Unevenly spaced dataΒΆ

Basic demonstration of pcolor, which can deal with unevenly spaced data


Right now, we just do this with real/imaginary, but in principal, it should be easily possible to extend this to use domain coloring (and to use it in the main DCCT method)

  • colorscales independent -- small data, (real), (imag)
  • colorscales independent -- large data, (real), (imag)
  • colorscales independent, (real), (imag), (real), (imag)
  • re/im dependent, but two rows independent, (real), (imag), (real), (imag)
  • colorscales dependent -- large second, (real), (imag), (real), (imag)
  • colorscales dependent -- large first, (real), (imag), (real), (imag)
  • manually set vmin/vmax -- large second, (real), (imag), (real), (imag)
import pyspecdata as psp
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from numpy import r_

def new_figure_and_grid():
    fig = plt.figure()
    gs = plt.GridSpec(2, 2, hspace=0.5)
    ax_list = []
    for j in range(2):
        for k in range(2):
            ax_list.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[j, k]))
    return ax_list

run_to_checkpoint = 7  # allows us to run to different checkpoints.  If
#                       everything is working correctly, this should go up to 5

x = psp.nddata(r_[-5, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 5], "x")
y = psp.nddata(3 * r_[-5, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 5], "y")
z1 = plt.exp(-((y - 2) ** 2) - (x - 0) ** 2 / 2) + 1j * x
z2 = 10 * z1
# {{{ plot the smaller data
plt.suptitle("colorscales independent -- small data")
mpbl = z1.pcolor(scale_independently=True)
# }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 1:
    # {{{ plot the larger data
    plt.suptitle("colorscales independent -- large data")
    mpbl = z2.pcolor(scale_independently=True, mappable_list=[])
    # }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 2:
    # {{{ independent
    ax_list = new_figure_and_grid()
    plt.suptitle("colorscales independent")
    z1.pcolor(scale_independently=True, ax1=ax_list[0], ax2=ax_list[1])
    mpbl = z2.pcolor(scale_independently=True, ax1=ax_list[2], ax2=ax_list[3])
    # }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 3:
    # {{{ independent rows, dependent columns
    ax_list = new_figure_and_grid()
    plt.suptitle("re/im dependent, but two rows independent")
    z1.pcolor(ax1=ax_list[0], ax2=ax_list[1])
    z2.pcolor(ax1=ax_list[2], ax2=ax_list[3])
    # }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 4:
    # {{{ small first, then large
    ax_list = new_figure_and_grid()
    plt.suptitle("colorscales dependent -- large second")
    mpbl = z1.pcolor(ax1=ax_list[0], ax2=ax_list[1])
    mpbl = z2.pcolor(mappable_list=mpbl, ax1=ax_list[2], ax2=ax_list[3])
    # }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 5:
    # {{{ large in first row, then small in second row
    ax_list = new_figure_and_grid()
    plt.suptitle("colorscales dependent -- large first")
    mpbl = z2.pcolor(ax1=ax_list[0], ax2=ax_list[1])
    z1.pcolor(mappable_list=mpbl, ax1=ax_list[2], ax2=ax_list[3])
    # }}}
if run_to_checkpoint > 6:
    # {{{ manually set vmin and vmax
    ax_list = new_figure_and_grid()
    plt.suptitle("manually set vmin/vmax -- large second")
    # }}}

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 4.181 seconds)

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