pyspecdata.fourier package


pyspecdata.fourier.convolve module

pyspecdata.fourier.convolve.convolve(self, axisname, filterwidth, convfunc='gaussian', enforce_causality=True)

Perform a convolution.

  • axisname (str) – apply the convolution along axisname

  • filterwidth (double) – width of the convolution function (the units of this value are specified in the same domain as that in which the data exists when you call this function on said data)

  • convfunc (function) – A function that takes two arguments – the first are the axis coordinates and the second is filterwidth (see filterwidth). Default is a normalized Gaussian of FWHM (\(\lambda\)) filterwidth For example if you want a complex Lorentzian with filterwidth controlled by the rate \(R\), i.e. \(\frac{-1}{-i 2 \pi f - R}\) then convfunc = lambda f,R: -1./(-1j*2*pi*f-R)

  • enforce_causality (boolean (default true)) –

    make sure that the ift of the filter doesn’t get aliased to high time values.

    ”Causal” data here means data derived as the FT of time-domain data that starts at time zero – like an FID – for which real and abs parts are Hermite transform pairs.

    enforce_causality should be True for frequency-domain data whose corresponding time-domain data has a startpoint at or near zero, with no negative time values – like data derived from the FT of an IFT. In contrast, for example, if you have frequency-domain data that is entirely real (like a power spectral density) then you want to set enforce_causality to False.

    It is ignored if you call a convolution on time-domain data.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft module

pyspecdata.fourier.ft.ft(self, axes, tolerance=1e-05, cosine=False, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs a Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(\tilde{s}(f)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} s(t) e^{-i 2 \pi f t} dt\)

pre-FT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(t=0\) to the first index

post-FT, we assume that the data has previously been IFT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard fftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) – pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2.

  • automix (double) – automix can be set to the approximate frequency value. This is useful for the specific case where the data has been captured on a sampling scope, and it’s severely aliased over.

  • cosine (boolean) – yields a sum of the fft and ifft, for a cosine transform

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift module

shift-related helper functions

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.ft_clear_startpoints(self, axis, t=None, f=None, nearest=None)

Clears memory of where the origins in the time and frequency domain are. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • t (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – keyword arguments t and f can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) using the string ‘current’ to leave the current setting alone (3) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint and (4) None, which will be changed to ‘current’ when the other is set to a number or ‘reset’ if both are set to None.

  • t – see t

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.ft_new_startpoint(self, axis, which_domain, value=None, nearest=False)

Clears (or resets) memory of where the origins of the domain is. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • which_domain ("t" or "f") – time-like or frequency-like domain (can be either t,ν, or cm,cm⁻¹ or u,B₀, etc.)

  • value (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint, allowing the (I)FT to decide from scratch

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.ft_state_to_str(self, *axes)

Return a string that lists the FT domain for the given axes.

\(u\) refers to the original domain (typically time) and \(v\) refers to the FT’d domain (typically frequency) If no axes are passed as arguments, it does this for all axes.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.get_ft_prop(self, axis, propname=None)

Gets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if no propname is given, this just sets the FT property, which tells if a dimension is frequency or time domain

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.set_ft_initial(self, axis, which_domain='t', shift=True)

set the current domain as the ‘initial’ domain, the following three respects:

  • Assume that the data is not aliased, since aliasing typically only happens as the result of an FT

  • Label the FT property initial_domain as “time-like” or “frequency-like”, which is used in rendering the axes when plotting.

  • Say whether or not we will want the FT to be shifted so that it’s center is at zero, or not.

    • More generally, this is achieved by setting the FT “start points” used to determine the windows on the periodic functions.


shift (True) – When you (i)ft away from this domain, shift

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_shift.set_ft_prop(self, axis, propname=None, value=True)

Sets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if propname is a boolean, and value is True (the default), it’s assumed that propname is actually None, and that value is set to the propname argument (this allows us to set the FT property more easily)

pyspecdata.fourier.ftshift module

pyspecdata.fourier.ftshift.ftshift(self, axis, value)

FT-based shift. Currently only works in time domain.

This was previously made obsolete, but is now a demo of how to use the ft properties. It is not the most efficient way to do this.

pyspecdata.fourier.ift module

pyspecdata.fourier.ift.ift(self, axes, n=False, tolerance=1e-05, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs an inverse Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(s(t)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} \tilde{s}(f) e^{i 2 \pi f t} df\)

pre-IFT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(f=0\) to the first index

post-IFT, we assume that the data has previously been FT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard ifftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) –

    pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2. It uses the start_time ft property to determine the start of the axis. To do this, it assumes that it is a stationary signal (convolved with infinite comb function). The value of start_time can differ from by a non-integral multiple of \(\Delta t\), though the routine will check whether or not it is safe to do this.

    ..note ::

    In the code, this is controlled by p2_post (the integral \(\Delta t\) and p2_post_discrepancy – the non-integral.

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

pyspecdata.fourier.shear module

pyspecdata.fourier.shear.extend_for_shear(self, altered_axis, propto_axis, skew_amount, verbose=False)

this is propto_axis helper function for .fourier.shear

pyspecdata.fourier.shear.shear(self, altered_axis, propto_axis, by_amount, zero_fill=False, start_in_conj=False)

the fourier shear method – see .shear() documentation

Module contents

This package contains the Fourier transformation methods belonging to nddata

pyspecdata.fourier.convolve(self, axisname, filterwidth, convfunc='gaussian', enforce_causality=True)

Perform a convolution.

  • axisname (str) – apply the convolution along axisname

  • filterwidth (double) – width of the convolution function (the units of this value are specified in the same domain as that in which the data exists when you call this function on said data)

  • convfunc (function) – A function that takes two arguments – the first are the axis coordinates and the second is filterwidth (see filterwidth). Default is a normalized Gaussian of FWHM (\(\lambda\)) filterwidth For example if you want a complex Lorentzian with filterwidth controlled by the rate \(R\), i.e. \(\frac{-1}{-i 2 \pi f - R}\) then convfunc = lambda f,R: -1./(-1j*2*pi*f-R)

  • enforce_causality (boolean (default true)) –

    make sure that the ift of the filter doesn’t get aliased to high time values.

    ”Causal” data here means data derived as the FT of time-domain data that starts at time zero – like an FID – for which real and abs parts are Hermite transform pairs.

    enforce_causality should be True for frequency-domain data whose corresponding time-domain data has a startpoint at or near zero, with no negative time values – like data derived from the FT of an IFT. In contrast, for example, if you have frequency-domain data that is entirely real (like a power spectral density) then you want to set enforce_causality to False.

    It is ignored if you call a convolution on time-domain data.

pyspecdata.fourier.extend_for_shear(self, altered_axis, propto_axis, skew_amount, verbose=False)

this is propto_axis helper function for .fourier.shear

pyspecdata.fourier.ft(self, axes, tolerance=1e-05, cosine=False, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs a Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(\tilde{s}(f)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} s(t) e^{-i 2 \pi f t} dt\)

pre-FT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(t=0\) to the first index

post-FT, we assume that the data has previously been IFT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard fftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) – pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2.

  • automix (double) – automix can be set to the approximate frequency value. This is useful for the specific case where the data has been captured on a sampling scope, and it’s severely aliased over.

  • cosine (boolean) – yields a sum of the fft and ifft, for a cosine transform

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_clear_startpoints(self, axis, t=None, f=None, nearest=None)

Clears memory of where the origins in the time and frequency domain are. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • t (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – keyword arguments t and f can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) using the string ‘current’ to leave the current setting alone (3) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint and (4) None, which will be changed to ‘current’ when the other is set to a number or ‘reset’ if both are set to None.

  • t – see t

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_new_startpoint(self, axis, which_domain, value=None, nearest=False)

Clears (or resets) memory of where the origins of the domain is. This is useful, e.g. when you want to ift and center about time=0. By setting shift=True you can also manually set the points.

  • which_domain ("t" or "f") – time-like or frequency-like domain (can be either t,ν, or cm,cm⁻¹ or u,B₀, etc.)

  • value (float, 'current', 'reset', or None) – can be set by (1) manually setting the start point (2) ‘reset’, which clears the startpoint, allowing the (I)FT to decide from scratch

  • nearest (bool) –

    Shifting the startpoint can only be done by an integral number of datapoints (i.e. an integral number of dwell times, dt, in the time domain or integral number of df in the frequency domain). While it is possible to shift by a non-integral number of datapoints, this is done by applying a phase-dependent shift in the inverse domain. Applying such a axis-dependent shift can have vary unexpected effects if the data in the inverse domain is aliased, and is therefore heavily discouraged. (For example, consider what happens if we attempt to apply a frequency-dependent phase shift to data where a peak at 110 Hz is aliased and appears at the 10 Hz position.)

    Setting nearest to True will choose a startpoint at the closest integral datapoint to what you have specified.

    Setting nearest to False will explicitly override the safeties – essentially telling the code that you know the data is not aliased in the inverse domain and/or are willing to deal with the consequences.

pyspecdata.fourier.ft_state_to_str(self, *axes)

Return a string that lists the FT domain for the given axes.

\(u\) refers to the original domain (typically time) and \(v\) refers to the FT’d domain (typically frequency) If no axes are passed as arguments, it does this for all axes.

pyspecdata.fourier.ftshift(self, axis, value)

FT-based shift. Currently only works in time domain.

This was previously made obsolete, but is now a demo of how to use the ft properties. It is not the most efficient way to do this.

pyspecdata.fourier.get_ft_prop(self, axis, propname=None)

Gets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if no propname is given, this just sets the FT property, which tells if a dimension is frequency or time domain

pyspecdata.fourier.ift(self, axes, n=False, tolerance=1e-05, verbose=False, unitary=None, **kwargs)

This performs an inverse Fourier transform along the axes identified by the string or list of strings axes.

It adjusts normalization and units so that the result conforms to

\(s(t)=\int_{x_{min}}^{x_{max}} \tilde{s}(f) e^{i 2 \pi f t} df\)

pre-IFT, we use the axis to cyclically permute \(f=0\) to the first index

post-IFT, we assume that the data has previously been FT’d If this is the case, passing shift=True will cause an error If this is not the case, passing shift=True generates a standard ifftshift shift=None will choose True, if and only if this is not the case

  • pad (int or boolean) –

    pad specifies a zero-filling. If it’s a number, then it gives the length of the zero-filled dimension. If it is just True, then the size of the dimension is determined by rounding the dimension size up to the nearest integral power of 2. It uses the start_time ft property to determine the start of the axis. To do this, it assumes that it is a stationary signal (convolved with infinite comb function). The value of start_time can differ from by a non-integral multiple of \(\Delta t\), though the routine will check whether or not it is safe to do this.

    ..note ::

    In the code, this is controlled by p2_post (the integral \(\Delta t\) and p2_post_discrepancy – the non-integral.

  • unitary (boolean (None)) – return a result that is vector-unitary

pyspecdata.fourier.set_ft_prop(self, axis, propname=None, value=True)

Sets the FT property given by propname. For both setting and getting, None is equivalent to an unset value if propname is a boolean, and value is True (the default), it’s assumed that propname is actually None, and that value is set to the propname argument (this allows us to set the FT property more easily)

pyspecdata.fourier.shear(self, altered_axis, propto_axis, by_amount, zero_fill=False, start_in_conj=False)

the fourier shear method – see .shear() documentation