
class pyspecdata.core.nddata(*args, **kwargs)

This is the detailed API reference. For an introduction on how to use ND-Data, see the Main ND-Data Documentation.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

initialize nddata – several options. Depending on the information available, one of several formats can be used.

3 arguments:

nddata(inputarray, shape, dimlabels)


np.ndarray storing the data – note that the size is ignored and the data is reshaped as needed


a list (or np.array, etc.) giving the size of each dimension, in order


a list giving the names of each dimension, in order

2 arguments:

nddata(inputarray, dimlabels)


np.ndarray storing the data – the data is not reshaped


a list giving the names of each dimension, in order

2 arguments:

nddata(inputarray, single_dimlabel)


np.ndarray storing the data – must be 1D inputarray is also used to label the single axis


a list giving the name of the single axis

1 argument:

nddata(inputarray, shape, dimlabels)


np.ndarray storing the data – reduced to 1D A single dimension, called “INDEX” is set. This suppresses the printing of axis labels. This is used to store numbers and arrays that might have error and units, but aren’t gridded data.

keyword args

these can be used to set the labels, etc, and are passed to __my_init__()


__init__(*args, **kwargs)

initialize nddata -- several options.


Add Gaussian (box-muller) noise to the data.


This is a fundamental method used by all of the arithmetic operations.

along(dimname[, rename_redundant])

Specifies the dimension for the next matrix multiplication (represents the rows/columns).

argmax(*args, **kwargs)

find the max along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value

argmin(*axes, **kwargs)

If .argmin('axisname') find the min along a particular axis, and get rid of that axis, replacing it with the index number of the max value.


returns a 1-D axis for further manipulation


return the size (length) of an axis, by name


Return the index number for the axis with the name "axis"

cdf([normalized, max_bins])

calculate the Cumulative Distribution Function for the data along axis_name


chunk(axisin, *otherargs)

"Chunking" is defined here to be the opposite of taking a direct product, increasing the number of dimensions by the inverse of the process by which taking a direct product decreases the number of dimensions. This function chunks axisin into multiple new axes arguments.: axesout -- gives the names of the output axes shapesout -- optional -- if not given, it assumes equal length -- if given, one of the values can be -1, which is assumed length.

chunk_auto(axis_name[, which_field, dimname])

assuming that axis "axis_name" is currently labeled with a structured np.array, choose one field ("which_field") of that structured np.array to generate a new dimension Note that for now, by definition, no error is allowed on the axes.

circshift(axis, amount)

contiguous(lambdafunc[, axis, return_idx])

Return contiguous blocks that satisfy the condition given by lambdafunc


Contour plot -- kwargs are passed to the matplotlib contour function.

convolve(axisname, filterwidth[, convfunc, ...])

Perform a convolution.


Return a full copy of this instance.



Copy all properties (see get_prop()) from another nddata object -- note that these include properties pertaining the the FT status of various dimensions.



calculate covariance matrix for a 2D experiment

cropped_log([subplot_axes, magnitude])

For the purposes of plotting, this generates a copy where I take the log, spanning "magnitude" orders of magnitude.

diff(thisaxis[, backwards])

div_units(arg1[, arg2])

divide units of the data (or axis) by the units that are given, and return the multiplier as a number.


This will perform a dot product or a matrix multiplication.

eval_poly(c, axis[, inplace, npts])

Take c output (array of polynomial coefficents in ascending order) from polyfit(), and apply it along axis axis

extend(axis, extent[, fill_with, tolerance])

Extend the (domain of the) dataset and fill with a pre-set value.

extend_for_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, ...)

this is propto_axis helper function for .fourier.shear

fld(dict_in[, noscalar])

flatten dictionary -- return list

fourier_shear(altered_axis, propto_axis, ...)

the fourier shear method -- see .shear() documentation

fromaxis(*args, **kwargs)

Generate an nddata object from one of the axis labels.

ft(axes[, tolerance, cosine, verbose, unitary])

This performs a Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

ft_clear_startpoints(axis[, t, f, nearest])

Clears memory of where the origins in the time and frequency domain are.

ft_new_startpoint(axis, which_domain[, ...])

Clears (or resets) memory of where the origins of the domain is.


Return a string that lists the FT domain for the given axes.

ftshift(axis, value)

FT-based shift.


this returns the covariance matrix of the data


get a copy of the errors either set_error('axisname',error_for_axis) or set_error(error_for_data)

get_ft_prop(axis[, propname])

Gets the FT property given by propname.



return arbitrary ND-data properties (typically acquisition parameters etc.) by name (propname)

get_range(dimname, start, stop)

get raw indices that can be used to generate a slice for the start and (non-inclusive) stop





hdf5_write(h5path[, directory])

Write the nddata to an HDF5 file.


This function attempts to choose "human-readable" units for axes or y-values of the data.

ift(axes[, n, tolerance, verbose, unitary])

This performs an inverse Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

indices(axis_name, values)

Return a string of indeces that most closely match the axis labels corresponding to values.

inhomog_coords(direct_dim, indirect_dim[, ...])

Apply the "inhomogeneity transform," which rotates the data by \(45^{\circ}\), and then mirrors the portion with \(t_2<0\) in order to transform from a \((t_1,t_2)\) coordinate system to a \((t_{inh},t_{homog})\) coordinate system.

integrate(thisaxis[, backwards, cumulative])

Performs an integration -- which is similar to a sum, except that it takes the axis into account, i.e., it performs: \(\int f(x) dx\) rather than \(\sum_i f(x_i)\)

interp(axis, axisvalues[, past_bounds, ...])

interpolate data values given axis values

invinterp(axis, values, **kwargs)

interpolate axis values given data values


like numpy item -- returns a number when zero-dimensional


label the dimensions, given in listofstrings with the axis labels given in listofaxes -- listofaxes must be a numpy np.array; you can pass either a dictionary or a axis name (string)/axis label (numpy np.array) pair


provide "zeros_like" and "ones_like" functionality

linear_shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt)

the linear shear -- see self.shear for documentation


add any dimensions to self that are not present in other

matrices_3d([also1d, invert, max_dimsize, ...])

returns X,Y,Z,x_axis,y_axis matrices X,Y,Z, are suitable for a variety of mesh plotting, etc, routines x_axis and y_axis are the x and y axes



use the mayavi surf function, assuming that we've already loaded mlab during initialization

mean(*args, **kwargs)

Take the mean and (optionally) set the error to the standard deviation


take the mean over all dimensions not in the list



perform the weighted mean along axisname (use \(\sigma\) from \(\sigma = `self.get_error() do generate :math:`1/\sigma\) weights) for now, it clears the error of self, though it would be easy to calculate the new error, since everything is linear

meshplot([stride, alpha, onlycolor, light, ...])

takes both rotation and light as elevation, azimuth only use the light kwarg to generate a black and white shading display


mkd(*arg, **kwargs)

make dictionary format


args: .name(newname) --> Name the object (for storage, etc) .name() --> Return the name

nnls(dimname_list, newaxis_dict, kernel_func)

Perform regularized non-negative least-squares "fit" on self.

normalize(axis[, first_figure])

oldtimey([alpha, ax, linewidth, ...])

pcolor([fig, cmap, shading, ax1, ax2, ax, ...])

generate a pcolormesh and label it with the axis coordinate available from the nddata

phdiff(axis[, return_error])

calculate the phase gradient (units: cyc/Δx) along axis, setting the error appropriately

plot_labels(labels[, fmt])

this only works for one axis now

polyfit(axis[, order, force_y_intercept])

polynomial fitting routine -- return the coefficients and the fit .. note: previously, this returned the fit data as a second argument called formult-- you very infrequently want it to be in the same size as the data, though; to duplicate the old behavior, just add the line formult = mydata.eval_poly(c,'axisname').


random_mask(axisname[, threshold, inversion])

generate a random mask with about 'threshold' of the points thrown out

register_axis(arg[, nearest])

Interpolate the data so that the given axes are in register with a set of specified values.

rename(previous, new)

reorder(*axes, **kwargs)

Reorder the dimensions the first arguments are a list of dimensions





run a standard numpy function on the nddata:

run_avg(thisaxisname[, decimation, centered])

a simple running average

run_nopop(func, axis)


secsy_transform(direct_dim, indirect_dim[, ...])

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time.

secsy_transform_manual(direct_dim, indirect_dim)

Shift the time-domain data backwards by the echo time.


set the errors: either

set_ft_initial(axis[, which_domain, shift])

set the current domain as the 'initial' domain, the following three respects:

set_ft_prop(axis[, propname, value])

Sets the FT property given by propname.



set the plot color associated with this dataset to the next one in the global color cycle


set a 'property' of the nddata This is where you can put all unstructured information (e.g. experimental parameters, etc).


Set data inside the current instance to that of the other instance.



set or alter the value of the coordinate axis

shear(along_axis, propto_axis, shear_amnt[, ...])

Shear the data \(s\):

smoosh(dimstocollapse[, dimname, noaxis])

Collapse (smoosh) multiple dimensions into one dimension.

sort(axisname[, reverse])



For 1D data, returns a lambda function to generate a Cubic Spline.


squeeze singleton dimensions


calculate the sum along axes, also transforming error as needed


svd(todim, fromdim)

Singular value decomposition.

to_ppm([axis, freq_param, offset_param])

Function that converts from Hz to ppm using Bruker parameters

unitify_axis(axis_name[, is_axis])

this just generates an axis label with appropriate units



remove a 'property'

waterfall([alpha, ax, rotation, color, ...])



shortcut for copy


Return the angle component of the data.


Return the imag component of the data


Return the real component of the data

