Congrats to Warren for passing his second year qualifying exam!
Alec Beaton successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats and good luck at Bruker!
Lab PI J.M. Franck awarded NSF CAREER award
“Spin Dynamics Measurements of Site-to-Site Variations in Hydration Water at Soft Nanoscale Interfaces” (2146270).
This funding will allow us to explore patches and pockets of water on the surface of proteins and materials and to learn how to tap into the chemical energy available from the hydration layer!
Welcome to our new lab website.
For more information, you can also see
John’s Faculty Page
John and Songi Han’s invited review article titled “Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization for the study
of hydration dynamics, explained” is accepted for publication in Methods in Enzymology.
UG Michelle Sahagian joins the Franck lab.
Our exciting and collaboration with the Maye group results in a first publication titled
Understanding the Surface Properties of Halide Exchanged Cesium Lead Halide Nanoparticles
UG Soliloquy Rhodes joins the growing Franck lab.
Graduate Students Alec Beaton and Samantha Betts join the Franck lab.
John presents an invited talk titled “Advancing Liquid-State Overhauser DNP Interpretation and Instrumentation” at the
2017 Joint SPP1601/SharedEPR conference held in New Paltz, NY.
John presents talk titled “Liquid-State Overhauser DNP Interpretation” at the 2017 ISMAR (International Society of Magnetic Resonance) conference held in Québec city.
The Franck Lab is completed and our magnets arrive.

We thank Prof. Scholes (U Albany) for his donation of an extra electromagnet and microwave hardware!
Heta Desai joins the Franck lab over the summer as an REU student
Freshman Eldon Hard joins the Franck lab.
Congrats to Warren for passing his second year qualifying exam!
Alec Beaton successfully defended his PhD thesis! Congrats and good luck at Bruker!
Lab PI J.M. Franck awarded NSF CAREER award “Spin Dynamics Measurements of Site-to-Site Variations in Hydration Water at Soft Nanoscale Interfaces” (2146270). This funding will allow us to explore patches and pockets of water on the surface of proteins and materials and to learn how to tap into the chemical energy available from the hydration layer!
Welcome to our new lab website.
For more information, you can also see John’s Faculty Page
John and Songi Han’s invited review article titled “Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization for the study of hydration dynamics, explained” is accepted for publication in Methods in Enzymology.
UG Michelle Sahagian joins the Franck lab.
Our exciting and collaboration with the Maye group results in a first publication titled Understanding the Surface Properties of Halide Exchanged Cesium Lead Halide Nanoparticles
UG Soliloquy Rhodes joins the growing Franck lab.
Graduate Students Alec Beaton and Samantha Betts join the Franck lab.
John presents an invited talk titled “Advancing Liquid-State Overhauser DNP Interpretation and Instrumentation” at the 2017 Joint SPP1601/SharedEPR conference held in New Paltz, NY.
John presents talk titled “Liquid-State Overhauser DNP Interpretation” at the 2017 ISMAR (International Society of Magnetic Resonance) conference held in Québec city.
The Franck Lab is completed and our magnets arrive.
We thank Prof. Scholes (U Albany) for his donation of an extra electromagnet and microwave hardware!
Heta Desai joins the Franck lab over the summer as an REU student
Freshman Eldon Hard joins the Franck lab.
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