed. Note that by the shift theorem, in the frequency domain, an equivalent magnitude, opposite sign, shear is applied with the propto_axis and altered_axis dimensions flipped.

  • start_in_conj ({False, True}, optional) –

    Defaults to False

    For efficiency, one can replace a double (I)FT call followed by a shear call with a single shear call where start_in_conj is set.

    self before the call is given in the conjugate domain (i.e., \(f\) vs. \(t\)) along both dimensions from the one that’s desired. This means: (1) self after the function call transformed into the conjugate domain from that before the call and (2) by_amount, altered_axis, and propto_axis all refer to the shear in the conjugate domain that the data is in at the end of the function call.

smoosh(dimstocollapse, dimname=0, noaxis=False)

Collapse (smoosh) multiple dimensions into one dimension.

  • dimstocollapse (list of strings) – the dimensions you want to collapse to one result dimension

  • dimname (None, string, integer (default 0)) –

    if dimname is:

    • None: create a new (direct product) name,

    • a number: an index to the dimstocollapse list. The resulting

      smooshed dimension will be named dimstocollapse[dimname]. Because the default is the number 0, the new dimname will be the first dimname given in the list.

    • a string: the name of the resulting smooshed dimension (can be

      part of the dimstocollapse list or not)

  • noaxis (bool) – if set, then just skip calculating the axis for the new dimension, which otherwise is typically a complicated record array


  • self (nddata) – the dimensions dimstocollapse are smooshed into a single dimension, whose name is determined by dimname. The axis for the resulting, smooshed dimension is a structured np.array consisting of two fields that give the labels along the original axes.

  • ..todo:: – when we transition to axes that are stored using a slice/linspace-like format, allow for smooshing to determine a new axes that is standard (not a structured np.array) and that increases linearly.

sort(axisname, reverse=False)

For 1D data, returns a lambda function to generate a Cubic Spline.


s_multiplier (float) – If this is specified, then use a smoothing BSpline, and set “s” in scipy to the len(data)*s_multiplier


nddata_lambda – Takes one argument, which is an array corresponding to the axis coordinates, and returns an nddata.

Return type:

lambda function


squeeze singleton dimensions


return_dropped (bool (default False)) – return a list of the dimensions that were dropped as a second argument


  • self

  • return_dropped (list) – (optional, only if return_dropped is True)


calculate the sum along axes, also transforming error as needed

svd(todim, fromdim)

Singular value decomposition. Original matrix is unmodified.


Because we are planning to upgrade with axis objects, FT properties, axis errors, etc, are not transferred here. If you are using it when this note is still around, be sure to .copy_props(

Also, error, units, are not currently propagated, but could be relatively easily!


>>> U, Sigma, Vh = thisinstance.svd()

then U, Sigma, and Vh are nddata such that result in

>>> result = U @ Sigma @ Vh

will be the same as thisinstance. Note that this relies on the fact that nddata matrix multiplication doesn’t care about the ordering of the dimensions (see :method:``). The vector space that contains the singular values is called ‘SV’ (see more below).

  • fromdim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the columns of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD. (The matrix transforms from the vector space labeled by fromdim and into the vector space labeled by todim).

  • todim (str) – This dimension corresponds to the rows of the matrix that is being analyzed by SVD.


  • U (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘todim’ × ‘SV’, where the dimension ‘SV’ is the vector space of the singular values.

  • Sigma (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’. Only non-zero

  • Vh (nddata) – Has dimensions (all other dimensions) × ‘SV’ × ‘fromdim’,

to_ppm(axis='t2', freq_param='SFO1', offset_param='OFFSET')

Function that converts from Hz to ppm using Bruker parameters

  • axis (str, 't2' default) – label of the dimension you want to convert from frequency to ppm

  • freq_param (str) – name of the acquisition parameter that stores the carrier frequency for this dimension

  • offset_param (str) – name of the processing parameter that stores the offset of the ppm reference (TMS, DSS, etc.)

  • todo:: (..) –

    Figure out what the units of PHC1 in Topspin are (degrees per what??), and apply those as well.

    make this part of an inherited bruker class

unitify_axis(axis_name, is_axis=True)

this just generates an axis label with appropriate units


remove a ‘property’

want_to_prospa_decim_correct = False
waterfall(alpha=0.3, ax=None, rotation=None, color='b', edgecolor='k')
class pyspecdata.nddata_hdf5(pathstring, directory='.', mode='r')

Bases: nddata

class pyspecdata.ndshape(*args)

Bases: ndshape_base

A class for describing the shape and dimension names of nddata objects.

A main goal of this class is to allow easy generation (allocation) of new arrays – see alloc().

alloc(dtype='complex128', labels=False, format=0)

Use the shape object to allocate an empty nddata object.

  • labels – Needs documentation

  • format (0, 1, or None) – What goes in the allocated array. None uses numpy empty.


If you want to create new empty array that’s 10x3 with dimensions “x” and “y”:

>>> result = ndshape([10,3],['x','y']).alloc(format=None)

You can also do things like creating a new array based on the size of an existing array (create a new array without dimension x, but with new dimension z)

>>> myshape = ndshape(mydata)
>>> myshape.pop('x')
>>> myshape + (10,'z')
>>> result = myshape.alloc(format=None)
class pyspecdata.ndshape_base(*args)

Bases: object

The base ndshape class, which doesn’t include an allocation method.


return the number for the axis with the name “axis”


returns shape with [not in self, len 1] + [overlapping dims between arg + self] + [not in arg] –> this is better accomplished by using sets as I do in the matchdims below


remove a dimension

rename(before, after)

rename a dimension

pyspecdata.nnls_regularized(A, b, l=0, maxiter=None)

Solve math:argmin_x || Ax - b ||_2^2 + lambda^2 ||x||_2^2 for x>=0. This is a wrapper for a FORTRAN non-negative least squares solver, with regularization (added by stacking $A$ on top an identity matrix times $lambda$ and $b$ on top of a matching array of zero.

  • A (ndarray) – Matrix A as shown above.

  • b (ndarray) – Right-hand side vector.

  • l (double (default 0)) – \(lambda\) – if this is set to 0, the algorithm reverts to standard nnls (rather than stacking on top of two zero matrices for no reason)

  • maxiter (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations, optional. Default is 3 * A.shape[1].


  • x (ndarray) – Solution vector.

  • rnorm (float) – The residual, || Ax-b ||_2.


The FORTRAN code was published in the book below. The algorithm is an active set method. It solves the KKT (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) conditions for the non-negative least squares problem.

This was adapted from the source distributed with scipy – see scipy for relevant licensing.


Lawson C., Hanson R.J., (1987) Solving Least Squares Problems, SIAM

pyspecdata.orig_lsafe(*string, **kwargs)

Output properly escaped for latex

pyspecdata.pinvr(C, alpha)
pyspecdata.plot(*args, **kwargs)

The base plotting function that wraps around matplotlib to do a couple convenient things.

  • label_format_string (str) – If supplied, it formats the values of the other dimension to turn them into a label string.

  • human_units (bool) –

pyspecdata.plot_label_points(x, y, labels, **kwargs_passed)

A convenience function for getting a data directory you’re going to write data to.

Provides the full path to the directory corresponding to exp_type.

If this is the first time you’re trying to write to that exp_type, it will create the directory

pyspecdata.process_kwargs(listoftuples, kwargs, pass_through=False, as_attr=False)

This function allows dynamically processed (i.e. function definitions with **kwargs) kwargs (keyword arguments) to be dealt with in a fashion more like standard kwargs. The defaults set in listoftuples are used to process kwargs, which are then returned as a set of values (that are set to defaults as needed).

Note that having kwargs as an explicit argument avoids errors where the user forgets to pass the kwargs.

  • kwargs (**dictionary) – The keyword arguments that you want to process.

  • listoftuples (list of tuple pairs) – Tuple pairs, consisting of ('param_name',param_value), that give the default values for the various parameters.

  • pass_through (bool) – Defaults to False. If it’s true, then it’s OK not to process all the kwargs here. In that case, the used kwargs are popped out of the dictionary, and you are expected to pass the unprocessed values (in the dictionary after the call) on to subsequent processing. Importantly, you should always end with a pass_through`=`False call of this function, or by passing **kwargs to a standard function in the standard way. Otherwise it’s possible for the user to pass kwargs that are never processed!

  • as_attr (bool, object) – Defaults to False. If not False, it must be an object whose attributes are set to the value of the respective kwargs.

  • return (tuple) – It’s expected that the output is assigned to variables with the exact same names as the string in the first half of the tuples, in the exact same order. These parameters will then be set to the appropriate values.

pyspecdata.pyspec_plot(*args, **kwargs)

The base plotting function that wraps around matplotlib to do a couple convenient things.

  • label_format_string (str) – If supplied, it formats the values of the other dimension to turn them into a label string.

  • human_units (bool) –


see redim_F_to_C


the following creates a C array, reversing the apparent order of dimensions, while preserving the order in memory


reformat scientific notation in a nice latex format – used in both pdf and jupyter notebooks


this updates the dictionary at pyspecdata.load_files.postproc_lookup this is equivalent to passing newdict to the lookup keyword argument of find_file.

Remember that you only have to pass the keyword argument or call this function once per script, and the effects are persistent!

pyspecdata.render_matrix(arg, format_code='%.4g')

return latex string representing 2D matrix

pyspecdata.search_filename(searchstring, exp_type, print_result=True, unique=False)

Use regular expression searchstring to find a file inside the directory indicated by exp_type (For information on how to set up the file searching mechanism, see register_directory()).

Used to find data in a way that works seamlessly across different computers (and operating systems). The basic scheme we assume is that:

  • Laboratory data is stored on the cloud (on something like Microsoft Teams or Google Drive, etc.)

  • The user wants to seamlessly access the data on their laptop.

The .pyspecdata config file stores all the info about where the data lives + is stored locally. You have basically two options:

  • Point the source directories for the different data folders (exp_type) to a synced folder on your laptop.

  • Recommended Point the source directories to a local directory on your computer, where local copies of files are stored, and then also set up one or more remotes using rclone (which is an open source cloud access tool). * pyspecdata can automatically search all your rclone remotes when

    you try to load a file. This is obviously slow.

    • After the auto-search, it adds a line to .pyspecdata so that it knows how to find that directory in the future.

    • It will tell you when it’s searching the remotes. If you know what you’re doing, we highly recommend pressing ctrl-C and then manually adding the appropriate line to RcloneRemotes. (Once you allow it to auto-search and add a line once, the format should be obvious.)

Supports the case where data is processed both on a laboratory computer and (e.g. after transferring via ssh or a syncing client) on a user’s laptop. While it will return a default directory without any arguments, it is typically used with the keyword argument exp_type, described below.

  • searchstring (str) –

    If you don’t know what a regular expression is, you probably want to wrap your filename with re.escape(, like this: re.escape(filename), and use that for your searchstring. (Where you have to import the re module.)

    If you know what a regular expression is, pass one here, and it will find any filenames that match.

  • exp_type (str) – Since the function assumes that you have different types of experiments sorted into different directories, this argument specifies the type of experiment see getDATADIR() for more info.

  • unique (boolean (default False)) – If true, then throw an error unless only one file is found.

pyspecdata.sympy_sqrt(arg, evaluate=None)

Returns the principal square root.


evaluate (bool, optional) – The parameter determines if the expression should be evaluated. If None, its value is taken from global_parameters.evaluate.


>>> from sympy import sqrt, Symbol, S
>>> x = Symbol('x')
>>> sqrt(x)
>>> sqrt(x)**2

Note that sqrt(x**2) does not simplify to x.

>>> sqrt(x**2)

This is because the two are not equal to each other in general. For example, consider x == -1:

>>> from sympy import Eq
>>> Eq(sqrt(x**2), x).subs(x, -1)

This is because sqrt computes the principal square root, so the square may put the argument in a different branch. This identity does hold if x is positive:

>>> y = Symbol('y', positive=True)
>>> sqrt(y**2)

You can force this simplification by using the powdenest() function with the force option set to True:

>>> from sympy import powdenest
>>> sqrt(x**2)
>>> powdenest(sqrt(x**2), force=True)

To get both branches of the square root you can use the rootof function:

>>> from sympy import rootof
>>> [rootof(x**2-3,i) for i in (0,1)]
[-sqrt(3), sqrt(3)]

Although sqrt is printed, there is no sqrt function so looking for sqrt in an expression will fail:

>>> from sympy.utilities.misc import func_name
>>> func_name(sqrt(x))
>>> sqrt(x).has(sqrt)

To find sqrt look for Pow with an exponent of 1/2:

>>> (x + 1/sqrt(x)).find(lambda i: i.is_Pow and abs(i.exp) is S.Half)

See also

sympy.polys.rootoftools.rootof, root, real_root


class pyspecdata.testclass

Bases: object

pyspecdata.textlabel_bargraph(mystructarray, othersort=None, spacing=0.1, ax=None, tickfontsize=8)
pyspecdata.unmake_ndarray(array_to_conv, name_forprint='unknown')

Convert this item to an np.ndarray


returns contiguous chunks where the condition is true but, see the “contiguous” method, which is more OO